Course Info
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Credit Hours
Dr. Naveed S. Bari Ph.D Dartmouth College USA
Course Contents
Set, its different representations and types of sets
Complex numbers their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and Modulus of a complex number
Mapping and their types, function and their types, composite and inverse of a function, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of functions
Quadratic functions and quadratic formula with the types of solutions
Matrices with their addition, subtraction and multiplication , finding the inverse of a matrix using augmented matrix and co-factors. Application of matrices in solving system of linear equations, Crammer rule
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequence with their nth terms and Series sum.
Permutations and Combinations with their applications on some real life scenarios
Binomial theorem and its applications in generalizing the formulas for higher powers
In coordinate geometry find the distance between two points, the slope of a line,condition for parallel and perpendicular lines,
Circle and equation of circle
Graphs of basic trigonometric functions, periodicity of sine and cosine functions, trigonometric identities and their applications to solve a trigonometric equation, Sum and Difference Formulas , Double Angle Formulas
Statistics and its contribution in our life, types of statistics, measurement scales,
Data Representation to analyse and find Measures of Central Tendency , Measures of Dispersion, Partial Fractions and Trigonometric Identities