STA642 : Probability Distributions

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Statistical methods used in practice are based on a foundation of statistical theory. One branch of this theory uses the tools of probability to establish important distributional results that are used throughout statistics. This course will cover the mathematical foundation for the Probability theory, its uses and applications.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Understand of the principles of probability theory
  • Basic probability axioms and rules and the moments of discrete and continuous random variables
  • Recognize common probability distributions for discrete and continuous variables
  • Apply methods from algebra and calculus to derive the mean, variance and other measures for a range of probability distributions
  • How to calculate probabilities, and derive the marginal and conditional distributions of bivariate random variables
  • Calculate probabilities relevant to multivariate distributions, including marginal and conditional probabilities and the covariance of two random variables

Course Calendar

1 Probability - Some Basic Terms
2 Random Variable - Concept
3 Random Variable - Example
4 Random Variable - Discrete Data
5 Probability Mass Function (PMF) - Concept
6 Probability Mass Function (PMF) - Example
7 Random Variable - Continuous Data
8 Probability Density Function (PDF)
9 Probability Generating function (PGF)
10 Mean and Variance of PGF
11 Some well-known PGF
12 Linear Combination of PDFs
13 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) - Concept
14 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) - Example Discrete Case
15 Obtaining PMF from CDF
16 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) - Example Continoius Case
17 Two Random Variables Being Equal in Distribution

18 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) - First Property
19 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) - Second Property
20 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) - Third Property
21 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) - Fourth Property
22 Evaluating Probabilities using CDF
23 Derivation of CDF is PDF
24 In Continuous case, Probability does not exist at ANY particular point
25 Monotonicity - Concept
26 Total Probability is one
27 Finding an Unknown constant from PMF
28 Finding an Unknown constant from PDF
29 Transformation of Discrete variables - one to one case
30 Transformation of Discrete variables - NOT one to one case
31 Transformation of Continuous variables
32 Transformation of Continuous variables - Jacobian Transformation
33 Transformation of Continuous variables - Jacobian Transformation - Example 1
34 Transformation of Continuous variables - Jacobian Transformation - Example 2

35 Mode of Discrete variable
36 Mode of Continuous variable
37 Median of Discrete variable
38 Median of Continuous variable
39 Percentile of Continuous variable - Concept
40 Percentile of Continuous variable - Example
41 Inverse CDF (Quantile Function)
42 One random variable is larger than other random variable
43 Mathematical Expectation of variable - Concept
44 Mathematical Expectation of a function - Concept
45 Mathematical Expectation - Linear Combination of Expected Values
46 Mathematical Expectation of a function - Discrete case example 1
47 Mathematical Expectation of a function - Discrete case example 2
48 Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation of random variable - A theorem
49 Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation of random variable - Discrete case
50 Degenerate random variable - Concept
51 Mean of the symmetric distribution - Proof
52 Mean and variance of standardized variable - Proof

53 Moments - concept
54 Moments Ratios
55 Moment Generating Function (MGF) - Concept
56 Moment Generating Function (MGF) of some well-known distributions
57 General Rule for the product of Expected Value
58 Mathematical Expectation - Another way of computing
59 Derivation of Mean and Variance from MGF
60 Derivation of m-th Moment from MGF
61 Derivation of m-th Moment about an Arbitrary origin from MGF
62 Alternative Method of finding moments from MGF Using Maclaurins's Series
63 Relationship between MGF of Standardized variable and MGF of original variable - Theorem 1
64 Relationship between MGF of Standardized variable and MGF of original variable - Theorem 2
65 Cumulant Generating Function (CGF)
66 Cumulant Generating Function (CGF) - Additive Property
67 Relationship between Central MGF and CGF

68 Chevbyshev's Inequality - Concept
69 Chevbyshev's Inequality - Example
70 Chevbyshev's Inequality - Another form of presenting it
71 Relationship between Harmonic Mean, Geometric Mean and Arithmetic Mean
72 Random Vector - Concept
73 Event in case of a two-dimensional space - Concept
74 Joint Cumulative Distribution Function
75 Discrete Random Vector and Joint Probability Mass Function
76 Support of Discrete Random Vector - Concept
77 Continuous Random Vector and Joint Probability Density Function
78 Determination of the probability of an event - Continuous Vector
79 Support of Continuous Random Vector - Concept
80 Properties of joint cumulative probability distribution function (Part 1)
81 Properties of joint cumulative probability distribution function (Part 2)

82 Marginal Probability Mass Function - Concept
83 Marginal Probability Mass Function - Example
84 Marginal Probability Density Function - Concept
85 Computations of Probabilities that cannot be found through Marginal PDFs
86 Expected Value of a function of a Random Vector
87 Computations of Probabilities for Continuous Random Vector
88 Expectation of the product of the two random vectors - Discrete case
89 Expectation of the product of the two random vectors - Continuous case
90 Expectation of the Ratio of two random vectors - Continuous case
91 Moments from MGF of Random Vector
92 Expected value of Random Vector
93 Linear Combination of Expected Values of Function of a Random Vector

94 Transformation of a Bivariate Probability Mass Function - Example 1
95 Transformation of a Bivariate Probability Mass Function - Example 2
96 Transformation of a Bivariate Probability Density Function - Using Jacobean
97 Transformation of a Bivariate Probability Mass Function - Using MGF
98 Characteristic Function
99 Derivation of Mean and Variance of a distribution using Characteristic Function
100 Conditional Distribution - Concept
101 Conditional Expectation Conditional Mean and Variance
102 Conditional Expectation - Theorem

103 Correlation Coefficient of Bivariate Distribution
104 Correlation Coefficient - Properties (1st)
105 Correlation Coefficient - Properties (2nd, 3rd)
106 Correlation Coefficient - Properties (4th, 5th, 6th)
107 Correlation Coefficient - Computation in case of joint PDF
Mid Term Exams
108 Conditional Distribution - Variance of joint PDF of two random variables - Example
109 Conditional mean of Y given X that is LINEAR in X
110 Independent Random Variables - Concept
111 Independent Random Variables - Example
112 Independent Random Variables - Theorem X and Y are independent if and only if F(x,y) = FX(x)FY(y)
113 Independent Random Variables - Theorem X and Y are independent then E[u(X1)v(X2)] = E[u(X1)] E[v(X2)]
114 Independent Random Variables - Theorem X and Y are independent if and only if the joint MGF show M(t1,t2)= M(t1,0) M(0,t2)

115 Discrete Uniform Distribution - Concept and Example
116 Discrete Uniform Distribution - Probability Mass Function PMF
117 Discrete Uniform Distribution - Cumulative Distribution Function CDF
118 Discrete Uniform Distribution - Derivation of the Mean and Variance
119 Discrete Uniform Distribution - Derivation of the MGF
120 Binomial Distribution - Binomial experiment and PMF
121 Binomial Distribution – Example
122 Binomial Distribution - Shape of the distribution
123 Binomial Distribution - Another Example
124 Binomial Distribution - Mean and Variance with example
125 Binomial Distribution - Derivation of the MGF
126 Binomial Distribution - Recognizing the parameters by its MGF
127 Binomial Distribution - The sum of m independent Binomial random variables with identical p is also Binomial

128 Negative Binomial Distribution PMF and shape of the distribution
129 Negative Binomial Distribution - Application and Example
130 Geometric Distribution - PMF and shape of the distribution
131 Geometric Distribution - Application and example
132 Geometric Distribution - Mean and Variance with example
133 Multinomial Distribution
134 Multinomial Distribution - Binomial as a Special Case
135 Multinomial distribution - Application and example
136 Multinomial Distribution - MGF of the Trinomial Distribution as a special case of the Multinomial Distribution

137 Hypergeometric Distribution - PMF and shape of the distribution
138 Hypergeometric Distribution – Example
139 Hypergeometric Distribution - Derivation of the Mean
140 Hypergeometric Distribution - Derivation of the Variance
141 Poisson Distribution - PMF and shape of the distribution
142 Poisson Distribution - Poisson Process
143 Poisson Distribution - Poisson Process - Application and example
144 Poisson Distribution - Mean, Variance and Coefficient of Variation with example

145 Poisson Distribution - Derivation of Mean
146 Poisson Distribution - Derivation of Variance
147 Poisson Distribution – MGF
148 Poisson Distribution - Poisson Approximation to the Binomial distribution - Derivation
149 Poisson Distribution - Poisson Approximation to the Binomial distribution - Example
150 Continuous Uniform Distribution / Rectangular Distribution - PDF, CDF and shape of the distribution
151 Continuous Uniform Distribution - Derivation of Mean and Variance
152 Continuous Uniform Distribution - Application and example
153 Exponential Distribution - PDF, CDF and shape of the distribution
154 Exponential Distribution - Derivation of mean
155 Exponential Distribution - Derivation of variance
156 Exponential Distribution - Application and example
157 Exponential Distribution - Moment Generating Function MGF

158 Gamma Distribution - PDF, CDF and shape of the distribution
159 Gamma Distribution - Derivation of Mean and Variance
160 Gamma Distribution - computation of probabilities with an Example
161 Gamma Distribution - Moment Generating Function MGF
162 Beta Distribution - PDF, CDF and shape of the distribution
163 Beta Distribution - Derivation of Mean and Variance
164 Beta distribution - Application and example
165 Normal Distribution - PDF, CDF and shape of the distribution
166 Normal Distribution - Standard normal random variable - Concept and its PDF
167 Normal Distribution - Process of Standardization, Area Table of the Standard Normal Distribution
168 Normal Distribution - Computation of some specific percentiles

169 Normal Distribution - Function f(x) of normal distribution is a proper PDF
170 Normal Distribution - Derivation of Mean and Variance
171 Normal distribution - Relationship between Mean, Median and Mode
172 Normal Distribution - Relationship between Quartile Deviation and Standard Deviation
173 Normal Distribution - Points of Inflection of Normal curve
174 Normal Distribution - Odd order moments about the mean
175 Normal Distribution - Even order moments about the mean
176 Normal Distribution - Obtaining the first two Raw Moments from its MGF
177 Normal Distribution - Cumulant Generating Function and its utilization for finding its cumulants
178 Normal Distribution - Normal Approximation to the Binomial distribution
179 Normal Distribution - Normal Approximation to the Poisson distribution

180 Bivariate Normal Distribution - PDF and shape of the distribution
181 Bivariate Normal Distribution - Detailed Discussion of the Shape of the Distribution
182 Bivariate Normal Distribution - Computation of probabilities with an example
183 Bivariate Normal Distribution - Moment Generating Function MGF
184 Bivariate Normal Distribution - Marginal Distributions are themselves Normal
185 Bivariate Normal Distribution - X and Y are independent IF AND ONLY IF the Correlation Coefficient ? = 0
186 Bivariate Normal Distribution - Conditional Distributions are themselves Normal
187 Bivariate Normal Distribution - Conditional Distributions are themselves Normal - Graphical Interpretation
Final Term exam