CS602 : Computer Graphics

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Computer Graphics is the study of basic concepts and principles of graphics. Topics include an introduction to the basic concepts, 2-D and 3-D modeling and transformations, viewing transformations, projections, rendering techniques, graphical software packages and graphics systems. Students will use a standard computer graphics API (OpenGL) to reinforce concepts and study fundamental computer graphics algorithms.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to

  • Describe and explain the significance of Computer Graphics
  • Know how to handle difficult designing issues related to Computer Graphics
  • Describe the fundamental 2D and 3D algorithms used in computer graphics
  • Explain low-level techniques (raster graphics, display lists, transformations)
  • Discuss high-level algorithms (shading methods, animation, solids modeling, HLHSR, anti-aliasing)
  • Implement the mathematics required to create 2D and 3D images in a view volume
  • Be able to design and implement models of surfaces, lights, sounds, and textures (with texture transformations) using a 3D graphics API.
  • Apply OpenGL functions to implement what you learned
  • Put into practice features of Computer Graphics

Course Calendar

1 Introduction to Computer Graphics
2 Graphics Systems I
3 Graphics Systems II
4 Point
5 Line Drawing Techniques
6 Circle Drawing Techniques
7 Ellipse and Other Curves
8 Filled Area Primitives I
9 Filled Area Primitives II
10 Mathematical Fundamentals
11 2D Transformations I
12 2D Transformations II
13 Drawing Example
14 Clipping-I
15 Clipping-II
16 3D Concepts
17 3D Transformations I
18 3D Transformations II
20 Perspective Projection
21 Triangles & Planes
22 Triangle Rasterization
23 Lighting I
24 Lighting II
25 Mathematics of Lighting and Shading Part I
26 Mathematics of Lighting and Shading Part II
27 Review II
28 Review III
29 Mathematics of Lighting and Shading Part III
30 Mathematics of Lighting and Shading Part IV
31 Mathematics of Lighting and Shading Part V
32 Introduction to OpenGL
33 OpenGL Programming
34 OpenGL Programming II
35 Curves
36 Space Curves
37 The Tangent Vector
38 Bezier Curves
39 Building Polygonal Models of Surfaces
40 Fractals
41 Viewing using OpenGL
42 Examples of Composing Several Transformations
43 Real-World and OpenGL Lighting
44 Evaluators, curves and Surfaces
45 Animations