CS724 : Software Process Improvement

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

? to introduce students to the basics of software process and process improvement ? to teach students about the activities and issues software process engineering ? to teach students different software process improvement approaches ? to teach students concept of measurements and how it applies to software processes ? to introduce students advance and potential research topics in software process engineering

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

  • understand the basics of software process engineering
  • understand different modeling techniques for processes
  • understand the importance of process engineering and how management activities are related to them
  • understand and be familiar with different approaches used for software process improvement
  • understand the concept of measurements and their application in software process improvement
  • understanding the need for research in selected topics in process engineering

Course Calendar

1 Introduction (Process Models)
2 Introduction ( Software Quality Assurance)
3 Introduction ( Configuration Management)
4 Introduction ( Project Planning)
5 Process Modeling
6 Process Modeling Techniques
7 Application of ETVX
8 Process Modeling Techniques (IDEF0)
9 Intro to Process Management (Measuring and Analyzing the Current State)
10 Introduction to CMM
11 CMM Level 3 and Other process models
12 CMM Level 4 & 5
13 Introduction to CMMI
14 Introduction to CMMI Staged Representation
15 CMMI Staged – Maturity Level 2
16 CMMI Staged – Maturity Level 3 - 1
17 CMMI Staged Maturity Level 3 -2
18 CMMI Staged – Maturity Level 4
19 Introduction to CMMI Continuous Representation
20 Personal Software Process (PSP)
21 Implementing PSP
22 Review Lecture
23 Introduction to TSP – I
24 Introduction to TSP – II
25 Introduction to TSP – III
26 TSP Body of Knowledge
27 Software Process Improvement Using PDCA
28 Software Process Improvement Using SEI’s IDEAL Model
29 Software Process Assessments
30 Software Process Benchmarks
31 Agile Software Process
32 Process Patterns
33 ISO/IEC 12207:2008
34 SPICE – ISO/IEC 15504
35 Process Assurance
36 People Capability Maturity Model – 1
37 People CMM – 2
38 Introduction to Measurements
39 Basics of Measurements
40 Measurement Scales
41 Goal-Question-Metric (GQM)
42 Software-Metrics Data Collection
43 Process Metrics
44 Software Process Improvement: Your Mileage May Vary
45 Review from Mid-Term to Final