FIN625 : Credit & Risk Management

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This intensive course provides a step by step, systematic and practical approach to credit analysis and credit applications. The impact of Basel II is covered through the assignment of internal and external credit ratings, and the calculation of capital requirements and returns according to the advanced IRB approach. On the surface, risk management appears to be a relatively simple process, but achieving effective risk management is often illusive. This course offers a comprehensive look at the risk management process, including tips to succeed and traps to avoid based upon a number of lessons learned from actual projects.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you will be able to understand:

  • The nature and importance of credit risk- largest source of bank losses
  • The main causes of credit losses and what sound Credit Risk Management entails- best practices of credit management
  • Capital requirements-the regulatory framework of Basel II
  • A standard methodology or “recipe” to assess corporate credit risk and submit consistent credit applications
  • Risk analysis and critical success factors
  • Understanding of the concept of risk management, how to use a variety of derivative financial strategies to manage risk. Learn how hedging can positively affect an organization’s risk exposure
  • Formulation and implementation of the risk management strategies that are consistent with corporate goals

Course Calendar

1 Course Objectives
2 Understanding the word “Credit”
3 Credit History

4 Credit Rating
5 Principles for the Management of Credit Risk
6 Maintaining an Appropriate Credit Administration, Measurement and Monitoring Process

7 Principles for the Management of Credit Risk (Contd...)
8 Establishing an Appropriate Credit Risk Environment
9 Maintaining an Appropriate Credit Administration, Measurement and Monitoring Process (Contd...)
Assignment after lecture - 9

10 Maintaining an Appropriate Credit Administration, Measurement and Monitoring Process (Contd.....)
11 Maintaining an Appropriate Credit Administration, Measurement and Monitoring Process (Contd......)
12 Market and Liquidity Sensitive Credit Exposures
Quiz - 01 after lecture - 12

13 Basic Situation of Credit Approval Process
14 Basic Situation of Credit Approval Process (Contd...)
15 Object of Review and Exposure Management
Quiz - 02 after lecture - 15

16 Data Collection
17 Credit Review and Valuation of Collateral
18 Credit Review and Valuation of Collateral (Contd...)
Graded Discussion Board after lesson 18

19 Exposure Assessment
20 Credit Decision-making Structure
21 Risk weights for Non-Central Government Public Sector Entities (PSEs)

22 Counterparty Risk Weightings of OTC Derivative
23 Qualitative Disclosures
24 Credit Risk Mitigation in the Standardized Approach
Mid Term after lecture - 24

25 Operational Requirements for Guarantees
26 Credit Risk: The Internal Ratings-Based Approach
27 Operational Requirements & Treatment of Clean-Up Calls

28 Key Principles of Supervisory Review
29 Supervisory Transparency & Accountability
30 The Role of Financial Adviser & Credit Risk
Quiz - 03 after lecture - 30

31 Risk in Our Society
32 Risk Management
33 Advanced Topics in Risk Management

34 Marketing Systems in Life Insurance
35 Insurance and Risk
36 Definition of the “Insured”

37 Personal Auto Policy Basics
38 Auto Insurance and Society
39 ISO Commercial Property Program

40 Commercial Liability Insurance
41 Crime Insurance and Surety Bonds
42 The Nature and Importance of Credit Risk & Insurance

43 Financial Development and Economic Growth
44 Non-Life Insurance
45 Recap
Final Term after lecture - 45