CS606 : Compiler Construction

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Course Info

Course Category

Computer Science/Information Technology

Course Level


Credit Hours





Dr. Sohail Aslam (Late)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Course Contents

Introduction Passes of a Compiler Passes of a Compiler Passes of a Compiler Lexical Analysis Specification of Tokens Recognition of Tokens NFA To DFA DFA State Minimization, Lex Lex, Parsing CFG, Derivations CFG, Ambiguity, Precedence Top-down Parsing Predictive Parsing Recursive Descent Parsing LL Parsing LL Parsing LL Parsing LL Parsing Table Construction, Left Factoring Bottom-up Parsing Shift-Reduce Parsing Shift-Reduce Parsing: Finding Handles LR(1) Parsing LR(1) Parsing LR(1) Parsing LR(1) Canonical Collection of Items LR(1) Parsing Table Construction LR(1) Parsing, Shift-Reduce Conflicts LALR Parsing Parser Generators - YACC Sematic Analysis Attribute Grammars Ad-hoc scheme for attribute grammars Ad-hoc scheme, Intermediate Representation (IR) Intermediate Representation taxonomy Syntax-directed translation: assignment statement Syntax-directed translation: control flow statement Syntax-directed translation: Boolean expression Syntax-directed translation: back patching Syntax-directed translation: back patching, type checking Code Generation Code Generation Code Generation: Basic Blocks Code Generation: Register Allocation Code Optimization Assignment on Emerging Trends Pre-Assessment