EDU401 : Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

The course Contemporary trends and Issues will enable students to understand and evaluate the contemporary trends and issues that are prevalent in the education.

Course Learning Outcomes

After studying this course students will be able to:

  • • describe and discuss the positive and negative impacts of information explosion
  • • identify and analyze differences between madrassah and mainstream education and describe steps the government could take to bridge the differences
  • • identify barriers to achieving universal literacy and how the same can be overcome at the local level
  • • discuss issues related to poverty in education in Pakistan at multiple levels and identify steps that can reduce the existing disparity
  • • analyze the relationship between the curriculum structure and career opportunities
  • • evaluate the consequences of the growing privatization of education
  • • discuss issues related to peace education in Pakistan and how it can lead to a more tolerant society
  • • describe and discuss the impacts of other related trends and issues such as the environment, morals and values, HIV, etc

Course Calendar

1 Education in twenty first Century
2 International Conventions for Free and Quality Education
3 Status of Education in Pakistan
4 Pakistan’s Constitutional Provisions for Education
5 Equity Issues in Education: Poverty
6 Equity issues in Education: Silent Exclusion
7 Equity issues in Education: Income
8 Equity issues in Education: Health
9 Equity issues in Education: school equipment
10 Topic 10. Equity issues in Education: Gender
11 Equity Issues in Education: Gender (for Teachers)
12 Equity Issues in Education: Gender (Non-Enrollment rates)
13 Equity Issues in Education: Gender (Literacy)
14 Equity Issues in Education: Gender (Reasons for Gender Disparity)
15 Equity Issues in Education: Religion

16 Religious Discrimination-I (Textbook Analysis)
17 Religious Discrimination (textbook Analysis)
18 Socio-Cultural related Issues (Reform Opportunities)
19 Free and Accessible Education
20 Free and Accessible Education (21st Century)
21 Elements of Free and Accessible Education
22 Benefits of Free and Accessible Education-I
23 Benefits of Free and Accessible Education-II
24 Benefits of Free and Accessible Education-III
25 Free and Accessible education: Key Players I
26 Free and Accessible education: Key Players II
27 Free and accessible education: Attitudes and Values
28 Free and Accessible Education: Curricula
29 Free and Accessible Education: Empowerment for All

30 Peace Education
31 Introduction to Peace Studies
32 Peace Education I
33 Topic 33. Peace Education II
34 Transcend Approach
35 Why do Human Clash
36 Philosophy of peace education
37 Elements of Curricula
38 History I
39 History II
40 Aims: Knowledge
41 Aims: skill
42 Aims: Attitude
43 Peace?
44 Why Peace for Education?
Assignment No. 1

45 Theme 1: A
46 Theme 1: B
47 Theme 1: C
48 Theme 2: A
49 Theme 2: B
50 Theme 2: C
51 Conflict: Introduction
52 Conflict: Definition
53 Conflict: Sources
54 Conflict response style
55 Dealing with Difficult People
56 Looking at the problem or issue
57 Rules for the road
58 Approaches I
Quiz No. 1

59 Conflict style based on TKI-I
60 Conflict Style based on TKI-II
61 Conflict styles
62 Conflict Situation
63 Madrassa Education
64 What is Madrassa Education?
65 Classification of Madrassa Education
66 Historical Status of Madaaris in Pakistan
67 Dominance of Madrassa Education
68 Madrassa Education (Debate Controversies)
69 The debate (challenges)
70 Madrassa and Politics

71 Madaaris and radicalization
72 Madrassa Reforms: Ghost Madaaris
73 Madrassa Reforms: Foreign Funding
74 Madrassa Reforms: Demands
75 Madrassa Reforms; Obstacles
76 Madrassa Reforms: Capacity constraints
77 Policy recommendations for the government
78 Policy recommendations for the madrassa administration
79 Policy recommendations for civil society
80 Success stories: Indonesia and Cuba
81 Universal Literacy
82 Levels of Literacy
83 Literacy and Education
84 Literacy in Islam
Quiz No. 2

85 Literacy as social practice
86 Life on the basis of Literacy
87 Literacy rate In Pakistan
88 Definitions and Literacy rates
90 National Education policy
91 National Education policy II
92 National Education policy III
93 National Education policy IV
94 Private School growth
95 UNESCO and Universal Literacy
96 World Literacy Rate
97 Problems in Literacy
98 Problems in Literacy II
99 Medium of Instruction

100 Medium of Instruction II
101 Why Mother Tongue?
102 Why International language?
103 Basic and Secondary Education
104 Literacy and Lifelong Learning
105 Quality Education
106 Instructional provisions
Mid- Term Exam
107 4 Models of Education
108 Implementing Mother Tongue as Medium of Instruction
109 Learning Types
110 Learning types II
111 Eraut (2000) I
112 Eraut (2000) II
113 EU’s Definitions (EC 2001) I
114 EU’s Definitions (EC 2001) II
115 Livingstone (2001) I
116 Livingstone (2001) II
117 Billet (2001) I
118 Billet (2001) II

119 Beckett and Hager (2002)
120 Colley, Hodkinson and Malcom I
121 Colley, Hodkinson and Malcom II
122 Colley, Hodkinson and Malcom III
123 A Contemporary Concern
124 Introduction 2
125 Population Situation 1
126 Population Situation 1-II
127 Population Debate
128 Health Care
129 Food
130 Human Rights
Quiz No. 3

131 Why population education
132 The role of Ideology and Culture 1
133 The Role of Ideology and Culture 2
134 Levels of Aggregation
135 Decision making
136 Relevance and Participation
137 Program Planning/ Implementation
138 Future Oriented learning
139 Persuasion and prescription 1
140 Persuasion and prescription 2
141 Population Studies
142 Methodological issues
143 Population Education/Other “Educations”
144 Population Education and the Media

145 Research for Program Development
146 Conclusion
147 Innovation and Renovation
148 Population Education: Integration
149 Introduction of Privatization
150 Three forms of Privatization 1
151 Private Funding
152 Private regulation
153 Privatization Policies in Education 1
154 Public School Liberalization
155 Private Contracting
156 Tuition Credits and Deductions

157 Subsidies and Assistance Grants
158 Private Payments
159 Implementing Privatization Programs
160 Implementing Privatization Programs 2
161 Why is Privatization Happening? 1
162 Why is Privatization Happening? 2
163 Why is Privatization Happening? 3
164 Why is Privatization Happening? 4
165 Privatization in Pakistan I
166 Privatization in Pakistan 2
167 Privatization in Pakistan 3

168 Financing private Education in Pakistan I
169 Financing Private Education Pakistan 2
170 Financing Private Education Pakistan 3
171 Diversity Private Education Pakistan 1
172 Where has this diversity come from?
173 What are the implications of diversity in the provision of education?
174 Quality of Teaching and Learning 1
175 Quality of Teaching and Learning 2
176 Evaluate Privatization Programs 1
177 Evaluate Privatization Programs 2
178 Evaluate Privatization Programs 3
179 Evaluate Privatization Programs 4
180 Evaluate Privatization Programs 5
181 Evaluate Privatization Programs 6
182 Evaluate Privatization Programs 7
183 Evaluate Privatization Programs 8
184 Evaluate Privatization Programs 9
185 What is Environmental Education? 1
186 What is Environmental Education? 2
187 What is Environmental Education? 3
188 Vision of Environmental Education
189 Climate Change 1
190 Climate Change 2
191 Existing Frameworks 1
192 Existing Frameworks 2
193 Implementing EE 1
194 Implementing EE 2
195 Implementing EE 3
196 EE in Practice
197 EE in Environment-Friendly Schools 1
198 EE in Environment-Friendly Schools 2
199 EE in Environment-Friendly Schools 3
200 EE in Environment-Friendly Schools 4
201 EE in Environment-Friendly Schools 5
202 EE in Environment-Friendly Schools 6
203 EE in Environment-Friendly Schools 7
204 EE in Environment-Friendly Schools 8

205 Methods for EE 1
206 Methods for EE 2
207 Methods for EE 3
208 Methods for EE 4
Quiz No. 4
209 Children’s Voice 1
210 Children’s Voice 2
211 Teacher Education 1
212 Teacher Education 2
213 Teacher Education 3
214 EE in the School Area 1
215 EE in the School Area 2
216 EE in the School Area 3
217 EE in the School Area 4
218 EE in the School Area 5
219 EE in the School Area 6
220 EE in the School Area 7

221 Technology Education
222 Engaged Learning: Today’s Digital Natives 2
223 Education Revolution 1
224 Education Revolution 2
225 A Look at Yesterday and Today 1
226 A Look at Yesterday and Today 2
227 The Communication Revolution 1
228 The Communication Revolution 2
229 Engaging “Digital Natives” 1
230 Engaging “Digital Natives” 2
231 Paths to Successful Education 1
232 Paths to Successful Education 2
233 Effects of Using Technology 1
234 Effects of Using Technology 2
235 Technology-Enabled Education 1
236 Technology-Enabled Education 2
237 Technology-Enabled Education 3
238 Technology-Enabled Education 4
239 Technology-Enabled Education 5
240 Technology-Enabled Education 6
241 Technology-Enabled Education 7
242 Technology-Enabled Education 8
243 Technology-Enabled Education 9
244 Challenges of T-E Education Initiatives 1
245 Challenges of T-E Education Initiatives 2
246 Challenges of T-E Education Initiatives 3
247 Challenges of T-E Education Initiatives 4
248 Reforms for Tech-Supported Education 1
249 Reforms for Tech-Supported Education 2
250 Reforms for Tech-Supported Education 3
251 Reforms for Tech-Supported Education 4
252 Reforms for Tech-Supported Education 5
253 Reforms for Tech-Supported Education 6
254 Reforms for Tech-Supported Education 7
255 Reforms for Tech-Supported Education 8
Final Term Exam