EDU431 : Test Development & Evaluation

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Teaching requires assessment i.e. the evaluation of student understanding in light of the goals of a lesson or a course. This course is designed to equip the students with the understanding of test development and assessment. In this course students will learn how to design assessments that are carefully aligned with educational objectives. This course will also include hands on activities to guide the creation revision and use of quality assessment rubrics and coding schemes that work with the assessments design.

Course Learning Outcomes

The course introduces broad concepts theories and practices in test development and assessment in education

  • Define discuss and critique the application and implications of various classroom assessment and evaluation procedures
  • Describe and critique a variety of methods and means for reporting student achievement.
  • Students will be able to develop table of specification
  • Students will be able to perform Item Analysis

Course Calendar

1 Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation
2 Classroom Assessment
3 Types of Assessment
4 Use of Assessment in Classroom Instruction Placement and Diagnostic
5 Use of Assessment in Classroom Instruction – Formative and Summative Assessment
6 Types of Assessment Methods of Interpreting Results

7 Role of national curriculum in assessment
8 Connecting all four levels in curriculum
9 Curriculum Development at Higher Education Level

10 Taxonomies of Educational Objectives and Assessment
11 Bloom’s Taxonomy and SOLO Taxonomy
12 SOLO Taxonomy
13 Depth of Knowledge
14 Bloom's Taxonomy
15 Bloom’s Taxonomy (Continued)
16 Revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy
17 Instructional Objectives

18 Educational Decisions making
19 Types of test
20 Norm- Referenced Assessment (NRT)
21 Criterion Referenced Assessment
22 Characteristics of Criterion Referenced Assessment
23 Difference between NRT and CRT
24 Formative Assessment
25 Functions of Formative Assessment
26 Summative Assessment
27 Functions of Summative Assessment

28 Table of specification
29 Concept of table of specification
30 Elements and Appropriateness in Table of Specification
31 Balance among Learning Objectives and their Weight in table of specification
32 Balance among the Levels of Learning Objectives in Table of Specification
Quiz 1

33 Selecting Pre-designed test
34 Standards for selecting appropriate test
35 Standards for selecting appropriate test (Continue)
36 Fairness in selecting appropriate tests

37 Characteristics of Good Test
38 Nature of validity
39 Evidences of validity: Content validity
40 Evidences of validity: Construct validity
41 Evidences of validity: Criterion validity
42 Evidences of validity: Consequence validity
43 Nature of reliability
44 Method of estimating reliability
45 Method of estimating reliability: Test-retest
46 Method of estimating reliability: Equivalent form Method
47 Method of estimating reliability: Split Half Method
48 Method of estimating reliability: Kuder-Richardson Method
Quiz 2

49 Anecdotal records
50 Effective use of Anecdotal Records
51 Advantages and limitations of Anecdotal Records
52 Peer appraisal
53 Portfolio
54 Purpose of Portfolio

55 Selection of item in a test
56 Characteristics of MCQs
57 Uses of MCQs
58 Uses of MCQs (Continue 1)
59 Uses of MCQs (Continue 2)
60 Advantages and Limitations of MCQs
61 Advantages and Limitations of MCQs (continue 1)
62 Advantages and Limitations of MCQs (continue 2)
63 Suggestions for constructing MCQs
64 Suggestions for constructing MCQs (continue 1)
65 Suggestions for constructing MCQs (continue 2)
66 Suggestions for constructing MCQs (continue 3)
67 Suggestions for constructing MCQs (continue 4)
68 Suggestions for constructing MCQs (continue 5)
69 Suggestions for constructing MCQs (continue 6)
70 Suggestions for constructing MCQs (continue 7)
71 True/ False items
72 Uses of True/ False items
73 Advantages and limitations of True-false
74 Suggestions for Constructing True-false (alternative form) items
75 Suggestions for Constructing True-false items (Continue 1)
76 Suggestions for Constructing True-false items (Continue 2)
77 Suggestions for Constructing True-false items (Continue 3)
78 Suggestions for Constructing True-false items (Continue 4)
79 Suggestions for Constructing True-false items (Continue 5)
80 Suggestions for Constructing True-false items (Continue 6)
81 Matching Exercises
82 Uses of Matching Exercises
83 Advantages and limitations of Matching Exercises
84 Suggestions for constructing Matching Exercises
85 Suggestions for constructing Matching Exercises (Continue 1)
86 Suggestions for constructing Matching Exercises (Continue 2)
87 Suggestions for constructing Matching Exercises (Continue 3)
88 Developing short answer/completion questions
89 About developing short answer/completion questions
90 Uses of short answer/completion questions
91 Advantages of short answer/completion questions
92 Suggestions for constructing short answer/completion questions
93 Suggestions for constructing short answer/completion questions (Continue 1)
94 Suggestions for constructing short answer/completion questions (Continue 2)
95 Suggestions for constructing short answer/completion questions (Continue 3)
96 Suggestions for constructing short answer/completion questions (Continue 4)
Mid term exam

97 Creating Constructed Response Test Items
98 Guidelines for constructing Restricted response essay type items
99 Extended response essay type Items
100 Guidelines for writing essay type items
101 Scoring Rubrics for Essay Type Items
102 Types of Scoring Rubrics
103 Holistic Scoring Rubric

104 Theories of test development
105 Item Analysis: Information provided by item analysis
106 Appropriate time for Item Analysis
107 Test theories in item analysis
108 Item Difficulty in Classical Test Theory (CTT)
109 Item Discrimination in CTT
110 Item Characteristic Curve (ICC) in Item Response Theory
111 Item Difficulty in Item Response Theory
112 Item Discrimination in Item Response Theory (IRT)
113 Probability of Guessing in Item Response Theory (IRT)

114 Concept and importance of assembling and administration of tests
115 Assembling Test: Recording items
116 Assembling Test: Packing the test
117 Assembling Test: Packing the test (Continue 1)
118 Assembling Test: Packing the test (Continue 2)
119 Assembling Test: Packing the test (Continue 3)
120 Assembling Test: Reproducing the test
121 Assembling Test: Things to remember when administering test
122 Assembling Test: Things to remember when administering test (Continue 1)
123 Assembling Test: Things to remember when administering test (Continue 2)
124 Assembling Test: Things to remember when administering test (Continue 3)

125 Scoring Criteria: Scoring Rubric
126 Scoring Rubric for Essay Type Questions
127 Elements of Rubric
128 Holistic Scoring Rubric.
129 Approaches to Apply Holistic Scoring Rubric
130 Analytic Scoring Rubric
131 Advantages and disadvantages of Analytic Rubric
Quiz 3

132 Standardized Achievement Test
133 Characteristics of Standardized Achievement Test
134 Standardized Test versus Informal Classroom Test
135 Standardized test batteries and guidelines for SAT batteries
136 SAT in specific area, separate content oriented test, reading test
137 Concept of Interpreting Test Scores
138 Method of Interpreting Test Scores
139 Criterion-referenced Interpretation
140 Guidelines for Criterion-referenced Interpretation
141 Norm-referenced Interpretation

142 High Stake Testing
143 High Stake Testing in Pakistan
144 Recommendations for Effective HST
145 Preparation for Effective HST
146 Institutions involve in assessment
147 Institutions involve in assessment.
148 National Education Assessment System
Final term exam