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ENG510 : Sociolinguistics

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Language is a fundamental aspect of our life. As an individual, we learn how to use a language within a culture and society and what content to communicate. In this context, this course ‘Sociolinguistics’ provides a comprehensive guide to sociolinguistics and the sociology of language. The subject aims to enable the students to explore the core components of sociolinguistics including language and ideology, speech communities, language varieties, significance and scope of teaching of sociolinguistics and scope of research in sociolinguistics. The content of this course includes a detailed introduction to sociolinguistics and varieties of language, speech communities, language and dialect, sociolinguistic codes and bilingualism, language and ideology, thought and culture, diglossia, media and sociolinguistics, code switching and code mixing in Pakistan, language practices and sociolinguistic scene of Pakistan, language planning in Pakistan and teaching and research in sociolinguistics.

Course Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • understand the scope of sociolinguistics within linguistics.
  • comprehend what type of social constraints impact language contact.
  • differentiate between ideology, thought, culture, diglossia and dialect.
  • define a standard language , creole & pidgin.
  • get insight into the wave model & family tree model.
  • know the status of language and dialect in Pakistan, Africa, Europe & Papua New Guinea.
  • distinguish about various aspects of linguistic communication from sociolinguistic perspective.
  • link the power of print, electronic and global media and language choices.
  • see the national language of Pakistan from sociolinguistics perspective and the status of other local languages.
  • realize the scope of research in sociolinguistics.

Course Calendar

1 What is Sociolinguistics?
2 Some Definitions of Sociolinguistics
3 Sociolinguistics and Linguistics
4 Sociolinguistics and the Sociology of Language
5 Sociolinguistics and Other Disciplines
6 Sociolinguistic Phenomena and an Imaginary World
7 Sociolinguistic Phenomena and a Real but Exotic World
8 Sociolinguistic Phenomena and a Real and Familiar World
9 Sociolinguistic Phenomena and We
10 Sociolinguistic Phenomena and the Changing World
11 The Question of Varieties of Language in Sociolinguistics
12 What are Linguistics Items?
13 The Terms- Variety and Lect
14 Types and Significance of Varieties of Language
15 Attitude towards Language Varieties

16 What are Speech Communities?
17 Some Definitions of Speech Communities
18 Intersecting Communities
19 Rejecting the Idea of Speech Communities
20 Networks and Repertoires
21 Sociolinguistic Constraints on language Contact
22 Wave Model of Language Contact and Change
23 Spatial Diffusion by Gravity
24 Access to the Codes
25 Rigidity of the Social Matrix
26 Variables and Variants
27 Types of Variables and Variants
28 Synchronic Variation
29 Diachronic Variation
30 Possibility of Predicting Language Change and Variation

31 Difference Between a Language and a Dialect
32 Some Examples of Dialects
33 Standard Languages
34 The Delimitation of Languages
35 The Family Tree Model
36 Regional Dialects
37 Social Dialects
38 Idiolects
39 Dialects and Identity
40 Study of Dialects in Sociolinguistics
41 Language and Dialect in Papua New Guinea
42 Language and Dialect in Europe
43 Language and Dialects in Africa
44 Language and Dialects in Pakistan
45 Language in Society

46 Regional Dialectology
47 The Work of Labov
48 Martha’s Vineyard
49 Developments in the Study of Language Variation
50 Further Insights into the Study of Language Variation
51 What is a Register?
52 Some Examples of Register
53 How a Register is Different from a Dialect
54 What is Jargon?
55 Difference in a Register and Jargon
56 What is Accent?
57 Accents vs. Dialect
58 What is Style?
59 Register vs. Style
60 Speech Communities and Communicative Competence

61 The Term-Code
62 Bilingualism
63 Bilinguality vs. Bilingualism
64 Bi/Multilingualism and Sociolinguistics
65 Measuring Bilingualism
66 Code Switching and Sociolinguistics
67 Code Mixing and Sociolinguistics
68 Tag Switching
69 Why Code Switching and Mixing?
70 Hybridization
71 Social Class as a Social Correlate
72 Gender as a Social Correlate
73 Age as a Social Correlate
74 Ethnic Varieties as Social Correlates
75 Speech Communities, Social Networks and Communities of Practice

76 Language and Identity
77 Dialects & identity
78 Language, Style Variation and Socio-Psychological Factors
79 Politeness and Sociolinguistics
80 Power in Sociolinguistics
81 Language and Ideology
82 The Ideology of Standard Language
83 Multilingual Societies and Status of Languages
84 Language and Education
85 Language Policy and Planning
86 The History of Galim
87 Language in North and South Korea
88 Language in Great Britain
89 Language in the USA
90 Language in Canada

91 Language Change and Maintenance
92 Language Shift
93 Language Desertion
94 Language Death
95 Language Accommodation
96 Pidgin
97 Creole
98 Origins and Structures of Pidgins and Creoles
99 The Creole Continuum
100 Pidgins and Creoles in Social Context
101 Ethnography of Communication
102 Aspects of Linguistic Communication
103 Non-linguistic Communication and Sociolinguistics
104 Paralinguistic Communication and Sociolinguistics
105 Utterances and their Meanings in Context

106 The Ethnography of Speaking
107 Politeness and Social Interaction
108 Politeness Strategies in Language
109 Sociolinguistic Competence and Performance
110 Sociolinguistic Competence and Language Choice
111 Sapir Whorf Hypothesis
112 Linguistic Relativism and Conservatism
113 Linguistic Imperialism
114 Linguistic Rights
115 Language Rights at Different Levels and Places
116 What is Slang?
117 What are Clichés?
118 Local Proverbs and Idioms in Sociolinguistics
119 Functions of Non- Standard Language
120 Examples of Non- Standard Language from English

121 What is Diglossia?
122 Diglossia and the Social Hierarchy
123 Extended concept of Diglossia
124 Examples of Diglossia
125 Diglossia and Language Shift
126 Language, Media and Society: The Trio
127 Power of Media and Language Choices
128 Print Media and Sociolinguistics
129 Electronic Media and Sociolinguistics
130 Global Media and Sociolinguistics
131 What is Social Media?
132 Emerging Social Media Trends
133 Social Media and Sociolinguistics
134 Social Networks and Language
135 Social Media in Pakistan

136 Social Media and Unusual Spellings
137 Social Media and Change in Language
138 Writing on Social Media and Use of Non-linguistic Features
139 Impact of Social Media on English Language
140 Social Media and Writing Practices in Pakistan
141 Good and Bad English
142 The Native Speaker of English
143 Standard English
144 English Language Amongst Global Languages
145 The English Speech Community and Virtual Networks
146 National Language of Pakistan
147 Provincial and Local Languages in Pakistan
148 Linguistic Diversity and Sociolinguistic Context of Pakistan
149 Issues of Linguistic Unity in Pakistan
150 Language and Power in Pakistani Sociolinguistic Context

151 Role and Status of English in Pakistan
152 English vs. Urdu in Pakistan
153 English and Education in Pakistan
154 English and Social Class Issues in Pakistan
155 British and American English Varieties in Pakistan
156 Language Contact in Pakistan
157 Social Aspects of Language Choice for Children in Pakistan
158 Economic Aspects of English Language in Pakistan
159 Language in the Domains of Politics, Law and Government in Pakistan
160 Language in the Domains of Religion, Market and Business
161 Impact of Urbanization on the Sociolinguistic Scene of Pakistan
162 Language Change and Shift in Pakistan
163 Language Desertion in Pakistan
164 Language Use on Pakistani Television and its Implications
165 Future Dimensions and Predictions about Language Use in Pakistan

166 Code Switching of English and Urdu in Pakistan
167 Code Switching of Other Languages in Pakistan
168 Code Mixing of English and Urdu in Pakistan
169 Code Mixing of Other Languages in Pakistan
170 Language Hybridization in Pakistan
171 Greetings and Sociolinguistics
172 Blessings & Curses and Sociolinguistics
173 Kinship Terms and Sociolinguistics
174 Diminutive Expressions and Sociolinguistics
175 Sayings and Proverbs Across the Globe
176 Modes of Address and Sociolinguistic Scene of Pakistan
177 Reduplication and Sociolinguistic Scene of Pakistan
178 Repetition of Codes and Sociolinguistic Scene of Pakistan
179 Names & Titles and Sociolinguistic Scene of Pakistan
180 Greetings and Sociolinguistic Scene of Pakistan

181 Gender Identity and Language in Pakistan
182 Proverbs in Pakistan and Sociolinguistic Perspective
183 Literature and Sociolinguistics
184 Sociolinguistics and Oral Literature Across the Globe
185 Sociolinguistics and Oral Literature in Pakistan
186 Language Policies of Pakistan
187 Education Policies of Pakistan
188 Primary Education in Pakistan and Language Issues
189 Secondary Education in Pakistan and Language Issues
190 Tertiary Education in Pakistan and Language Issues
191 Second Language Acquisition and Sociolinguistics
192 Sociolinguistic Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
193 Second Language Acquisition and Sociolinguistics: The Case of Pakistan
194 Learners’ Choice of Target Language Variety and Social Context
195 Second Language Acquisition and Sociolinguistics: The Case of Japanese

196 Scope of Research in Sociolinguistics
197 Significance and Scope of Teaching of Sociolinguistics
198 Other Issues of Data Collection in Sociolinguistics
199 Advances in Computing Technology: Opportunities & Challenges in Teaching and Research in Sociolinguistics
200 The Future of Sociolinguistics as a Discipline