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PSC401 : Public International Law

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course is planned to help you in the understanding of the international law. International law is mainly concerned with the regulations of relations between the nations. The focus will be on different issues of the world like United Nations, clashes in the Middle East, poverty alleviation, global warming and the utilization of nuclear arms. This course has been designed to build perceptive of the students and inform them that International Law is not a stagnant object; it remains a matter of debate because of continuing changes in the international law. Moreover the students will come to know the legal background and functions of the law, sources of law and policies leading international arbitral events and arbitral jurisdiction. It will also throw light on different issues concerning the international law.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the critical understanding of the international law, regulations for international disputes and ability to make sound judgments on these disputes.
  • Assess the association between international law and social and economic reality.
  • Critically evaluate the role of international law in particular disputes
  • Explain and report the differences among international law and domestic law

Course Calendar

1 Introduction to International Law
2 Whether International Law is a Law or Not?
3 Subjects of Inernational Law

4 Sources of International Law
5 Sources of International Law (II)
6 Law of Treaties

7 International Law and Municipal Law
8 Jurisdiction
9 Immunity from Jurisdiction

10 Territory
11 Recognition
12 State Succession

13 Law of the Sea
14 Air Space and Outer Space
15 Human Rights

16 Nuclear Law - Major Treaties
17 Nuclear law - NPT & IAEA
18 International Law on Terrorism

19 International Law on Terrorism (II)
20 Law of Refugees
21 Use of Force and UN Charter

22 Use of Force (Unlawful)
23 International Humanitarian Law
24 International Criminal Court

25 State Responsibility
26 Pacific Settlement of Disputes
27 International Law on Siachen Issue

28 International Law on Sir Creek Issue
29 International Law on Kashmir Dispute
30 International Law and Issue of Non State Actors

31 International Criminal Law
32 International Law of the Sea and Pakistan
33 International Humanitarian Law and Pakistan

34 International Court of Justice Decisions
35 Legal Aspects of the Atlantic Case
36 International Court of Justice and the Leading Judgments

37 Islamic Concept of Intermational Law
38 International Trade Laws
39 Concept of Implementing Legislation

40 International law of Money Laundering
41 Working of Selected United Nations Bodies
42 Case of a Multi-Lateral Treaty

43 Treaty Negotiations
44 Future International Law Challenges
45 Conclusion and Overview