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MTH721 : Commutative Algebra

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course is a comprehensive introduction to commutative algebra. It is meant to give students a foundation for further studies in algebra, combinatorics and algebraic geometry. You will understand algebra can be applied to other important areas of sciences.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Gain familiarity with the polynomial ring and be able to perform basic operations with both elements and ideals.
  • Use computational tools, especially Gr?bner bases and the Buchberger algorithm, to solve problems in polynomial rings; for example the ideal membership problem, or finding solutions to polynomial equations.
  • State accurately and be able to explain the proofs of the main results in the class without access to notes or other resources.

Course Calendar

1 Introduction
2 Sets maps
3 binary operations
4 Groups
5 Group examples
6 Identity/inverse uniqueness
7 Abelian groups
8 Subgroups
9 Rings
10 rings examples
11 Rings homorphism
12 Ideals
13 Principal ideal
14 Prime ideals
15 Maximal ideals
16 Polynomial rings
17 Polynomial rings-02
18 Operations on polynomial
19 K-Algebra homomorphism
20 K-Algebra homomorphism example
21 Homogeneous polynomials
22 Graded ideal
23 Proposition (graded ideal)
24 Polynomial ring result
25 Operations on ideas
26 Radical of an ideal
27 Monomial ideals
28 Monomial ideals reasult-1
29 Monomial ideals reasult-2
30 Dickson's lemma
31 Dickson's lemma results-1
32 Dickson's lemma results-2
33 Operations on monomial ideals
34 Power of monomial ideals
35 Intersections of monomial ideals
36 Intersections of monomial examples
37 Quotient of Monomial ideals
38 Quotient of ideals examples-1
39 Quotient of ideals examples-2
40 Square free monomial ideals
41 Radical ideal criteria
42 Radical of a monomial ideal
43 Irreducible monomial ideals
44 Irreducible monomial ideals 2
45 Irreducible monomial ideals example
46 Irreducible monomial ideals example 2
47 Irreducible monomial ideals example 3
48 Primary ideals
49 Primary decomposition
50 Primary decomposition example 1
51 Primary decomposition example 2
52 Primary decomposition example 3
53 Introduction to grobnor bases
54 Algebraic variety
55 Algebraic variety of an ideal
56 Ideal membership problem
57 Theorem 1.1
58 Hilbert bases theorem-1
59 Hilbert bases theorem-2
60 Hilbert bases theorem-3
61 The linear case
62 The linear case-1
63 The one variable case 1
64 The one variable case 2
65 The one variable case 3
66 The One Variable Case (E.A)
67 The One Variable Case (E.A) 2
68 The One Variable Case 5
69 Term Orders
70 Term Orders of Proposition
71 Lexicographical Order
72 The Degree Lexicographical Order
73 The Degree Reverse Lexicographical Order
74 Term Orders Proposition 2
75 Division Algorithm -1
76 Division Algorithm-2
77 Division Algorithm-3
78 Grobner Bases-1
79 Grobner Bases-2
80 Hilbert Bases Theorem
81 Grobner Bases 3
82 Grbner Bases 4
83 Ideal Membership Problem Solution
84 S. Polynomial
85 Buchberger's algorithm-1
86 Buchberger's algorithm-2
87 Grobner bases example-1
88 Grobner bases example-2
89 Minimal grobner bases-1
90 Minimal grobner bases-2
91 Reduced grobner bases
92 Grobner Bases Summary
93 Applications of Grobner Bases-1
94 Applications of Grobner Bases-2
95 Applications of Grobner Bases-3
96 Applications of Grobner Bases-4
97 Applications of Grobner Bases-5
98 Applications of Grobner Bases-6
99 Applications of Grobner Bases-7
100 Simplicial complexes-01
101 simplicial complexes-02
102 Examples simplicial complexes
103 Simplicial complexes example 1
104 Simplicial complexes example 2
105 f- vector of simpicial complexes
106 f- vector of simpicial complexes 2
107 f- vector of simpicial complexes 3
108 Kruskal Katona theorem
109 Kruskal Katona theorem P1
110 Reverse lexicographical ordering
111 Kruskal Katona theorem P2
112 KKT example
113 Stanley Reisner ring 1
114 Stanley Reisner ring 2
115 Krull Dimension
116 Hilbert Sereis 1
117 Hilbert Series 2
118 Hilbert Series 3
119 Application 1
120 Shellable Simplicial Complex
121 Cohen Macaulay Rings
122 Application-4
123 Application-5
124 Application-6