STA631 : Inferential Statistics

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Inferential Statistics is the process of using data analysis to deduce properties of an underlying probability distribution. Inferential statistical analysis infers properties of a population, for example by testing hypotheses and deriving estimates. It is assumed that the observed data set is sampled from a larger population.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of course student should be able to understand:

  • Use mathematical and statistical techniques to solve well-defined problems and present their mathematical work, both in oral and written format.
  • Propose new statistical models and suggest possible software packages and/or computer programming to find solutions to these models.
  • Continue to acquire statistical knowledge and skills appropriate to professional activities.

Course Calendar

1 Statistical Inference and its importance
2 Introduction to random sampling
3 Statistic with examples
4 Methods of drawing samples
5 Sums of the random variables from a random sample
6 Some results about Random Variable
7 Some results about random variables
8 Moment generating function
9 Exact sampling distribution: Chi-square distribution
10 Some more results(Exact sampling distribution: Chi-square distribution)
11 Exact sampling distribution: Normal distribution
12 Some more results1(Exact sampling distribution: Normal distribution)
13 Some more results2(Exact sampling distribution: Normal distribution)
14 Exact sampling distribution: t-dsitribution
15 Exact sampling distribution: F-dsitribution
16 Reciprocal property of F-distribution
17 Application of Chi-Square t &F distribution

18 Order statistics
19 Distribution of order statistics
20 Distribution of order statistics: Example
21 joint distribution of i-th and j-th order statistics
22 Application(joint distribution )
23 Chebychev's Inequality and its usage
24 Convergency concept
25 Convergence in probability
26 Week law of large number
27 Almost sure convergence
28 Strong law of large number
29 Convergence in distribution
30 Central limit theory
31 Generating a random sample
32 Direct method with example
33 Indirect method with example
34 Direct Method:application
35 Indirect Method:application
36 Delta Methods
37 Delta Methos:Example

38 Point estimation
39 Methods of point estimation
40 Likelihood function
41 Regularity conditions
42 Maximum Likelihood (ML) method
43 ML: Example1
44 ML: Example2
45 MLE:Application1
46 MLE:Application2
47 MLE:Application3
48 MLE:Application4
49 Regularity conditions:Assumptions
50 Fisher Information
51 Remarks(Fisher Information)
52 Example(Fisher Information)
53 Information for a location family
54 Example(Information for a location family)
55 Application(Fisher Information)
56 Application(ChiSqaure)
57 Properties of ML
58 Theorem(MLE)
59 Example(MLE)

60 Newton Raphson's method
Quiz 1
61 Example(Newton Raphson's method)
62 Method of Moments
63 Example 1(MM)
64 Example 2(MM)
65 Application (MM)
66 Application (MM)1
67 Properties of moment estimator
68 Bayesian Method
69 Conjugate Prior
70 Other types of prior
71 Example1(Bayesian)
72 Example2(Bayesian)
73 Application(Posterior dist)
74 Application(Jeffreys prior )
75 Application(Bayes estimate )
Assignment 1
76 Bayesian predictive distribution

77 Properties of point estimate
78 Unbiasdness
79 Example(unbiasdness)
80 Example2(unbiasdness)
81 Remarks(Unbiasedness)
82 Application(Unbiasedness)
83 Consistency
84 Example1(Consistency)
85 Example2(Consistency)
86 Application from exercise
87 Efficiency
88 Example 1(Efficiency)
89 Example2(Efficiency)

90 Application: EfficiencyQ 6.2.7(b)
91 Application: Efficiency Q 6.2.7(c)
92 Application:Efficiency Q 6.2.8(a)
93 Application: Efficiency Q 6.2.8(b)
94 Application:Efficiency Q 6.2.8(c)
95 Asymptotically efficiency
96 Application: Efficiency Q 6.2.11
97 Mean Square error
98 Example: MSE
99 ApplicationQ7.12:MSE
100 Best unbiased estimator
101 Example(UMVUE)

102 Carmer-Rao Inequality
103 Corollary:Carmer-Rao Inequality
Quiz 2
104 Example(Carmer-Rao Inequality)
105 Corollary(Carmer-Rao Inequality )
106 example1(Carmer-Rao Inequality)
107 example 2(Carmer-Rao Inequality)
108 Application(Rao-Cramer lower bound )
109 Application(Rao-Cramer lower bound)
110 MLE are asymptotically efficent

111 Sufficiency
112 Example(Sufficency)
113 Remarks(Sufficency)
114 Example1(Sufficency)
115 Example2(Sufficency)
116 Application1(Sufficency)
117 Application2(Sufficency)
118 Application3(Sufficency)
119 Neyman-Fisher factorization theorem
120 Example1:Neyman-Fisher factorization theorem
121 Example2:Neyman-Fisher factorization theorem
Mid Term

122 Properties of sufficient statistics
123 Example(MVUE)
124 Application(Sufficency)
125 MVUE
126 Sufficiency and Unbiasedness
127 Rao-Blackwell theorem
128 Sufficient:Example
129 Uniqueness of Unbised estimator
130 Continue(uniqueness of unbised estimator)
131 UMVUE in Multiparameter Case
132 UMVUE:Example

133 Completeness
134 Example 1:Completeness
135 Example 2:Completeness
136 Application1 :Completeness
137 Application2:Completeness
138 Lehmann-Scheffe theorem
139 Example:Completeness
140 Application:MVUE
141 Application:Completeness
142 Application2:MVUE

143 Exponential families
144 Example:Exponential family
145 Theorem:Sufficiency
146 Example:Compleleness
147 Jointly sufficient
148 Example:Jointly sufficient
149 Application:Jointly sufficient
150 Minimal sufficiency
151 Example:Minimal sufficiency
152 Ancillary Statistics
153 Example:Ancillary Statistics
154 Location problems
155 Scale problems
156 Location-Scale problems

157 Bayesian point estimate
158 Example:Bayes Estimate
159 Application:Bayes Estimate
160 Unbiasdness Bayes estimates
161 Testing of Hypothesis
162 Basic of testing
163 p-value
164 Best critical region
165 Example:Best critical region
166 Neyman-Pearson lemma
167 Application1:Neyman-Pearson lemma
168 Application2:Neyman-Pearson lemma

169 Uniformly most powerful tests
170 Example1:Uniformly most powerful tests
171 Example2:Uniformly most powerful tests
172 Important Remarks
173 Likelihood ratio tests
174 Example:1Likelihood ratio tests
175 Example:2Likelihood ratio tests
176 Likelihood Ratio Test for the exponential distribution
177 Example1:Likelihood Ratio Test for the exponential distribution
178 Example2:Likelihood Ratio Test for the exponential distribution

179 Wilks Theorem
180 Example:Wilks Theorem
181 Application1:Wilks Theorem
182 Application2:Wilks Theorem
183 LR for Binomial Proportion
184 Example1:LR for Binomial Proportion
185 Example2:LR for Binomial Proportion
186 Sequentional probability ratio test
187 Example1:Sequentional probability ratio test
188 Example2:Sequentional probability ratio test
189 Application:Sequentional probability ratio test

190 Bootstrap testing procedures
191 Example:Bootstrap testing procedures
192 Bayesian Tests
193 Interval Estimation
194 Procedure of Finding Interval Estimation
195 Confidence interval for mean when population variance is known
196 Confidence interval for mean when population variance is unknown
197 Confidence interval for population variance when polulation mean is unknown
198 Confidence interval for pouplation proportion
199 Application:Confidence interval for pouplation proportion
200 Bayesian interval
Final Term