CS607 : Artificial Intelligence

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Artificial Intelligence is the study of the science of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. In this field we try to understand human intelligence and after it we use computers to adapt (implement using computer programs) this intelligence. This subject contains concepts from many other subjects of computer science and it uses these concepts to give practical solutions for the benefit of human beings.

Course Learning Outcomes

After completing this course you should be able to:

  • Define that what is artificial intelligence and why it is important.
  • Analyze and apply any search strategy over the given problem.
  • Learn about some successful application of artificial intelligence.
  • Characterize and classify expert systems.
  • Design expert system.
  • Use CLIPS software for expert system development.
  • Examine fuzzy systems.
  • Research machine learning and planning.

Course Calendar

1 Introduction
2 Formal Definitions for Artificial Intelligence
3 History and Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
4 Problem Solving
5 Problem Solving 2
6 Search Strategies
7 DFS, BFS and Progressive Deepening
8 Heuristically Informed Searches
9 Best First Search
10 Adversarial Search
11 Comment on Evolution
12 Genetic Algorithm Problems
13 Eight Queens Problem
14 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
15 Formal KR techniques
16 Reasoning
17 Resolution
18 Expert Systems
19 Roles of an expert system
20 Expert System & Forward Chaining
21 Backward chaining
23 CLIPS Example
24 CLIPS Integrated Development Environment
25 Design of expert systems
26 Design of expert systems 2
27 Practical Approach
28 Handling uncertainty with fuzzy systems
29 Boolean versus Fuzzy
30 Fuzzy Set Representation
31 Fuzzy Inference System
32 Fuzzy Inference Process
33 Motivation
34 Machine Learning
35 Version Space and Searching
36 Candidate Elimination Algorithm
37 Decision Trees Learning
38 Information Gain
39 Connectionist
40 Multiple layers of Perceptrons
41 Supervised and Un-supervised Searches
42 Planning & Motivation
43 Computer Vision
44 Clustering
45 Conclusion
46 Pre-Assessment
47 Assignment: All topics that has been broadcast