CS506 : Web Design and Development

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

The course is divided into two modules. The first module concentrates on basic concepts of java and some advance topics including Graphical user interface, Java Data base connectivity, Java Graphics, Socket programming, Serialization and Multithreading. The second module concentrates on web application development which covers Servlets, Java Server Pages, Java Beans and JSF (Java Serve Faces). This course uses JDK 1.8, Tomcat server 9.0.0 and NetBeans IDE 8.2 for Java Programming and Web Application Development.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe basic and some advance concepts in java
  • Develop Graphical user interface in java
  • Design/develop web based enterprise application
  • Explain different technologies of Java
  • Differentiate different technologies of Java
  • Know how to implement a certain technology in a certain situation

Course Calendar

1 Java Features
2 Java Virtual Machine & Runtime Environment
3 Learning Basics
4 Object Oriented Programming
5 Inheritance
6 Collections
7 Introduction to Exceptions
8 Streams
9 Abstract Classes and Interfaces
10 Graphical User Interfaces
11 Event Handling
12 Event Handling 2
13 Adapter Classes
14 Java Database Connectivity
15 More on JDBC
16 Result Set
17 Meta Data
18 Java Graphics
19 How to Animate?
20 Applets
21 Socket Programming
22 Serialization
23 Multithreading
24 More on Multithreading
25 Web Application Development
26 Java Servlets
27 Creating a Simple Web Application in Tomcat
28 Servlets Lifecycle
29 More on Servlets
30 Dispatching Requests
31 Session Tracking
32 Session Tracking 2
33 AddressBook Case Study: Using Sevlets
34 Java Server Pages
35 JavaServer Pages 2
36 JavaBeans
37 JSP Action Elements and Scope
38 JSP Custom Tags
39 MVC + Case Study
40 MVC Model 2 Architecture
41 Layers and Tiers
42 Expression Language
43 JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
44 Client Side Validation & JavaServer Faces (JSF)
45 JavaServer Faces
46 Pre-Assessment