CS610 : Computer Networks

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course presents an overview of the technology, architecture and software used by systems of network connected computers. The course will cover data transmission, local area network architecture, network protocols, inter-networking, distributed systems, security, and World Wide Web technology.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Define Computer Networks, name uses of Computer Networks, and list the basic components of a Network system.
  • Describe other pieces of hardware and software which make networks more efficient, faster, more secure, easier to use, able to transmit several simultaneous messages, and able to interconnect with other networks.
  • Explain the basic technical concepts of Computer Networks.
  • Differentiate the various types of network configurations.
  • Describe the circuits that are available for voice and data networks, their transmission speeds (bandwidth), and how they are packaged for commercial use.
  • Discuss the importance of adapting a Computer Network offering to meet the changing and challenging networking needs of organizations.
  • Design networks by using manual or hand calculations.
  • Define the differences between protocols, software, and network architecture.
  • Define the concept of local area networks and describe their use.
  • Describe how a local area network is installed, its topologies and its protocols.
  • Analyze why networks need security and control, what errors might occur, and how to control network errors.

Course Calendar

1 Introduction
2 Motivation and Tools
3 Overview of Data Communication
4 Packets, Frames and Error Detection
5 Byte Stuffing
6 Shift Operation
Quiz no 1
7 Growth of LAN Technology
8 Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)
Assignment no 1
9 Hardware Addressing
10 Frame Type Identification
11 Interface Hardware
12 LAN Wiring and Physical Topology
13 Fiber Modems and Repeaters
14 Bridges
15 Switches and WAN Technologies
16 Routing
Quiz no 2
Assignment no 2
17 Routing Algorithems
18 Connection-Oriented Networking and ATM
19 ATM: Virtual Circuits
20 ATM and Network Ownership
21 Network Service Paradigm
22 Network Performance
23 Internetworking: Concepts, Architecture and Protocols
24 IP: Internet Protocol Addresses
25 Internet Protocol Address Notations
26 IP Subneting
27 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
28 ARP Message Format
Quiz no 3
29 IP Datagrams and Datagram Forwarding
30 IP Encapsulation, Fragmentation and Reassembly
31 The Future IP (IPv6)
32 IPv6 and Error Reporting Mechanism
33 Error Reporting Mechanism (ICMP)
Graded Discussion Board
34 UDP: Datagram Transport Service
35 Datagram Format and TCP: Reliable Transport Service (Part-1)
Quiz no 4
36 Datagram Format and TCP: Reliable Transport Service (Part-2)
37 Network Address Translation (NAT) (Part-1)
38 Network Address Translation (NAT) (Part-2)
39 IP Routing (Part-1)
40 IP Routing (Part-2)
41 IP Routing (Part-3)
42 IP Routing (Part-4)
43 IP Routing (Part-5)
44 IP Routing (Part-6)
45 Revision
46 Pre-Assesment