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BIF402 : Ethical and Legal Issues in Bioinformatics

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course will help students to understand the ethical and legal aspects related to bioinformatics practices, protocols, patents and products. Students will understand general bio ethical and legal issues which has a great concern in this post genomics era. This course will also elaborate the social and economic aspects of bioinformatics.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of course students will have better understandings of following terms:

  • Bioinformatics products, Psychological issues of GMOs
  • Bioinformatics patents, Pricing of bioinformatics product
  • Social context of bioinformatics, General bioethics, biosafety and biosecurity
  • Skilled labor and demand of bioinformatics products

Course Calendar

1 Science Ethics and Values
2 Attitudes to science
3 What is ethics
4 The development of ethics
5 The growth of bioethics
6 Bioethics in 21st century
7 Making ethical decisions

8 Cybernetics
9 Patient-physician relationship
10 Ethics and genetic modification
11 Biotechnology and risk factors
12 Misuse of Biotechnology
13 Ethical issues of GM food
14 Risk factors of GM food

15 Ethics and animal biotechnology
16 Human genome project
17 Use of Human Genetic Information
18 Genetic diagnosis
19 Genetic screening
20 Genetic discrimination
21 Burden of genetic information

22 Gene patents in medical genetics
23 Genetic piracy
24 Ethics of human cloning
25 Ethics-early human embryo
26 Therapeutic cloning
27 Designer babies

28 Case study 1
29 Case study 2
30 Stem cell debate
31 Genetic counselling
32 Biosafety
33 Biosecurity
34 Bioweapons
35 Biohazard

36 Lab biosaftey level criteria
37 Biosafety level 1
38 Biosafety level 2
39 Biosafety level 3
40 Biosafety level 4
41 WHO biosafety collaborating centers
42 US biosecurity legislation

43 US biosecurity regulations
44 US biosecurity guidance
45 Canada biosecurity legislation
46 Japan biosecurity legislation
47 Other countries biosecurity
48 Design biosecurity plan
49 Objectives of lab biosecurity

50 Biosecurity and bioterrorism
51 International obligations
52 Pakistan biosecurity system
53 Risk assessment
54 Risk assessment methodology
55 Risk reduction
56 Components of biosecurity

57 Information Security
58 Information Security Elements
59 National Biosafety Rules
60 Application of National Biosafety rules
61 Establishment of National Bisafety Committee
62 Functions of National Biosafety Committee
63 Technical Advisory Committee

64 Institutional Biosafety Committee
65 Prohibition and License Requirements
66 Confidential Information
67 Risk assessment and Risk Management
68 Grant of License
69 Import/Export of GMOs
70 Pakistan Bio-safety Measures

71 Implementation of National Laws
72 Efforts to mitigate Biological threats
73 Public participation and Access to information
74 International framework on Biosafety
75 Scenerio  (A person on life support machine)
76 Case study (Sustainable development)
77 Case study  (Ethical dilemmas regarding genetic screening)

78 Case study  (Gene therapy)
79 Case study (Gene patents)
80 Case study (Ethical issues for and against gene patents)
81 Case study  (Cloning related ethical issues)
82 Case study  (Scientific research)
83 Case study  (Misuse of scientific research)
84 Case study  (Cloning and eugenic)

85 Case study  (Codes of ethical)
86 Case study (Priciples of the practice of science)
87 Biosafety and biosecurity in cybernetics
88 Biosecurity education for the next generation of life scientists