CS713 : Object Oriented DBMS

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Course Info

Course Category

Computer Science/Information Technology

Course Level


Credit Hours





Dr. Nayyer Masood Dar
Ph.D Computer Science
University of Bradford, UK

Course Contents

The need of Object-Oriented databases, History of Data Models, ER Data Model, Enhanced ER Data Model, Main Reasons for OODBMS, Review the features of Object-Oriented, Object Identity (OID), Complex Objects, Relationships between Objects, Mapping classes to Relations, The Basic Theme of OODBMS, Design Techniques for OODBMS, Extension Techniques in RDBMS, Extended Relational Data Model DBMS, POSTGRES, STARBURST, Complex Objects, Structure of Objects, Object Relational Systems, Object/Relational Systems, Open ODB, ILLUSTRA, ILLUSTRA DBMS, OODBMS Implementation of Data Model, Functional Data Model, OODBMS Manifesto, OODBMS Perspectives, Pointer Swizzling Techniques, Persistence, Issues in OODBMS, Schema Consistency, OODBMS Architectures, Benchmarking, OODBMS Standards, Object Data Management Group (ODMG), Object Management Group (OMG), Specification and Implementation, Inheritance of State, ODMG Objects, ODL Interface, ODMG Object Collections, Structured Objects, OODBMS Standards, Locking and Concurrency Control, Database Concurrency, ODMG, Transaction Model, Database Operations, Object Specification Languages, Object Definition Language, Object Interchange Format (OIF), ODMS States, Link Definitions, Command Line Utilities, Object Query Language (OQL), C++ Binding, Mapping of Object Model into C++, C++ ODL, C++ OML, C++ OQL, OO Support in Oracle, Member Procedure or Function, Inheritance, Mutual-Exclusion Inheritance (using OO Features), Partition Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Association, Containment Relationships, Existence Dependant Aggregation, Clustering, Nested Tables, Non-Existence Dependent Aggregation, OO Methods, Generic OO Methods, Union Inheritance with OO Features, Mutual Exclusion Inheritance with OO Approach, Partition Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, User Defined and Subclass Queries, OODBMS, Objectivity/DB (O/DB), Storage Hierarchy, Partition Component, Working with O/DB objects, Persistence Capable Classes, Persistence-Collection Classes, O/DB Data Model, Operations on O/DB Objects, Developing O/DB Application, Objectivity/C++ Programming Interface, Objectivity/DB, Transactions, Objectivity/DB C++ DDL ,Schema Development ,Schema Development with Objectivity/DDL ,Creating DDL Files ,Processing DDL Files, Association, Specifying Object Copying and Versioning Behavior, Objectivity/SQL++, OO Distributed Database Management System (OODDBMS), Transaction Management, Query Processing/Optimization, OODBMS (Pros and Cons)