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MTH634 : Topology

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Course Info

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Dr. Hani Shakir
PhD Mathematics
ASSMS, Pakistan

Course Contents

Introduction to Topology Cofinite topology Topological space Properties of clooection of closed sets Usual topology on R Derived Set Closed set and derived set Closure of Set Dense Set Interior of a Set Exterior of a Set Neighborhood system Basis For a Topology Local Base Continuous Function Continuity and Open Sets Continuity and Basis Topology Induced By Function Open Mapping Closed mapping Homomorphism and honomorphic spaces Bicontinuity and bijection Metric on a set Metric topology Metrizable Spaces First countable spaces Second countable space Open cover Open subcover Lindelof space Second countable and Lindelof space Separable spaces Metric space and separability Seaparation Axiom T_0 space Properties of T_1 space T-2/Hausdorff spaces Metric spaces are Hausdorff spaces Unique limit point theorem Regular Spaces Normal Space Compact Spaces Separated sets Connected spaces Connectedness and fixed point theorem Connected component Locally connected spaces Path connected spaces