EDU515 : Teaching of Geography

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

In this course the students will get an indepth understanding of what geography is all about, the importance of geography in education and development, important aspects of universe and the facts about Earth, Solar System, and phenomenas related to Earth like Earthquakes, Volcanoes, different weather conditions and maps etc. Apart from this, the students will explore about population growth and structure, major biomes, urbanization, energy resources and Environmental Hazards and Disasters etc.

Course Learning Outcomes

The students will able to :

  • Apply geographical knowledge to everyday life
  • Appreciate the differences and similarities in the people’s view of world societies and culture
  • Demonstrate proficiency in knowledge of essential concepts of physical and human geography
  • Use new technologies, including the Geographical Information System (GIS), to assist geographical investigation
  • understand current issues of local, national and global importance, including climate change and sustainable development
  • Understand and appreciate the relationship between geography and culture
  • use geographical skills, appropriate technology, inquiry and analysis

Course Calendar

1 Introducing Geography - Definition 1
2 Introducing Geography: Definition - 2
3 Study of Man: Environment Interaction
4 Geography: History
5 Recent advancements in Geography
6 Nature of Geography
7 Scope of Geography
8 Physical Geography
9 Human Geography
10 Branches of Human Geography

11 Relation with Life Sciences
12 Relation with Social Sciences
13 Importance of Geography in Education
14 Importance of Geography in Development
15 Importance of Geography in Knowledge
Quiz 1
16 Introducing Earth
17 The Shape of the Earth
18 The Size of the Earth
19 Introducing Universe
20 Galaxy and Milky Way
21 The Sun as a star and its Planets

22 Earth’s Rotation
23 Latitudes and Longitudes
24 Longitudes and Time
25 MAPS AND RELIEF - Introducing Map
26 Introducing Maps 2
27 Types of Map
28 Types of Map 1
29 Maps and Relief
Assignment 1
30 Types of Map 2
31 Types of Map 3
32 Types of Map 4
33 Types of Map 5

34 Determination of Directions
35 Representation of relief features
36 Representation of relief features 1
37 Representation of relief features 2
38 Geographical fieldwork
39 Field Work in Human Environment
40 Recent Techniques in Geography 3
41 Recent Techniques in Geography 4
42 Recent Techniques in Geography 5
43 Recent Techniques in Geography 6

44 Recent Techniques in Geography 7
45 Spheres of the Earth 01: Lithosphere
46 Spheres of the Earth 02: Atmosphere
47 Spheres of the Earth 03: Hydrosphere
48 Spheres of the Earth 04: Biosphere
49 Minerals and Rocks
50 Types of Rocks
Quiz 2
51 Minerals and rocks 1
52 Minerals and Rocks 2
53 Minerals and Rocks: Economic importance of rocks
54 Economic Benefits of Rocks
55 Landforms and Landscape

56 Landforms and Landscape 2
57 Plate Tectonic
58 Convergent boundaries
59 Plate Tectonic 2
60 Volcanic Activity 1
61 Volcanic activity 2
62 Earthquakes 1
63 Earthquakes 2
64 Earthquakes 3
65 Earthquakes 4

66 River Action
67 River Action - part 2
68 River Delta
69 Glacier's Action
70 Valley Glaciers
71 Glacier's Action -2
72 Glaciers Action -3
73 Continental Glaciers
74 Wind Action
75 Wind Action-2
76 Wind Action-3

77 Weathering
78 Chemical Weathering
79 Biological Weathering
80 Mass Wasting
81 Mass wasting in Pakistan
82 Mass wasting in Pakistan-1
Mid Term
83 Weather and Climate
84 Weather elements
85 Factors effecting weather
86 Factors effecting climate

87 Temperature
88 Horizontal distribution of the temperature
89 Urban and rural environment
90 Vertical distribution of the temperature
91 Global warming and Green House effect
92 Air Pressure
93 Wind
94 Seasonal Wind
95 Monsoon
96 Local winds

97 Local winds-1
98 Effect of weather on land forms
99 Effect of weather on human life
100 Biomes
101 Classification of biomes
102 Types of biomes.
103 Sub Tropical Forests and decidius forests
104 Conifers forests and maditiranian forests
105 Precipitations
106 Precipitations 1

107 Orographic Lifting Precipitation
108 Frontal lifting precipitation
109 Air Masses
110 Cyclones
111 Extra Tropical Cyclones
112 Tornado
113 Savanna
114 Steppe Biomes
115 Classes of vegetation
116 World’s Population and Settlements

117 Human Population
118 Density of the population
119 World Population
120 Population Growth
Quiz 3
121 Population Growth rate
122 Demographic characteristics of population
123 Population Structure
124 Migration
125 Urbanization
126 Human Settlements
127 Types of the settlement

128 Types of settlements
129 Urbanization – 1
130 Urbanization – 2: City Functions
131 Urbanization – 3:
132 Urbanization – 4:
133 Urbanization – 5:
134 Urbanization –6:
135 Urbanization –7:
136 Urbanization –8:
137 Urbanization –9: Economic challenges
138 : Urbanization –10: Green Agenda

139 Energy Resources– 01
140 Energy Resources-02:
141 Non-renewable resources
142 Energy Resources-04:
143 Energy Resources-05: Renewable resources
144 Energy Resources-06: Biomass
145 Energy Resources-07: Geothermal energy
146 Energy Resources– 03
147 Energy Resources-09
148 Energy Resources- 10

149 Environmental hazards and disasters– 01
150 Environmental Hazards and disasters-02: Natural hazards
151 Environmental Hazards and disasters-03:
152 Environmental Hazards and disasters-04: Flood
153 Earthquake
154 Environmental hazards and disasters– 06: Tsunami
155 Drought
156 Environmental hazards and disasters-08 Volcanism
157 Landslide
158 Environmental hazards and disasters-10: Air Pollution
Final Term