CS401 : Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming

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Course Info

Course Category

Computer Science/Information Technology

Course Level


Credit Hours



CS101 , CS201


Mr. Belal Muhammad Hashmi
B.Sc. (Electrical Engineering)
UET, Lahore.

Course Contents

Introduction to Assembly Language 1 Introduction to Assembly Language 2 Introduction to Assembly Language 3 Segmented Memory Model Data Declaration and Direct Addressing Indirect Addressing Addressing Modes Branching Unconditional jumps and relative addressing Bit Manipulations Multiplication in Assembly Language Bitwise Logical Operations and Masking Operations Subroutines Stack and its Operations Parameter Passing Through Stack and Local Variables Display Memory Display Memory and Number Printing in Assembly Screen Location Calculation Clearing the Screen and String Printing Screen Scrolling and string Comparison (Continue) Screen Scrolling and string Comparison Interrupts Handling BIOS and DOS Interrupts Hardware Interrupts Ports Interrupt Chaining and Terminate and Stay Resident Programmable Interval Timer and Parallel Port Debugger using single step interrupt Debugger using single step interrupt 2 Concepts of Multitasking Multitasking Kernel as TSR Concepts of Multitasking-II BIOS Video Services DOS Video Services 2 Storage Access Using BIOS Storage Access using DOS Device Drivers Serial port programming Protected Mode Code and Data Segment Descriptor 32bit Programming VESA Linear Frame Buffer Interrupt Handling Interfacing with High level languages Comparison with other processor