CS402 : Theory of Automata

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This is an introductory course on Theory of Automata. Students are introduced to the concept of Formal Language and Automata. Formal Languages cover recursive definitions of languages, regular grammar, regular expression, context free grammar and language. In Automata they learn about finite automata (deterministic; non-deterministic),transition graphs and pushdown automata (deterministic; non-deterministic). They also learn about fundamental concept of Moore and Mealy machines and Turing machines.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Explain different methods for defining languages
  • Discuss what Finite Automata is
  • Differentiate between Regular Languages and NonRegular Languages
  • Describe Context-free languages and context-free grammars, parse trees, derivations and ambiguity; Basic concepts of pushdown automata
  • Explain basic definitions and relation to the notion of an algorithm or program

Course Calendar

1 Introduction to Languages and Computer Theory
2 Kleene’s Star Closure
3 Regular Expression
4 Equivalent Regular Expressions
5 Finite Automaton.
6 Equivalent FAs
7 FA corresponding to finite languages
8 Transition Graph
9 Generalized Transition Graphs
10 Nondeterminism and Kleene’s Theorem
11 Kleene’s Theorem Part II
12 Kleene’s Theorem Part III
13 Kleene’s Theorem Part III (Continue)
14 Kleene’s Theorem Part III (Continue)
15 Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA)
16 NFA with Null String
17 NFA and Kleene’s Theorem
18 NFA corresponding to Concatenation of FAs
19 Distinguishable strings and Indistinguishable strings
20 Moore machine
21 Mealy machine
22 Equivalent machines
23 Finite Automata with Output
24 Regular languages and Complement of a language
25 Nonregular languages
26 Pumping Lemma
27 Pumping Lemma version II
28 Pseudo theorem
29 Decidability
30 Determining whether the two languages are equivalent or not ?
31 Context Free Grammar (CFG)
32 Trees
33 Polish Notation (o-o-o)
34 Regular Grammar
35 Null Production
36 Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)
37 A new format for FAs
38 Nondeterministic PDA
39 PDA corresponding to CFG
40 Conversion form of PDA
41 Conversion form of PDA (Continued)
42 Conversion form of PDA (Continue)
43 Non-Context-Free language and Pumping lemma for CFLs
44 Decidability and Parsing Techniques
45 Turing machine
46 Errata
47 Pre Assessment