STA644 : Non-Parametric Statistics

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course provides an overview of non parametric statistics. “Non parametric” can be defined quite broadly, and this course aims to acquaint its students with as many of those areas as possible. “Non parametric” means something rather different now than it has in the past; this course will take a modern view of non parametric statistics, although we will spend some time on traditional rank-based non-parametric. The main idea of this course is to get students acquainted with the fundamentals, basic properties and use of the most important recent non parametric techniques. Some of those ideas are theoretical, others are computational and methodological. Another aim is to familiarize students with research questions in this domain. This Course deals with the analysis of data for which non parametric methods are indicated. Topics include a revision of statistical inference; the analysis of categorical data using chi-square; and non parametric methods for single samples and for two-sample comparisons.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you will know, understand and be able to apply/demonstrate:

  • 1. Identify different statistics used in nonparametric statistics, and be able to estimate and interpret these statistics.
  • 2. Become familiar with issues in the design, analysis, and interpretation of studies involving nonparametric statistics.
  • 3. Detect and allow for violations of the assumptions on which analyses are based.
  • 4. Learn non-parametric test such as the Sign Test, Wicoxon Test, Median Test, Chi-Square test for Independence as well as Goodness of Fit.
  • 5. Develop oral and written communication skills through the description of analytic strategies and the summarization and interpretation of results.
  • 6. Understand and communicate to others the importance and relevance of statistics in the modern world
  • 7. Be an independent learner, able to acquire further knowledge with little guidance or support

Course Calendar

1 Measurement Scales
2 Measurement Scales:Example
3 Ranks
4 Ranks:Example
5 Measures of Location
6 Examples of Measures of Location: Mean and Median
7 Discrete and Continuous Distributions
8 Hypothesis Testing
9 One tailed and two tailed tests
10 Some Properties of Hypothesis Tests:Power fuction
11 Unbiased and consistent tests
12 Relative Efficiency
13 Population and sample
14 Poulation Parameters
15 Sample Statistic
16 Parametric Test:Introduction
17 Parametric Test:Examples
18 Non -Parametric Test:Introduction
19 Non -Parametric Test:Examples

20 The Binomial Test
21 The Binomial Test:Example 1
22 The Binomial Test:Example 2
23 Binomial test: Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
24 Binomial test: Computer Demonstration:Procedure
25 Binomial test: Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
26 Confidence Interval for Population Proportion
27 Confidence Interval for Population Proportion:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
28 Confidence Interval for Population Proportion:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
29 Confidence Interval for Population Proportion:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
30 Sign Test:Introduction
31 Sign Test for Population Median
32 Large Sample Sign test for Median
33 Sign test:Example 1
34 Sign test:Example 2
Assignment I

35 Sign test: Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
36 Sign test: Computer Demonstration:Procedure
37 Sign test: Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
38 Some variations of the Sign test: The McNemar test
39 The McNemar test:Example 1
40 The McNemar test:Example 2
41 The McNemar test: Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
42 The McNemar test: Computer Demonstration:Procedure
43 The McNemar test: Computer Demonstration:Interpretation

44 Confidence Interval for Median based on Sign test
45 Confidence Interval for Median based on Sign test:Example
46 Large Sample Approximation of Confidence Interval for Sign test
47 Large Sample Approximation of Confidence Interval for Sign test:Example 1
48 Large Sample Approximation of Confidence Interval for Sign test:Example 2
49 Contingency Table: The 2 x 2 contingency table
50 Chi-square Test for Differences in Probabilities
51 Chi-square Test for Differences in Probabilities: Example 1
52 Chi-square Test for Differences in Probabilities: Example 2
53 Chi-square Test for Differences in Probabilities: Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
54 Chi-square Test for Differences in Probabilities: Computer Demonstration:procedure
55 Chi-square Test for Differences in Probabilities: Computer Demonstration:Interpretation

56 Chi-square Test for Independence:Introduction
57 Chi-square Test for Independence:Example 1
58 Chi-square Test for Independence:Example 2
59 Chi-square Test for Independence:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
60 Chi-square Test for Independence:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
61 Chi-square Test for Independence:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
62 Chi-square Test of Homogegeneity:Introduction
63 Chi-square Test of Homogegeneity:Example
64 Chi-square Test of Homogegeneity:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
65 Chi-square Test of Homogegeneity:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
66 Chi-square Test of Homogegeneity:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
67 Procedures About Data from Two Independent Samples

68 The Median Test:Introduction
69 The Median Test:Example 1
70 The Median Test:Example 2
71 The Median Test:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
72 The Median Test:Procedure
73 The Median Test:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
74 Chi-squared Test for Goodness of Fit:Introduction
75 Chi-squared Test for Goodness of Fit:Example 1
76 Chi-squared Test for Goodness of Fit:Example 2
77 Chi-squared Test for Goodness of Fit:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
78 Chi-squared Test for Goodness of Fit:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
79 Chi-squared Test for Goodness of Fit:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
80 Two Independent Samples:Mann Whitney U test: Introduction
81 Mann Whitney U test: Example 1
82 Mann Whitney U test: Example 2
83 Mann Whitney U test for tied observations
84 Mann Whitney U test for tied observations:Example

85 Large sample Approximation of Mann Whitney U test
86 Large sample Approximation of Mann Whitney U test:Example 1
87 Large sample Approximation of Mann Whitney U test:Example 2
88 Mann Whitney U test: Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
89 Mann Whitney U test: Computer Demonstration:Procedure
90 Mann Whitney U test: Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
91 Confidence Interval for the Difference Between Two location parameters:Introduction
92 Confidence Interval for the Difference Between Two location parameters:Example
93 Comparison of two Populations: Paired Samples
94 Sign Test Two Related Samples-Introduction
95 Sign Test Two Related Samples-One tailed and Two tailed test
96 Sign Test Two Related Samples-Example 1
97 Sign Test Two Related Samples-Example 2
98 Confidence Interval for median based onSign Test for Related Samples-Introduction
99 Confidence Interval for median based onSign Test for Related Samples-Example
100 Sign Test for Two related Samples-Computer Demonstration-Data Requirement
101 Sign Test for Two related Samples-Computer Demonstration-Procedure
102 Sign Test for Two related Samples-Computer Demonstration-Interpretation

103 McNemar Test for Two Related Samples-Introduction
104 McNemar Test for Two Related Samples-Example
105 McNemar Test for Two Related Samples-Computer Demonstration-Data Requirement
106 McNemar Test for Two Related Samples-Computer Demonstration-Data-Procedure
107 McNemar Test for Two Related Samples-Computer Demonstration-Interpretation
Mid Term
108 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Introduction
109 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: One tailed test
110 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: One tailed test:Procedure
111 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: One tailed test:Example 1
112 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: One tailed test:Example 2
113 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Two tailed test
114 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Two tailed test:Procedure
115 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Two tailed test:Example 1
116 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Two tailed test:Example 2
117 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for Large Samples
118 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for Large Samples:Example 1
119 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for Large Samples:Example 2

120 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
121 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Computer Demonstration:Procedure
122 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
123 Confidence Interval for Median based on Wilcoxon Signed Rank test
124 Confidence Interval for Median based on Wilcoxon Signed Rank test:Example
125 Comparison of three or more populations:Several Independent Samples
126 Kruskal Wallis H test: Introduction
127 Kruskal Wallis H test: Procedure
128 Kruskal Wallis H test: Example 1
129 Kruskal Wallis H test: Example 2
130 Kruskal Wallis H test for ties
131 Kruskal Wallis H test for ties:Example 1
132 Kruskal Wallis H test for ties:Example 2
133 Kruskal Wallis H test: Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
134 Kruskal Wallis H test: Computer Demonstration:Procedure
135 Kruskal Wallis H test: Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
136 Comparison of three or more populations: Several Related Samples

137 Friedman test:Introduction
138 Friedman test:Procedure
139 Friedman test:Example 1
140 Friedman test:Example 2
141 Friedman Fr test:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
142 Friedman Fr test:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
143 Friedman Fr test:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
144 Confidence intervals for the Differences between the two location parameters
145 Confidence Interval for the Differences between the two location parameters :Example
146 Cochran's test:Introduction
147 Cochran's test for related observations:Procedure
148 Cochran Q test:Example 1
149 Cochran Q test:Example 2
150 Cochran Q test:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
151 Cochran Q test:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
152 Cochran Q test:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
153 Measures of Rank Correlation: Spearman's Rank Correlation:Introduction
154 Spearman's Rank Correlation:Example 1
155 Spearman's Rank Correlation:Example 2
156 Spearman's Rank Correlation test for ties
157 Spearman's Rank Correlation test for ties:Example 1
158 Spearman's Rank Correlation test for ties:Example 2

159 Spearman's Rank Correlation:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
160 Spearman's Rank Correlation:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
161 Spearman's Rank Correlation:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
162 Kendall's tau test:Introduction
163 Kendall's tau test:Example 1
164 Kendall's tau test:Example 2
165 Kendall's tau test for ties:Introduction
166 Kendall's tau test for ties:Example 1
167 Kendall's tau test for ties:Example 2

168 Kendall's tau test:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
169 Kendall's tau test:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
170 Kendall's tau test:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
171 Lillieforce Test for Normality:Introduction
172 Lillieforce Test for Normality:Example 1
173 Lillieforce Test for Normality:Example 2
174 Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality:Introduction
175 Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality:Example 1
176 Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality:Example 2

177 Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
178 Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
179 Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
180 Kolmogrov Smirnov Test for Normality:Introduction
181 Kolmogrov Smirnov Test for Normality:Example 1
182 Kolmogrov Smirnov Test for Normality:Example 2
183 Kolmogrov Smirnov Test for Normality:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
184 Kolmogrov Smirnov Test for Normality:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
185 Kolmogrov Smirnov Test for Normality:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
186 Runs Test for Randomness:Introduction
187 Runs Test for Randomness:Example 1
188 Runs Test for Randomness:Example 2

189 Large Sample Approximation for Runs test
190 Large Sample Approximation for Runs test:Example 1
191 Large Sample Approximation for Runs test:Example 2
192 Runs Test for Randomness:Computer Demonstration:Data Requirement
193 Runs Test for Randomness:Computer Demonstration:Procedure
194 Runs Test for Randomness:Computer Demonstration:Interpretation
195 Seigel Tukey Test for Scale Differences-Introduction
196 Seigel Tukey Test for Scale Differences:Example 1
197 Seigel Tukey Test for Scale Differences:Example 2
198 Test for scale Differences-Computer Demonstration-Data Requirement
199 Test for scale Differences-Computer Demonstration-Procedure
200 Test for scale Differences-Computer Demonstration-Interpretation
201 Squared Ranks test for Variances:Introduction
202 Squared Ranks Test for Variances-Example 1
203 Squared Ranks Test for Variances-Example 2

204 Simple Linear Regression Analysis: Thiel's Method
205 Simple Linear Regression Analysis:Thiel's Method-Assumptions
206 Simple Linear Regression Analysis:Thiel's Method-Procedure
207 Simple Linear Regression Analysis:Thiel's Method: Estimation of Slope (1)
208 Simple Linear Regression Analysis:Thiel's Method: Estiamtion of Slope-Example
209 Simple Linear Regression Analysis:Thiel's Method-Example 1
210 Simple Linear Regression Analysis:Thiel's Method-Example 2
211 Simple Linear Regression Analysis:Thiel's Method:Example 3.
212 Test for Parallelism of Two Regression Lines: Introduction (1)
213 Test for Parallelism of Two Regression Lines-Procedure (1)
214 Test for Parallelism of Two Regression Lines: Example 1
Final Term