CS403 : Database Management Systems

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

CS403 offers students an introduction to the design and programming of database systems. In particular, the students will cover the ER (entity-relationship) approach to data modeling, the relational model of database management systems (DBMSs) and the use of query languages such as SQL. They will also cover relational algebra and the use of SQL in a programming environment and briefly touch upon query processing and role of transaction management.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • State the importance of DBMS and explain how DBMS is better than traditional File Processing Systems.
  • Analyze the basic structure of Database and Recognize the different views of the database.
  • Draw and Investigate Data Flow and Entity Relationship Diagrams
  • List Relational Data Models and Relational Algebra Operators
  • Use and Experiment common SQL Statements
  • Explain the terms Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control

Course Calendar

1 Introduction
2 Advantages of DBMS and its User
3 Database Architecture I
4 Database Architecture II
5 Database Application Development Process
6 Detailed Diagrams and Database Design
7 Entity-Relationship Data Model
8 Key and its different types
9 Relationships
10 Cardinality and Roles in Relationships
11 Extended Entity Relationship Diagram
12 Practice Session of ER Data Model
13 E-R Diagram
14 Logical Database Design
15 Relations Keys
16 Cardinality Constraints
17 Relational Algebra
18 Joins.
19 Functional Dependancy & Normalization
20 Normalization
21 Normalization Summary
22 Data Volume and Usage Analysis
23 Physical Records and Denormalization
24 Partitioning, Replication and Structured Query Language (SQL)
25 Data Types and Rules of the Format
26 Data Definition Language (DDL)
27 Data Manipulation Language
28 Insert and Select Statements
29 Where Clause and Operaors(Not, BETWEEN ,IN, Like)
30 Order By Clause, Having Clause and Functions
31 Joins
32 Application Programs I
33 Application Programs II
34 Data Storage Concepts
35 File Organizations
36 Hashing
37 Indexes I
38 Indexes II
39 Indexes and Views
40 Views I
41 Views II
42 Transaction
43 Database Recovery
44 Concurrency Control
45 Locking
46 Pre-assessment