CS201 : Introduction to Programming

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Course Info

Course Category

Computer Science/Information Technology

Course Level


Credit Hours





Dr. Naveed A. Malik
ScD Electrical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Course Contents

Introduction, Software Categories / History of C / IDE, Starting to C, Expressions and Operators, Decisions, Repetition Structures, Loops and Operators, Switch Statement, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Strings, String Manipulation Functions, File Handling, Structures, Bit Manipulation, Pre-processor Directives and Macros, Dynamic Memory Allocation using C, Structured Programming, Classes and Objects, Memory Allocation in C++, Friend Functions, Reference Data Type, Arrays of Objects, Streams, Stream Manipulation, Overloading Insertion and Extraction Operators, User Defined Manipulators, Copy Constructor & Assignment Operator, Template Functions, Template Classes