BT733 : Bioethics, Biosecurity and Biosafety

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Course Info

Course Category

Molecular Biology

Course Level


Credit Hours





Dr. Asif Nadeem
UVAS, Lahore-Pakistan

Course Contents

Course Objectives: To acquaint students with principles of biosafety and ethical perspectives pertaining to biotechnology Course Contents: Introduction to ethics and bioethics; Current issues in environmental ethics; The ethics of animal research; code of ethics for biologist; Ethics and genetic modification; Biotechnology and risk factors; Applications of biotechnology, ethical issues related to GMOs; Ethics and animal biotechnology; Thoughts on eugenics; Use of Human Genetic Information, Burden of genetic information, Genetic piracy; Ethics of human cloning, Therapeutic cloning; Stem cell debate; Genetic counselling; Introduction to Biosafety - definition, concept, uses and abuses of genetic information, and biohazards; good laboratory practices; Biosafety, Biosecurity, Bioweapons, Biohazard; Lab safety protocols, Sterlization and disinfection, Lab biosaftey level criteria; Safety for support staff, Immunization of staff; WHO biosafety collaborating centers; Biosecurity and bioterrorism, Pakistan biosecurity system; Risk assessment; Occupational Health and Immunoprophylaxis; Biosecurity education for the next generation of life scientists Recommended Books: 1. Altman A and Hasegawa PM, 2012. Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture: Prospects for the 21st Century. 1 st Edition; Academic Press. 2. Laboratory Biosafety Manual, WHO, 2006. 3rd Edition; AITBS Publishers and Distributors, India. (Available online free of cost). 3. Furr AK, 2000. CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety. 5th Edition; CRC Press. 4. Jose Maria A, 2003. Genes Technology and Policy. Available online at; 5. Krishna VS, 2007. Bioethics and Biosafety in Biotechnology. New Age International Publishers. 6. National Biosafety Guidelines, 2005. Pakistan Environmental protection Agency (Available online)