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MGT510 : Total Quality Management (alt. code=MGMT510)

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Course Info

Course Category


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Credit Hours



MGT211, MGT503


Dr. Rasheed Kausar
Michigan State University, USA

Course Contents

Topic (1) Why Focus on Quality? (2) Total Quality Management, Total Organization Excellence and Systems Thinking (3) Integrating People and Processes for Performance (4) RATER for Products, Services and Artifacts. Fundamentals of Total Quality (5) Total Quality Management and Global Competitive Advantage (6) Bringing Quality through Discussions and Meetings about Planning for Quality (7) Leaders in Quality Revolution and Defining Quality (8) Taguchi Loss Function and Quality (9) WTO, Shifting Focus of Corporate Culture and Organizational Models (10) Historical View and Paradigms of Quality. Philosophies of Crosby, Juran, Ishikawa & Taguchi (11) Deming Chain Reaction, Quality and Productivity and SIPOC Model of Quality (12) Evolution of Quality Management and Hierarchy of Q (13) Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge (14) 14 Points of Deming Philosophy (15) Deming Cycle and The Juran Quality Trilogy (16) Juran and Crosby on Quality. Quality is Free (17) Crosby’s Costs of Quality (18) Costs of Quality and Return on Quality (19) Overview of Total Quality Approaches (20) Business Excellence Models. BQA, EFQM(EQA) and International ISO-9000 QMS (21) Designing Organizations for Quality. ISO 9001(2000) and ISO 9004(2000), a Consistent Pair (22) Developing ISO 9001(2000) QMS for Q Certification:ISO-9001 QMS Documentation @ Clause No.4 (23) ISO-9001(2000) QMS: Clause #5 Management Responsibility (24) ISO-9001(2000) QMS: Clause #6 Resources Management (25) ISO-9001(2000) QMS: Clause #7 Product Realization and Customer Related Processes (26) ISO-9001(2000) QMS: Clause #7 Control of Production and Services (27) ISO-9001(2000) QMS: Clause # 8 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement (28) Preventive and Corrective Actions. Quality in IT Softwares and CMMI Levels of Maturity (29) Benefits and Barriers in Installing ISO-9001 QMS (30) Creating Business Excellence in Pakistani Organizations (31) Control Mechanisms for Creating Quality at Strategic , Tactical and Operational Levels (32) Big Q and Small q . Leadership for Quality (33) Strategic Planning for Quality and New Management Advanced Quality Planning Tools. (34) Hoshin Kanri and Policy Deployment. Balance Scorecards (35) QFD and other Improvement Tools. Implementing a TQ Strategy (36) Basic SQC improvement Tools (37) How is TQ being Implemented? A Dialogue with a Multinational Manufacturing Company Quality (38) Cause and Effect Model and Run Charts for Quality Improvement (39) Understanding SPC for Continual Quality Improvement (40) SPC with Examples (41) Statistical Thinking for Process Improvement to bring Quality in Products and Services (42) An Interview of the CEO, Head IT, HR, and Quality Engineering of a CMMI Level 5 Pakistan (43) Importance of Teamwork Culture for TQM (44) Understanding Empowerment for TQM. Focusing on Customer Suppliers Relationships (45) Innovation, Knowledge Management and Learning Organization