CS501 : Advance Computer Architecture

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Course Info

Course Category

Computer Science/Information Technology

Course Level


Credit Hours





Dr. Noor. M. Sheikh
PhD Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore

Course Contents

Introduction Instruction Set Architecture Measurement of performance and Introduction to SRC Processor ISA and Instruction Formats Reverse assembly and Description of SRC in RTL RTL Using Digital Logic Circuits Design Process for ISA of FALCON-A ISA of FALCON-A (contd..) Description of FALCON-A and EAGLE using RTL FALCON-E and ISA Comparison CISC and RISC Architectures CPU Design Structural RTL Description of the FALCON-A External FALCON-A CPU Logic Design and Control Signals Generation in SRC Control Unit Design Machine Reset and Machine Exceptions Pipelining Pipelined SRC Hazards in Pipelining Data forwarding and Instruction Level Parallelism Micro Programming I/O Subsystems Designing Parallel Input and Output Ports Input Output Interface Programmed I/O Interrupt Driven I/O Interrupt Hardware and Software FALSIM Interrupt Priority and Nested Interrupts Direct Memory Access (DMA) Magnetic Disk Drives Error Control and RAID Number Systems and Radix Conversion Multiplication and Division of Integers Floating-Point Arithmetic Components of Memory Systems Memory Modules The Cache Virtual Memory Numerical Examples of DRAM and Cache Performance of I/O Subsystems Networks Communication Medium and Network Topologies