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BIO301 : Essentials of Genetics

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This is one of the course which introduces students to the fundamentals of genetic science through a basic study of the genetic material, what is the mode of inheritance, genetic and inherited diseases, concept of classical genetics, long way of Mendelian genetics to modern genetics, speciation, and evolutionary genetics, differentiation between microevolution and macroevolution. Moreover, advanced studies of genes, genomes and molecular genetics will also be touches in the later part of the course.

Course Learning Outcomes

Mendelian Genetics, Modern Genetics and Molecular Genetics

  • classical genetics, modern genetics, types of genetics, mode of inheritances, genetics diseases, genomics, Modern research and research techniques in genetics, molecular genetics. understanding of all these topics will enable you to understand the advanced courses in general genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, recombinant DNA technology and genomics

Course Calendar

1 Genetics Definition
2 Types of Genetics
3 Genetics Terminologies
4 Mendel s’ law of Dominance
5 Monohybrid Cross and Dihybrid Cross
6 Mendel s’ law of Segregations
7 Mendel s' law of Independent Assortment
8 Modern Genetics Concepts
9 Importance of Genetics
10 Heredity
11 Variation
12 Genetic and Acquired Variation
13 Types of Variation
14 Source of variation
15 Heredity and Variation in Mendel s’ work

16 Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Inheritance
17 Conclusions of Mendelian Inheritance
18 Exceptions to Mendelian Inheritance
19 Incomplete Dominance
20 Co-dominance
21 Polygenic traits
22 Epistasis
23 Pleiotropy
24 Environmental Effects
25 What are Chromosomes
26 Cell, Nucleus and Chromosome
27 Chromosome Numbers in Different Species
28 Chromosomes in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
29 Salient features of Chromosomes
30 Size of Chromosomes

31 Types of Chromosomes
32 Centromere Functions
33 Telomere Functions
34 Euchromatin and Heterochromatin
35 Staining and Banding Chromosomes
36 Nucleosomes
37 Chromatin and Chromosomes
38 High Order Chromatin Folding
39 Kinetochore
40 Karyotyping
41 Prokaryotic Chromosomes
42 Sex Chromosomes and Sex determination
43 Salient features of DNA
44 Nucleotides
45 Conformations of DNA

46 Chargaff Rule of Base Ratio
47 Giant Chromosomes
48 Lampbrush chromosome
49 Cell Division
50 Cell Cycle
51 Mitosis
52 Unreplicated and Replicated Chromosomes
53 Interphase
54 Prophase of Mitosis
55 Metaphase of Mitosis
56 Anaphase of Mitosis
57 Telophase of Mitosis
58 Cytokinesis
59 Mitotic Spindles
60 Somatic cells and Gametes

61 Homologous Chromosomes
62 Meiosis
63 Stages of Meiosis
64 Prophase I of Meiosis
65 Metaphase I of Meiosis
66 Anaphase I of Meiosis
67 Telophase I of Meiosis
68 Prophase II of Meiosis
69 Metaphase II of Meiosis
70 Anaphase II of Meiosis
71 Telophase II of Meiosis
72 Mitosis and Meiosis
73 Summary - Mitosis and Meiosis
74 Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
75 Experiments of T H. Morgan

76 Effect of Linkage on Inheritance
77 Linkage Mapping
78 Linkage map of Drosophila Chromosome
79 Chromosomal Basis of Sex Determination
80 Sex Determination in Other Organisms
81 Inheritance of Sex linked genes
82 Genetic Mapping in Humans
83 Concept of Multiple Alleles
84 Multiple Alleles - our blood group
85 Blood groups and Transfusions
86 Multiple alleles effect in Drosophila
87 Correlation of Alleles and Genotypes
88 Linkage and Cross over
89 Chromosome Mapping
90 Genetic and Physical Map

91 Mapping genes In human Pedigrees
92 Polygenic Inheritance
93 Examples of Polygenic inheritance
94 What is Epistasis
95 Types of Epistasis
96 Types of Epistasis-Dominant
97 Example of Epistasis-Labrador Retrievers
98 What is Epigenetics
99 Epigenetic Modifications
100 Epigenetics regulated Phenomena
101 Therapies Targeting Epigenetics
102 Environmental Factors and Epigenetics
103 Epigenetics- Conclusions
104 Penetrance and Expressivity
105 Penetrance and Expressivity- Example

106 Chromosomal Aberrations
107 Karyotyping- international description
108 Defining Chromosome Location
109 Common Numerical Abnormalities
110 Structural Abnormalities
111 Translocations
112 Non-disjunction
113 Trisomy
114 Monosomy
115 Polyploidy
116 Alloploidy
117 Polyploidy and Aneuploidy
118 Chromosomal Deletions
119 Chromosomal Insertions
120 Chromosomal Inversions

121 Ring Chromosome
122 What is Mutation
123 Types of Mutation
124 Somatic and Germline Mutation
125 Forward, Reverse and Neutral Mutation
126 Loss of function, Gain of function
127 Spontaneous and Induced Mutation
128 Suppressor Mutation
129 Point Mutations
130 Silent Mutation
131 Missense Mutation
132 Nonsense Mutation
133 Additions Mutation
134 Inversion Mutation
135 Deletions Mutation

136 How Mutations alter Gene Function
137 Mutation Nomenclature
138 Salient feature of Mutation Nomenclature
139 Mutation at DNA, RNA and Protein level
140 Mutation in Intronic Sequence
141 Specific changes in Sequence
142 Mutations-Summary
143 What are Genetic Disorders
144 Inheritance Patterns of Genetic Disorders
145 Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
146 Characteristics of Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
147 Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
148 Variation in Phenotype of A.D. inheritance
149 Dominance and Recessiveness
150 X-linked recessive inheritance

151 X-linked dominant inheritance
152 Maternal inheritance of mt DNA
153 Multifactorial inheritance
154 Frequency of genetic disorders
155 Diagnostic tests for genetic disorders
156 Genetic counseling
157 Complications to basic inheritance pattern
158 Drawing pedigree
159 Pedigree analysis
160 What is polymorphism
161 Types of polymorphism
162 Restriction fragment length polymorphism
163 VNTR
164 Short tandem repeat polymorphism
165 RAPD and AFLP

166 Distribution of SNPs
167 Screening and importance of SNPs
168 Genetic bases Problem 1
169 Genetic bases Problem 2
170 Genetic bases Problem 3
171 Genetic bases Problem 4
172 Genetic bases Problem 5
173 Genetic bases Problem 6
174 Genetic bases Problem 7
175 Genetic bases Problem 8
176 Genetic bases Problem 9
177 Genetic bases Problem 10
178 Genetic bases Problem 11
179 Genetic bases Problem 12
180 Genetic bases Problem 13

181 Genetic bases Problem 14
182 Genetic bases Problem 15
183 Genetic bases Problem 16
184 Genetic bases Problem 17
185 Source and recovery of DNA
186 DNA amount for molecular techniques
187 Methods of DNA purification
188 Organic method reagents
189 Organic method summary
190 Organic method procedure (I)
191 Organic method procedure (II)
192 Phenol chloroform in organic method
193 Role of ethanol and isopropanol
194 Suspension and storage of DNA
195 Organic method properties

196 DNA extraction- non organic method
197 Total cellular RNA
198 RNA purification- samples
199 RNA purification -blood
200 RNA purification- organic method
201 RNA purification- affinity method
202 RNA purification- human blood (I)
203 RNA purification - human blood (II)
204 RNA purification- human blood (III)
205 Quantitation of RNA
206 Chromosomes staining
207 Giemsa Staining
208 Giemsa Staining procedure
209 C banding of chromosomes
210 Q banding of chromosomes

211 R banding of chromosomes
212 T banding of chromosomes
213 Polymerase chain reaction
214 Steps of PCR
215 Ingredients of PCR
216 Primers for PCR
217 DNA polymerases
218 Standard PCR reaction
219 Interpretation of results
220 Types of PCR
221 Nested PCR
222 Multiplex PCR
223 Reverse transcriptase PCR
224 Real time PCR
225 Hot start PCR
226 Asymmetric PCR
227 Long PCR
228 Allelic specific PCR
229 Colony PCR
230 In situ PCR
231 Inverse PCR

233 Assembly PCR
234 Suicide PCR
235 Methylation specific PCR
236 Inter sequence specific PCR
237 Ligation mediated PCR
238 Whole genome amplification PCR
239 Mini primer PCR
240 Advantages and limitations of PCR
241 Applications of PCR
242 Southern blotting
243 Southern blotting procedure
244 Southern blotting probes
245 Transfer methods in southern blotting
246 Mutations identification by southern blotting
247 Northern blotting
248 Northern blot applications
249 Western blotting
250 Western blotting procedure
251 Preparation of Stock and Working Solutions
252 Sources and Recovery of DNA
253 DNA Extraction Part 1
254 DNA Extraction Part 2
255 RNA Purification from Blood
256 Quantification of Nucleic acids by Gel electrophoresis
257 Quantification of Nucleic acids by Spectrophotometer
258 cDNA Synthesis
259 Primer Designing
260 PCR and its Types
261 Blotting Techniques
262 Karyotyping (Practical)
263 Chromosome Staining, Banding of Chromosomes (C, Q, R, T)
264 Genetics Problems