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PSC201 : International Relations

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Syed Muhammad Ali
Masters Degree (Development Studies)
Melbourne University, Melbourne

Course Contents

1 What is International Relations and what is its relevance? 2 Approaches to International Relations: Theories in IR 3 Approaches to International Relations (Part 2) 4 The Nation-State System 5 The Nation State System: Basic Features Of A Nation-State 6 National Interest 7 National Interest (Part 2) 8 Balance Of Power (Bop) 9 Balance Of Power (Part 2) 10 Diplomacy 11 Diplomacy (Part 2) 12 Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism & Imperialism 13 Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism & Imperialism (Part 2) 14 Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism & Imperialism (Part 3) 15 New International Economic Order 16 New International Economic Order (Part 2) 17 Non-Alignment Movement 18 Non-Alignment Movement (Part 2) 19 Non-Alignment Movement (Part 3) 20 The Cold War And Its Impacts - Introducing The Cold War Phenomenon 21 The Cold War And Its Impacts (Part 2) 22 The Cold War And Its Impacts (Part 3) 23 Disarmament And Arms Control 24 Disarmament And Arms Control (Part 2) 25 The Relevance Of International Law In International Relations 26 The Relevance Of International Law In International Relations (Part 2) 27 International Organizations 28 International Organizations (Part 2) 29 International Organizations (Part 3) 30 The Role Of Decision Making In International Relations 31 Decision Making 32 Systems Approach To IR 33 Systems Based Approach (Part 2) – Distinct Systems In IR 34 Liberalism And Social Democracy 35 Liberalism And Social Democracy (Part 2) 36 Integration In IR 37 Globalization And Its Implications 38 The Global Divide 39 Focus On Foreign Investments 40 Conflict And Conflict Resolution 41 Conflict Resolution 42 The Global Environment 43 The Global Environment (Part 2) 44 How IR differ from Domestic Politics? 45 Change And IR