CS101 : Introduction to Computing

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This is an introductory course in Computer Science designed for beginners. Apart from leading the participants through a whirlwind history of computing, the course also develops a feel for web programming through a series of lectures that help the students develop their own web page. Main objectives of the course are: 1. To build an appreciation for the fundamental concepts in computing 2. To achieve a beginners proficiency in Web page development 3. To become familiar with popular PC productivity software.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to understand:

  • Fundamental concepts of computers
  • Various hardware building blocks
  • Components of operating systems
  • The Internet
  • How to make a simple web page
  • Basic productivity software including word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and databases

Course Calendar

1 Topic-001. Introduction to Computer Science
2 Topic-002. Breadth first learning
3 Topic-003. Search engines
4 Topic-004. Searching tricks
5 Topic-005. Search operators-01
6 Topic-006. Search operators-02
7 Topic-007. Search operators-03
8 Topic-008. Advanced Search Operators
9 Topic-009. What you should not search on internet
10 Topic-010. Roots of computing
11 Topic-011. Bits

12 Topic-012. Boolean operations
13 Topic-013. Hexadecimal notation
14 Topic-014. Storing a bit
15 Topic-015. Magnetic systems
16 Topic-016. Optical systems
17 Topic-017. Flash drives
18 Topic-018. Representing text
19 Topic-019. Representing numeric values
20 Topic-020. Representing images
21 Topic-021. Representing sound
22 Topic-022. Binary notation
23 Topic-023. Binary addition

24 Topic-024. Fraction in binary
25 Topic-025. 2's complement notation to store numbers
26 Topic-026. Excess Notation
27 Topic-027. Floating Point Notation
28 Topic-028. Truncation Errors in Floating Point Notation
29 Topic-029. Generic techniques
30 Topic-030. Compressing images
31 Topic-031. Compressing audio & videos
32 Topic-032. CPU basics
33 Topic-033. Stored program
34 Topic-034. CPU architecture philosophies
35 Topic-035. Machine Instruction Categories
36 Topic-036. Program execution
37 Topic-037. Program execution example
38 Topic-038. Logic operators

39 Topic-039. Rotation and shift
40 Topic-040. Arithmetic operators
41 Topic-041. Role of controller
42 Topic-042. Direct memory access and handshaking
43 Topic-043. Communication media and communication rates
44 Topic-044. Pipelining
45 Topic-045. History of OS
46 Topic-046. OS basic concepts-1
47 Topic-047. OS basic concepts-2
48 Topic-048. Software classification
49 Topic-049. Component of OS-1
50 Topic-050. Component of OS-2
51 Topic-051. Process of booting

52 Topic-052. Process and its administration-1
53 Topic-053. Process and its administration-2
54 Topic-054. Handling competition between processes
55 Topic-055. Semaphores
56 Topic-056. Deadlock
57 Topic-057. Security attacks form outside
58 Topic-058. Security attacks from inside
59 Topic-059. Network classification
60 Topic-060. Protocols
61 Topic-061. Combining networks
62 Topic-062. Methods of process communication
63 Topic-063. Distributed systems
64 Topic-064. Internet architecture
65 Topic-065. Internet addressing

66 Topic-066. Internet applications
67 Topic-067. Internet application: email
68 Topic-068. Internet application: voip
69 Topic-069. Internet multimedia streaming
70 Topic-070. World wide web
71 Topic-071. Web implementations
72 Topic-072. HTML
73 Topic-073. Making simple HTML page
74 Topic-074. More on HTML
75 Topic-075. XML
76 Topic-076. Client side and server side
77 Topic-077. Layered approach to internet software-i
78 Topic-078. Layered approach to internet software-ii
79 Topic-079. Layered approach to internet software-iii
80 Topic-080. TCP/IP protocol suite
81 Topic-081. Security (forms of attacks)

82 Topic-082. Protection & cures
83 Topic-083. Encryption
84 Topic-084. Legal approaches to Network security
85 Topic-085. An informal review
86 Topic-086. Formal definition of algorithm
87 Topic-087. Abstract nature of algorithms
88 Topic-088. Representation (Primitives)
89 Topic-089. Representation (Pseudocode)
90 Topic-090. Representation (Pseudocode) While-Structure
91 Topic-091. Representation (Pseudocode) Function-Structure
92 Topic-092. Discovery (The Art of Problem Solving)
93 Topic-093 Getting your foot in the door
94 Topic-094. Algorithm discovery strategies-1
95 Topic-095. Algorithm discovery strategies-2

96 Topic-096. Iterative Structures (Sequential Search Algorithm)
97 Topic-097. Iterative structures (Loop Control)
98 Topic-098. Iterative Structures (Components of Repetitive Control)
99 Topic-099. Iterative Structures: Loop Execution (Example-1)
100 Topic-100. Iterative Structures: Loop Execution (Example-II)
101 Topic-101. Iterative Structures: (Pretest and Posttest loops)
102 Topic-102. Insertion Sort Algorithm
103 Topic-103. Insertion sort algorithm example
104 Topic-104. Recursive structure: the binary search algorithm
105 Topic-105. Recursive control
106 Topic-106. Algorithm efficiency
107 Topic-107. Software verification
108 Topic-108. Software verification example

109 Topic-109. Early generations-1
110 Topic-110. Early generations-2
111 Topic-111. Machine independence
112 Topic-112. Imperative paradigm
113 Topic-113. Declarative paradigm
114 Topic-114. Functional paradigm
115 Topic-115. Object oriented paradigm
116 Topic-116. Variable and data types
117 Topic-117. Data structure
118 Topic-118. Assignment statement
119 Topic-119. Control structure (if-statement)
120 Topic-120. Control Structures (if-statement examples)
121 Topic-121. Control structures (loops)
122 Topic-122. Programming concurrent activities
123 Topic-123. Arithmetic operators examples
124 Topic-124. Relational operators examples
125 Topic-125. Logical operators examples

126 Topic-126. Software engineering discipline
127 Topic-127. Software life cycle
128 Topic-128. Requirement analysis phase
129 Topic-129. Design phase
130 Topic-130. Implementation phase
131 Topic-131. Testing phase
132 Topic-132. Software engineering methodologies-1
133 Topic-133. Software engineering methodologies-2
134 Topic-134. Modular implementation
135 Topic-135. Coupling
136 Topic-136. Cohesion
137 Topic-137. Information hiding
138 Topic-138. Components
139 Topic-139. Design patterns
140 Topic-140. Design patterns examples
141 Topic-141. Scope of quality assurance
142 Topic-142. Software testing
143 Topic-143. Software documentation
144 Topic-144. Human machine interface
145 Topic-145. Software Ownership and Liability

146 Topic-146. Arrays and aggregates
147 Topic-147. List, stacks and queues
148 Topic-148. Trees
149 Topic-149. Pointers
150 Topic-150. The Significance of Database Systems
151 Topic-151. Database Systems: Role of Schema - I
152 Topic-152. Database Systems: Role of Schema - II
153 Topic-153. Database Systems: Relational Database Model
154 Topic-154. Database Systems: Issues of Relational Designs
155 Topic-155. Database Systems: Relational Operators
156 Topic-156. Database Systems: Select Operation
157 Topic-157. Database Systems: Project Operation
158 Topic-158. Database Systems: Join Operation
159 Topic-159. Database Systems: Object Oriented Databases
160 Topic-160. Database Systems: Maintaining DB Integrity
161 Topic-161. Database Systems: The Commit/Rollback Protocol
162 Topic-162. Database Systems: Locking

163 Topic-163. Traditional File Structures: Sequential Files
164 Topic-164. Traditional File Structures: Indexed Files
165 Topic-165. Traditional File Structures: Hash Files
166 Topic-166. Traditional File Structures: Hash Files Examples
167 Topic-167. Database Systems: Data Mining
168 Topic-168. Database Systems: Data Mining Examples and Implications
169 Topic-169. Database Systems: Social Impact of Database Technology
170 Topic-170. Artificial Intelligence: Introduction and Vision
171 Topic-171. Artificial Intelligence: Intelligent Agents
172 Topic-172. Artificial Intelligence: Research Methodologies
173 Topic-173. Artificial Intelligence: The Turing Test
174 Topic-174. Artificial Intelligence: Understanding Images
175 Topic-175. Artificial Intelligence: Language Processing
176 Topic-176. CS Impact on Society
177 Topic-177. CS Impact on Health
178 Topic-178. CS Impact on Environment
179 Topic-179. CS Impact: Ethical Issues
180 Topic-180. CS Impact: Software Licenses and Information Privacy
181 Topic-181. CS Impact: Intellectual Property

182 Topic-182. CS Impact: Security
183 Topic-183. CS Impact: Privacy
184 Topic-184. CS Impact: Social Issues of IT
185 Topic-185. CS Impact: Content Filtering, Email-Spams and Laws
186 Topic-186. CS Impact: Children Protection and Electronic Theft
187 Topic-187. Word Processing: MS Word
188 Topic-188. MS Word: Quick Access Bar
189 Topic-189. MS Word: Home Ribbon
190 Topic-190. MS Word: Clipboard Group
191 Topic-191. MS Word: Font Group
192 Topic-192. MS Word: Paragraph Group (Part-1)
193 Topic-193. MS Word: Paragraph Group (Part-2)

194 Topic-194. MS Word: Style Group
195 Topic-195. MS Word: Editing Group
196 Topic-196. MS Word: Insert Functionalities
197 Topic-197. MS Word: Page Group
198 Topic-198. MS Word: Table Group
199 Topic-199. MS Word: Illustration Group
200 Topic-200. MS Word: Media and Links Groups
201 Topic-201. MS Word: Comments and Header & footer
202 Topic-202. MS word: text group part-1
203 Topic-203. MS Word: Text Group (Part-2) and Symbols Group
204 Topic-204. MS word: Design ribbon
205 Topic-205. MS Word: Page Setup Group in Page Layout Ribbon
206 Topic-206. MS Word: Paragraph Group in Page Layout Ribbon
207 Topic-207. MS Word: Arrange Group in Page Layout Ribbon
208 Topic-208. MS word: references ribbon

209 Topic-209. MS Word: Proofing Group in Review Ribbon
210 Topic-210. MS Word: Language Group in Review Ribbon
211 Topic-211. MS Word: Comments Group in Review Ribbon
212 Topic-212. MS Word: Tracking and Changes Groups in Review Ribbon
213 Topic-213. MS Word: Compare and Protect Groups in Review Ribbon
214 Topic-214. MS word: view ribbon
215 Topic-215. MS PowerPoint: Introduction
216 Topic-216. MS PowerPoint: Slides Group on Home Ribbon
217 Topic-217. MS PowerPoint: Design Ribbon
218 Topic-218. MS PowerPoint: Transition Ribbon
219 Topic-219. MS PowerPoint: Animation Ribbon
220 Topic-220. MS Excel: Introduction
221 Topic-221. MS excel: functions

222 Topic-222. MS Excel: Application Scenarios – I
223 Topic-223. MS Excel: Application Scenarios – II
224 Topic-224. MS Excel: Sorting and Filter
225 Topic-225. MS Access: Introduction
226 Topic-226. MS Access: Creating and Managing Tables
227 Topic-227. MS access: creating forms
228 Topic-228. MS access: creating reports
229 Topic-229. MS Access: Query Wizard and Query Design
230 Topic-230. Notepad editor
231 Topic-231. Introduction to Dreamweaver
232 Topic-232. Inserting Tables using Dreamweaver
233 Topic-233. Inserting lists
234 Topic-234. Inserting Images