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PSY406 : Educational Psychology

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Educational Psychology provides a thorough grounding for students with little or no previous knowledge of this relatively new area of psychology. This course aimed at introducing the students with the fundamentals of educational psychology. Topics include knowledge about the historical context of educational psychology, major issues and controversies related to educational system, classroom management and different concepts and theories related to education. Research methods in this field will also be introduced.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Comprehend the role of systems and schools of psychology and their bearing on education.
  • Describe the interplay between biological, social and cognitive factors in shaping the behavior of students.
  • Assess and define the behavior of gifted children.
  • Recognize of the individual differences and habit formation.
  • Comprehend the learning disabilities of children and figure out the ways to deal with them.
  • Know how the environmental factors affect teaching-learning process.
  • To develop an appreciation of effective teaching.
  • Educate the exceptional children.
  • Analyze individual differences in acquiring, applying and analyzing the learned materials.
  • Categorize the students according their cognitive needs and right time of delivering a particular information.

Course Calendar

1 Teachers & Teaching of Educational Psychology I
2 Teachers & Teaching of Educational Psychology II
3 Teachers & Teaching of Educational Psychology III

4 Cognitive Development & Language I
5 Cognitive Development & Language II
6 Cognitive Development & Language III

7 Cognitive Development & Language IV
8 Personal Social & Emotional Development I
9 Personal Social & Emotional Development II

10 Learner Differences I
Quiz 01
11 Learner Differences II
12 Learner Differences III

13 Culture & Community I
14 Culture & Community II
15 Culture & Community III
Quiz 02

16 Behavioural Views of Learning I
17 Behavioural Views of Learning II
18 Behavioural Views of Learning III
Quiz 03

19 Cognitive Views of Learning I
20 Cognitive Views of Learning II
21 Cognitive Views of Learning III
Quiz 04

22 Complex Cognitive Processes I
Mid Term Examination
23 Complex cognitive processes II
24 Complex cognitive processes III

25 Social Cognitive and constructivist views of learning I
26 Social Cognitive and constructivist views of learning II
27 Social Cognitive and constructivist views of learning III
Quiz 05

28 Motivation in learning and teaching I
29 Motivation in learning and teaching II
30 Motivation in learning and teaching III

31 Creating learning environments
32 Motivation in learning and teaching.
33 Creating learning environment.

34 Teaching for academic learning I
35 Teaching for Academic Learning II
36 Teaching For Academic Learning III

37 Teaching for Self-Regulation, Creativity and Tolerance I
38 Teaching for Self-Regulation, Creativity and Tolerance II
39 Teaching for Self-Regulation, Creativity and Tolerance III

40 Standardized Testing I
41 Standardized Testing II
42 Standardized Testing III

43 Classroom Assessment and Grading I
44 Classroom Assessment and Grading II
45 Classroom Assessment and Grading III