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Computer Science/Information Technology
> CS311
Introduction to Web Services Development
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Course Info
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Computer Science/Information Technology
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Syed Nauman Ali Shah
MS in Computing
NUS (National University of Singapore)
Course Contents
DTD - Demo Example DTD - Demo 2 Example XML Schema XML on the Server XML on the Server Continued What is XML DOM? Loading an XML File Loading an XML String XML DOM Nodes The XML Http Request Object XMLHttpRequest Properties and Methods XML DOM - Accessing Nodes XML DOM - Node Types XML DOM - Traversing Nodes XML DOM - Navigating Nodes Relationship XML DOM - Node Information XML DOM - Node Value Property XML DOM - Change the value of an element XML DOM - Node List XML DOM - DOM Attribute List XML DOM - Traverse Node Back XML DOM - Browsers Differences in DOM Parsing XML DOM - Navigating Nodes XML DOM - Avoiding Empty Text Nodes XML DOM - Operations on Nodes XML DOM - Get Value of an Attribute XML DOM - Change Node Values XML DOM - Change Value of Attribute XML DOM - Change an Attribute using nodeValue XML DOM - Remove Nodes XML DOM - Remove Myself XML DOM - Remove a Text Node XML DOM - Clear a Text Node XML DOM - Remove an Attribute Node by Name XML DOM - Remove an Attribute Node by Object XML DOM - Replace Nodes XML DOM - Replace Data in a Text Node XML DOM - Use the nodeValue Property Instead XML DOM - Create Nodes XML DOM - Create a New Attribute Node XML DOM - Create an Attribute Using setAttribute() XML DOM - Create a CDATA Section Node XML DOM - Create a Comment Node XML DOM - Add Nodes XML DOM - Method appendChild() XML DOM - Insert a Node XML DOM - Add New Attribute XML DOM - Clone Nodes Introduction to JAXP JAXP - Overview of Packages Simple API for XML - SAX API SAX API - Error Handling DOM API DOM API - Demo 1 DOM API - Demo 2 DOM API - Demo 3 DOM API - Demo 4 SAX Parser SAX API - Demo SAX API - Read UTF-8 File JDOM API JDOM Parser JDOM API - Demo Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) JAXB - Binding Process JAXB - More About Un-marshalling JAXB - Basics JAXB - Demo Marshalling JAXB - Demo Un-marshalling JAXB - How to convert properties file into XML file using Java Servlet - Basics Servlet - Basic Severlet Structure Servlet - Life cycle of Severlet Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The init() Method Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The service() Method Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The doGet() Method Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The doPost() Method Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The doHead() Method Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The doPut() Method Developing First Servlet - Example Create a Servlet Create the deployment descriptor (web.xml) Start the Server and deploy the project Deploy the application in Tomcat Demo Servlets via HTTPServlet Demo Servlets via GenericServlet Demo Servlets via Servlet Interface How Servlet Works? Request Dispatcher in Servlet Servlet Context Interface Servlet Context Interface Methods Session Tracking in Servlet Request Dispatcher - Demo SendRedirect in servlet SendRedirect - Demo Cookies in Servlet Cookies in Servlet - Cookie Class Cookies: Servlet Login and Logout - Demo Hidden Form Fields URL Rewriting URL Rewriting - Demo HTTPSession interface Sessions: Servlet Login and Logout - Demo Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) JDBC Driver JDBC - Network Protocol Driver Five steps to connect to the database in Java Example to connect to MySQL database JDBC Classes JDBC Classes - Statement Interface Web Services Web Services - Summary Web Services Example Why Web Services? Web Services - Characteristics Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) Web Services Components Detail SOAP - Introduction Web Services - Architecture Web Services Protocol Stack RESTful Web Services Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Web Services - Components Web Services Components - WSDL Java Web Services JAX - WS Java Web Services - Implementation Java Web Services - SOAP vs RESTful designs Java Web Services - Building web services Java Web Services - Building service client Java Web Services - Creating service web client Java Web Services - Building RESTful web services Java Web Services - Anatomy of a RESTful service Java Web Services - Create RESTful in Eclipse Java Web Services - Create RESTful client