MGT604 : Management of Financial Institutions (alt. code=BNK604)

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Management of financial institutions covers the nature and function of bank and non-bank financial intermediaries, the role of government in the financial sector, regulation issues, and the emergence of various financial institutions, markets and instruments. In the latter part of the course, discussion takes place on foreign exchange markets, share markets, and long term saving and the role of managed funds. The endeavor of this course is to maintain an interest in the Pakistani financial market, and how financial institutions, both local and global, influence the allocation of resources and the macro-economy. This course also examines institutions, markets and examples from overseas.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the steps of problem solving and decision making in organizations.
  • Recognize challenges in the achievement of good managerial performance.
  • Describe the different forms of financial institution’s processes and how these manipulate the overall financial market.
  • Critically evaluate how this course conveys an introduction to the Modern management of financial institutions and the decision systems.
  • Discuss how the entire set up of financial institutions revolves around demand and time deposits, cash flow management and investment portfolios besides the regular course, which the financial institution undertakes.
  • Analyze the role of financial institutions and the relationships and with what all it takes to decide in favor or against and to develop awareness about managing the capital expansionary financial systems holdings etc.

Course Calendar

1 Role of Financial Institutions
6 State Bank of pakistan
7 State Bank of pakistan Various Departments 1
8 State Bank of Pakistan Various Departments 2
9 State Bank of Pakistan Various Departments 3
Assignment No.1
10 State Bank of Pakistan Various Departments
11 Major Financial Drivers
12 Major Drivers of Financial Industry
13 Pakistan Economic Aid & Debt
Quiz No.1
14 Increasing Foreign Direct Investment
15 Role of Commercial Banks 1
16 Role of Commercial Banks 2
Quiz No.2
17 Role of Commercial Banks 4
18 Role of Commercial Banks 5
GDB No.1
19 Banking Sector Reforms
20 Branch Banking in Pakistan
21 Role of Commercial Banks in Micro Finance Sector
22 Mutual Funds 1
23 Mutual Funds 2
24 Mutual Funds 3
Mid Term Exams
25 Mutual Funds 4
26 Mutual Funds 5
27 Mutual Funds 6
28 Role of Investment Banks
29 International Trade & Role of Financial Institutions
30 Letter of Credit & International Trade
31 Foreign Exchange & Role of Financial Institutions
Quiz No.3
32 Foreign Exchange
33 Leasing Companies 1
34 Leasing Companies
35 Insurance Companies 2
36 Insurance Companies
37 Financial Institutions and Agriculture Sector 1
38 Financial Institutions and Agriculture Sector
39 SME Development in Pakistan
40 Financial Crimes
41 Risk Management
42 Banking Fraud and Misleading Activities
43 The Enron Collapse - An Overview of Financial Issues
44 Classic Financial Scandals
45 Recap
Final Term Exams