CS405 : Database Programming using Oracle 11g

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

SQL forms the cornerstone of all relational database operations. The ability to write the SQL language is essential for those who develop database applications. This course provides a solid foundation of the Database programming language with SQL using Oracle 11g that enables students to query and manipulate databases.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of Relational Databases
  • Learn transaction handling
  • Maintain and Retrieve data from single or multiple tables
  • Process data with row and aggregate functions
  • Process data with Functions and Procedures
  • Manipulate data with correlated and non correlated sub queries
  • Apply views to break down problems

Course Calendar

1 Concept of ERD
2 Components of ERD
3 Entity and Attributes
4 Relationships
5 Optionality
6 Cardinality
7 One-to-Many Relationship
8 Many-to-Many Relationship
9 One-to-One Relationship
10 Implementing ERD using Scenario – I
11 Implementing ERD using Scenario – II
12 What is cloud
13 Registering on cloud
14 Login creation

15 Select Statement
16 Implementing Select Statement
17 SQL and Where Clause
18 Implementing Where Clause-I
19 Wild Cards
20 Implementing Wild Card - I
21 Implementing Wild Card - II
22 Single Row Functions
23 Group Functions
24 Implementing Group Functions - I
25 Implementing Group Functions - II
26 Group by Clause
27 Implementing Group By Clause - I
28 Implementing Group By Clause - II

29 Having Clause
30 Implementing Having Clause - I
31 Implementing Having Clause - II
32 Order By Clause
33 What are Joins
34 Implementing Joins
35 Implementing Joins-II
36 Self Join
37 Implementing Self Join-I
38 Implementing Self Joins-II
39 Subqueries
40 Implementing Subqueries-I
41 Implementing Subqueries-II
Assignment 01

42 Implementing Subqueries -I
43 What is PL/SQL
44 Why PL/SQL
45 How PL/SQL Work
46 PL/SQL Blocks
47 PL/SQL Executable
48 Declaration of variable in PL/SQL
49 Manipulating variable in Blocks
50 Scope of variable in nested blocks
51 SQL in PL/SQL
52 Select INTO Syntax
53 Implementing Select INTO – II
54 Implementing Select INTO – III
Quiz 01

55 Implementing Select INTO – IV
56 DML in PL/SQL
57 Implementing DML in PL/SQL-I
58 Implementing DML and SQL in PL/SQL-I
59 Implementing DML and SQL in PL/SQL-II
60 Implementing DML and SQL in PL/SQL-III
61 PL/SQL and Sequence-I
62 PL/SQL and Sequence-II
63 What is Commit
64 Implementing PL/SQL and Commit
65 What is Rollback
66 Implementing PL/SQL and RollBack
67 What is SavePoint

68 Implementing PL/SQL and SavePoint
69 Conditional Control-I
70 Implementing IF-THEN statement-I
71 Implementing IF-THEN statement-II
72 IF-THEN –ELSE Statement
73 Implementing IF-THEN-ELSE Statement-I
74 Implementing IF-THEN-ELSE Statement-II
75 ELSIF statements
76 Implementing ELSIF Statement-I
77 Implementing ELSIF Statement-II
78 Nested IF statements
79 Implementing Nested IF statements–I
80 Case Statements
81 Case Statements Syntax
82 Implementing CASE statement-I
83 Implementing CASE statement-II
84 Searched Case Statements
85 Searched Case Statements Syntax
86 Implementing Searched CASE statement-I

87 Implementing Searched CASE statement-II
88 Iterative Control-I
89 Simple Loop Syntax
90 Implementing Simple Loops-I
91 Implementing Simple Loops-II
92 Implementing Simple Loops with SQL-I
93 Implementing Simple Loops with SQL-II
94 While Loop
95 While Loop Syntax
96 Implementing While Loop – I
97 Implementing While Loop - II
98 Implementing While Loop - III
99 Implementing While Loop - IV
Quiz 02

100 Implementing While Loop and SQL - I
101 Do – While Loop
102 Implementing Do-While Loop
103 Numeric For Loop
104 Numeric For Loop Syntax
105 Implementing Numeric For Loop-I
106 Implementing Numeric For Loop-II
107 Implementing Numeric For Loop-III
108 For Loop with Reverse Option
109 Implementing Numeric Reverse For Loop –I
110 Implementing Numeric Reverse For Loop –II

111 Implementing Reverse For Loop with SQL – I
112 Iterative Control-II
113 Implementing CONTINUE statement using Basic Loop
114 CONTINUE WHEN Condition
115 Implementing CONTINUE WHEN statement using Loop
116 Implementing CONTINUE WHEN statement using For Loop
117 Nested Loops
118 Nested Loop syntax
119 Implementing Nested Loop - I
Mid Exams

120 Implementing Nested Loop –II
121 Cursor Introduction
122 Cursor and SQL
123 Cursor Types
124 Steps to Process Cursor
125 Cursor Attributes
126 Cursor Syntax
127 Processing implicit cursor I
128 Processing implicit cursor II
129 Processing Explicit Cursor – I
130 Processing Explicit Cursor - II
131 Processing Explicit Cursor – III
132 Processing Explicit Cursor – IV
133 Processing Explicit Cursor Using For Loop-I
134 Processing Explicit Cursor Using For Loop-II

135 Processing Explicit Cursor with SQL-I
136 Error Handling and Exceptions
137 Need for Exception Handling
138 Handling exceptions
139 How Exception Handling work
140 Type of Exceptions
141 Formation of Built-in Exception
142 Syntax of Exception
143 Scope of Exception
144 Implementing Built-in Exception - I
145 Implementing Built-in Exception - II
146 Implementing Built-in Exception and SQL-III
147 Implementing Nested Exceptions-I
148 Implementing Nested Exceptions-II
149 User Defined Exceptions
150 Syntax of User Defined Exceptions
151 Implementing User Defined Exception-I
152 Implementing User Defined Exception-II
Quiz 03

153 Implementing User Defined Exception-III
Assignment 02
154 Advanced exceptions
155 Raise vs raise application error
156 Syntax of raise application error
157 Implementing raise application error
158 Implementing raise application error-II
159 What is exception init pragma
160 Syntax of exception init pragma
161 Implementing exception init pragma I
162 Implementing exception init pragma II
163 Records
164 Types of record
165 Implementing table based record I
166 Implementing table based record II
167 Cursor based records
168 Implementing cursor based record I

169 Implementing cursor based record II
170 User defined records
171 Syntax of User Defined Records
172 Implementing user defined record I
173 Implementing user defined record II
174 Collection
175 PL/SQL table or associative array
176 Syntax of PL/SQL table
177 Implementing PL/SQL table I
178 PL/SQL table and its attributes
179 Syntax of using PL/SQL table with attributes
180 PL/SQL table and first and next attribute
181 PL/SQL table and Count Attribute
182 PL/SQL table and Exist Attribute
Quiz 04

183 PL/SQL table and Delete Attribute
184 Implementing PL/SQL Table-II
185 Implementing PL/SQL Table-III
186 Implementing PL/SQL Table-IV
187 Implementing PL/SQL Table and SQL
188 What is Sub Program
189 What is Procedure
190 Details of Procedure
191 Syntax of Creating PL/SQL Procedure
192 Creating First Procedure
193 Debugging the Procedure
194 Implementing Procedure-I
195 Procedure and Parameters
196 Procedure and IN Parameters

197 Procedure and OUT Parameters
198 Implementing IN/ OUT Parameter-I
199 Dropping a Procedure
200 Implementing IN/ OUT Parameter-II
201 Implementing Procedure with Parameter-III
202 Implementing Procedure with Multiple Return Values
203 Functions
204 Details of Function
205 Function vs Procedure
206 Syntax of Creating PL/SQL Function
207 Creating First Function
208 Debugging the Function
209 Dropping a Function
210 Function and Parameters
211 Function and IN OUT
212 Implementing Function Using IN Parameter-I
213 Implementing Function Using IN and OUT Parameter-II
214 Implementing Function Using IN and OUT Parameter-III

215 Using Function and Procedure Together
216 What is Trigger
217 Trigger and Views
218 Rationale for Trigger
219 Trigger Type: Row and Statement Level
220 Trigger Type: Before and After
221 Flow of Trigger Execution
222 Syntax of Creating Trigger in PL/SQL
223 Creating First Trigger in PL/SQL
224 Implementing Trigger in PL/SQL-II
225 Implementing Trigger in PL/SQL-III
226 Implementing Trigger in PL/SQL-IV
227 Enabling and Disabling the Triggers
228 Dropping the Triggers
229 Package
230 Parts of Package
Final Exams