Course Info
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Iram Mushtaq P.hD Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Course Contents
Format of Student Laboratory Records, Format of Student Laboratory Records 2, The Ten Commandments of Record Keeping, The Ten Commandments of Record Keeping 2, Record Keeping and Safety Rules, Record Keeping and Safety Rules 2, Record Keeping and Safety Rules 3, The Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace: Measuring Volumes, The Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace: Measuring Volumes using Pipettes, The Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace: Measuring Volumes using Micro pipettes, The Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace: Measuring Volumes using Micro pipettes 2, Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace: Making Solutions, Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace: Solutions: Mass/Volume Concentration, Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace: Solutions of Differing % Mass/Volume Concentrations, Solutions of differing Molar Concentrations, Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace: Solutions; Parallel dilution of Existing Stock solution, Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace: Solutions; Serial dilution of Existing Stock solution, Aseptic Techniques: Introduction, Aseptic Techniques: Purpose, Aseptic Techniques: Types, Aseptic Technique & Establishing Pure Cultures: Introduction, Aseptic Technique & Establishing Pure Cultures: Reagents and Supplies, Aseptic Technique & Establishing Pure Cultures: Equipment, Aseptic Technique & Establishing Pure Cultures: Streak Plate, Aseptic Technique & Establishing Pure Cultures: Culture transfer, The Growth Curve: Introduction, The Growth Curve: Reagents and Supplies, The Growth Curve: Equipment, The Growth Curve: Procedure, The Growth Curve: Cell count using hemocytometer, The Growth Curve: Spectrophotometer, The Growth Curve: Spectrophotometer Types and Procedure, Preparation of the Culture Media: Introduction, Preparation of culture Media: Reagents and Supplies, Preparation of culture Media: Equipment, Preparation of Culture media: Preparation of YEPD (Complex) medium, Preparation of Culture Media: Preparation of YNB (Defined medium), DNA Isolation Methods: Preparation of Total Cell DNA, Isolation of Plasmid DNA: The Mini-Prep: Introduction, Isolation of Plasmid DNA: The Mini-Prep: Reagents and Supplies, Isolation of Plasmid DNA: The Mini-Prep: Equipment, Isolation of Plasmid DNA: The Mini-Prep: Procedure, Purification of DNA: Introduction, Purification of Plasmid DNA by solvent extraction: Reagents, supplies and equipment, Purification of Plasmid DNA by solvent extraction: Procedure, Concentration of Plasmid DNA: Reagents, supplies and equipment, Concentration of Plasmid DNA: Procedure, Quantitation of DNA: Reagents, supplies and equipment, Quantitation of DNA: Procedure (UV absorption), Quantitation of DNA: Procedure (Etbr Fluorescence), Large Scale Isolation of Plasmid DNA (Column chromatography): Introduction, Large Scale Isolation of Plasmid DNA (Column chromatography): Ion Exchange Chromatography, Large Scale Isolation of Plasmid DNA (Column chromatography): Reagents/Supplies, Large Scale Isolation of Plasmid DNA (Column chromatography): Equipment, Large Scale Isolation of Plasmid DNA (Column chromatography): Procedure, Large Scale Isolation of Plasmid DNA (Column chromatography): CsCl Density gradient, Amplification of a gene by (PCR): Introduction, Amplification of a gene by (PCR): Parameters that affect PCR, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Thermostable DNA Polymerases, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Programming a PCR, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Selecting PCR Primers, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Properties of Oligonucleotides and efficiency of amplification, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Calculating melting temperature ™, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Contamination in PCR, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Reagents and Supplies, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Procedure, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Troubleshooting the amplification, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Troubleshooting major problems that occur in PCR, Amplification of Gene Fragment by PCR: Purification of PCR Products in Preparation for Cloning, Purification of PCR products: Reagents, Supplies and Equipment, Purification of PCR products: Procedure, Removal of Primers and Excess dNTPs from Amplified DNA by Ultracentrifugation: Introduction, Removal of Primers and Excess dNTPs from Amplified DNA by Ultracentrifugation: Reagents, supplies and Equipment, Removal of Primers and Excess dNTPs from Amplified DNA by Ultracentrifugation: Procedure, Amplification of Gene fragment by PCR: Types of PCR, Gel Electrophoresis: Introduction, Agarose Gel electrophoresis: Agarose, Agarose Gel electrophoresis: The rate of migration of DNA through agarose gels, Agarose Gel electrophoresis: Electrophoresis Buffers, Gel electrophoresis: Gel Loading Buffer, Agarose Gel electrophoresis: Reagents, Supplies and Equipment, Agarose Gel electrophoresis: Procedure, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis: Detection of DNA in Agarose gel, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis: Staining with Sybr Gold, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis: Photography of DNA in Gel, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis: Recovery of DNA from Low-melting-temperature Agarose Gels Organic Extraction, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis: Reagents and supplies Recovery of DNA from Low-melting-temperature Agarose Gels Organic Extraction, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis: Procedure Reagents and supplies Recovery of DNA from Low-melting-temperature Agarose Gels Organic Extraction, Southern Hybridization: Introduction, Southern Hybridization: Methods to transfer DNA from Agarose gel to solid support, Southern Hybridization: Membranes used for Southern and Northern blotting, Southern Hybridization: Capillary transfer method Southern Blot, Southern Hybridization: Restriction digestion of DNA for southern, Southern Hybridization: Restriction digestion [Problems and Solutions], Southern Hybridization: Reagents and Supplies, Southern Hybridization: Procedure [Digestion & Electrophoresis], Southern Hybridization: Preparation of gel for transfer, Southern Hybridization: Preparation of membrane for transfer, Southern hybridization: Apparatus assembly for DNA transfer, Southern Hybridization: Fixation of DNA to membrane, Southern Hybridization: Southern blot: hybridization of radiolabeled probe to nucleic acids, Probe hybridization to Nucleic Acids: Reagents and Supplies, Probe hybridization to Nucleic Acids: Hybridization solutions for different buffers, Probe hybridization to Nucleic Acids: Salmon Sperm DNA, Probe hybridization to Nucleic Acids: Special Equipment, Probe hybridization to Nucleic Acids: Procedure, Probe hybridization to Nucleic Acids: Stripping Probes from Membranes, Southern Hybridization: Method: Stripping Probes from Membranes, Southern Hybridization: Method: Stripping Probes (Nylon Membrane), Southern Hybridization: Probe synthesis: Nick Translation radioactive labeling, Southern Hybridization: Probe synthesis: End filling radioactive labeling, Southern Hybridization: Probe synthesis: Random primed radioactive labeling, Random Priming; Radiolabeling of DNA: Introduction, Random Priming; Radiolabeling of DNA: Reagents and Supplies, Random Priming; Radiolabeling of DNA: Procedure, Purification of RNA from Cells & Tissues: Introduction, Purification of RNA from Cells & Tissues: Reagents & Supplies (Acid Phenol-Guanidinium Thiocyanate-Chloroform Extraction), Purification of RNA from Cells & Tissues: Procedure, Purification of RNA from Cells & Tissues: Procedure_2, Purification of RNA from Cells & Tissues: Procedure_3, Purification of RNA from Cells & Tissues: Procedure [Extraction of RNA from Homogenates], Purification of RNA from Cells & Tissues: Storage of RNA, Simultaneous Preparation of DNA, RNA, & Protein: Introduction, Simultaneous Preparation of DNA, RNA, & Protein: Reagents & Supplies, Simultaneous Preparation of DNA, RNA, & Protein: Procedure, Simultaneous Preparation of DNA, RNA, & Protein: Procedure_2, Simultaneous Preparation of DNA, RNA, & Protein: Procedure_3, Simultaneous Preparation of DNA, RNA, & Protein: Procedure_4, Purification of Poly A RNA: Introduction, Purification of Poly A RNA: Reagents & Supplies, Purification of Poly A RNA: Procedure, Purification of Poly A RNA: Further Purification of Eluted RNA, Northern Hybridization: Introduction, Electrophoresis [Glyoxylated RNA]: Introduction, Electrophoresis [Glyoxylated RNA]: Reagents and supplies, Electrophoresis [Glyoxylated RNA]: Procedure, Quality of RNA: How to check quality of RNA preparation, Gel Electrophoresis [Formaldehyde]: Introduction, Gel Electrophoresis [Formaldehyde]: Reagents and supplies, Gel Electrophoresis [Formaldehyde]: Procedure, Transfer and Fixation of Denatured RNA to membrane Introduction (1), Reagents and Supplies for transfer and fixation of denatured RNA, Procedure Transfer and Fixation of denatured RNA, Procedure Assembly of the transfer system, Procedure Staining of RNA and fixation of RNA on membrane, Northern Blotting introduction, Reagents and Supplies for Northern blotting, Northern blotting: Procedure, Protein assay Introduction Biuret, Reagents and Supplies for Biuret, Procedure biuret assay, Protein assay Introduction Lowry, Reagents and Supplies for Lowry assay, Procedure Lowry assay, Bradford protein assay, Reagents and Supplies Bradford protein assay, Procedure Bradford assay, Protein Purification from Inclusion bodies: Introduction, Protein Purification from Inclusion bodies: Reagents and Supplies, Purification of Proteins: Procedure (Preparation of cell Extract), Purification of Proteins: Procedure (Purification and washing of inclusion bodies), Purification of Proteins: Procedure (Purification and washing of inclusion bodies) 1, Purification of Proteins: Procedure (Solubilization of Inclusion Bodies), Protein Isolation from Animal Tissues: Introduction, Protein Purification from Animal Tissues: Reagents and Supplies, Protein Extraction from Animal Tissues: Procedure, Precipitation with Ammonium Sulfate: Introduction, Precipitation with Ammonium sulfate: Reagents & Supplies, Precipitation with Ammonium sulfate: Procedure, SDS-PAGE: Introduction, SDS-PAGE: Reagents & Supplies, SDS-PAGE: Reagents & Supplies 2, SDS-PAGE: Procedure, SDS-PAGE: Procedure 2, SDS-PAGE: Procedure Staining, Western Blotting: Introduction, Transfer of protein to membrane: Procedure, Transfer of protein to membrane: Procedure2, PROBE FOR WESTERN BLOT: Reagents & Supplies, Immunoblotting: Procedure, ELISA: Introduction, ELISA: Types of ELISA, ELISA: Sandwich ELISA, ELISA: COMPETITION OR INHIBITION ELISA, ELISA: Reagents & Supplies, ELISA: Procedure, ELISA RESULTS: Results, Microarray: Introduction, MICROARRAY: Types of Microarray, Microarray: Reagents & Supplies, Microarray: Procedure, Transgenic Mouse (TM) Preparation: Introduction, Transgenic Mouse (TM) Preparation: Reagents & Supplies, Transgenic Mouse (TM) Preparation: Animals and Drugs, Transgenic Mouse (TM) Preparation:Procedure Egg collection, Transgenic Mouse (TM) Preparation:Procedure Egg collection 2, Transgenic Mouse (TM) Preparation:Procedure;Injection of eggs, Transgenic Mouse (TM) Preparation:Procedure;Implanting Eggs in Foster Mothers, DNA Sequencing:Introduction, DNA Sequencing:Types of DNA Sequencing, DNA Sequencing:The Chemical Method of DNA Sequencing, Preparing template for ddNTP Sequencing:Introduction, Preparing template for ddNTP Sequencing:Reagents & Supplies, Preparing template for ddNTP Sequencing:Procedure, ddNTP Sequencing; Taq DNA Polymerase:Introduction, ddNTP Sequencing; Taq DNA Polymerase:Reagents & Supplies, Preparing template for ddNTP Sequencing:Procedure 2, ddNTP sequencing using Sequenase:Introduction, ddNTP Sequencing; Sequenase:Reagents & Supplies, Preparing template for ddNTP Sequencing:Procedure(Sequenase), ddNTP sequencing; Klenow fragment:Introduction, ddNTP Sequencing; Taq DNA Polymerase:Reagents & Supplies 2, ddNTP Sequencing; Klenow:Procedure, ddNTP (Cycle) Sequencing:Introduction(Using PCRand End-labeled Primers), ddNTP (Cycle) Sequencing:Introduction;Advantage, ddNTP (Cycle) Sequencing:Reagents & Supplies, ddNTP Cycle Sequencing:Procedure, Chemical Sequencing:Introduction, Chemical Sequencing:Reagents & Supplies, Chemical Sequencing:Procedure, Cell Culture:Introduction, Cell Lines:Introduction Cell Lines, Cell Culture types:Introduction, When to Subculture:Introduction, Cell Culture:Equipment, Cell Culture:Laboratory, Cell Culture:Cell culture Hood Layout, Cell Culture:Laboratory III, Cell Culture:Laboratory IV, Trypsinizing and Subculturing:Trypsinizing and subculturing cells from a monolayer, Trypsinizing and Subculturing:Procedure:Trypsinizing and subculturing cells from a monolayer, Cell Passage:Passaging cells in Suspension Culture, Freezing Human Cell:Freezing Human cells grown in monolayer cultures, Suspension Culture:FREEZING CELLS GROWN IN SUSPENSION CULTURE, Thaw and Recovery:Thawing and recovering human cells, Thaw and Recovery:Procedure, HEMOCYTOMETER AND TRYPAN BLUE STAINING:DETERMINING CELL NUMBER AND VIABILITY, Cell Transport:PREPARING CELLS FOR TRANSPORT, siRNA [Small interfering RNA]:Introduction, siRNA: Where do they come from?, siRNA:siRNA designing, siRNA:Mechanism, siRNA:Applications.