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MGMT628 : Organizational Development (alt. code=HRM628)

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course is about the process of scientifically collecting research data about an ongoing system in an organization relative to objective, goal, or strategies of that system; feeding these data back into the system by changing and modifying some parts; taking actions by altering some selected variables within the system; and evaluating the results of actions by collecting more data. This process continues and is used to adopt the latest changes in internal as well as external environment. This course will help students to have look on the planned changes in organizations and implementation over the long period of time.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

  • Learn how to implement organization development programs especially at the individual and work group levels.
  • Transform the organization through new expansion processes and tools.
  • Develop and enhance conceptual and behavioral skills to implement system-wide organization change efforts .

Course Calendar

1 The Challenges for Organizations
2 OD: A Unique Change Strategy
3 “Ideal” Effective, Healthy Organizations
4 The Evolution of OD - I
5 The Evolution of OD - II
6 The Organization Culture
7 The Nature of Planned Change
8 Action Research Model
9 General Model of Planned Change
10 The Organization Development Practitioner
11 Creating a Climate for Change
12 OD Practitioner Skills and Activities
13 Professional Values
14 Entering and Contracting
15 Diagnosing Organizations - I
16 Organization as Open Systems
17 Diagnosing Organizations - II
18 Diagnosing Groups and Jobs - I
19 Diagnosing Groups and Jobs - II
20 Collecting and Analyzing Diagnostic Information - I
21 Collecting and Analyzing Diagnostic Information - II
22 Designing Interventions
23 Leading and Managing Change - I
24 Leading and managing change - II
25 Evaluating and Institutionalizing Organization Development Interventions - I
26 Evaluating and Institutionalizing Organization Development Interventions - II
27 Evaluating and Institutionalizing Organization Development Interventions
28 Interpersonal and Group Process Approaches
29 Interpersonal and Group Process Approaches II
30 Interpersonal and Group Process Approaches III
31 Interpersonal and Group Process Approaches IV
32 Interpersonal and Group Process Approaches V
33 Organization Process Approaches
34 Restructuring Organizations
35 Restructuring Organizations II
36 Employee Involvement
37 Employee Involvement II
38 Work Design
39 Performance Management
40 Developing and Assisting Members
41 Developing and Assisting Members II
42 Organization and Environment Relationships
43 Organization Transformation
44 The Behavioral Approach
45 Seven Practices of Successful Organizations