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SOC101 : Introduction to Sociology

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course is based upon exciting and challenging views of society by picking up material from everyday life. The students will be introduced to the basic concepts of sociology. It will enable students to understand the different sociological perspectives given by different schools of thought and an overall difference between all of these theories. It will also focus on different aspects of culture, agents of socialization and day to day interaction among individuals and groups. It also highlights the social foundation of deviance and stratification existing in the society. The course also grasps the functions of different social institutions i.e. education, family etc.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Explain the importance of sociology in human social life.
  • Analyze how comparative sociological approach encourages greater awareness of cultural differences among societies.
  • Describe the importance of different social institutions and there functioning particular in context of Pakistani society.
  • Give an overview of the problems of over population and environmental issues.
  • Analyze and initiate new discussions of global inequality, disability, ageing and the life course.

Course Calendar

1 The Origins of Sociology
2 Sociological Perspective
3 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

4 Sociology as Science
5 Research Designs in Sociology
6 Social Interaction

7 Social Groups
8 Formal Organizations
9 Culture-I

10 Culture-II
11 Culture-III
12 Socialization
Quiz 1

13 Understanding the Socialization Process from Theoretical Perspective
14 Agents of Socialization
15 Socialization and the Life Course

16 Deviance and Social Control
17 Theories of Deviance and Crime
18 Types of Crime-I
Quiz 2
Mid Term Exams

19 Types of Crime-II
20 Formal Social Control Mechanisms
21 Social Stratification

22 Theoretical Perspectives on Social Stratification-I
23 Theoretical Perspectives on Social Stratification-II
24 Social Mobility

25 The Family: Global Variety-I
26 The family: Global Variety-II
27 Functions of Family

28 Family and Marriage in Transition
29 Health and Medicine-I
30 Health and Medicine-II

31 Religion-I
32 Religion-II
33 Government and Economy-I
Quiz 3

34 Government and Economy-II
35 Gender: A Social Construction
36 Perspectives on Education and Schooling-I
Quiz 4

37 Perspectives on Education and Schooling-II
38 Population Study & its Significance
Quiz 5
39 Theories of Population Growth

40 Environment and Society
41 Social Change-I
42 Social Change-II

43 Collective Behavior
44 Modernity and Post Modernity-I
45 Modernity and Post Modernity-II
Final Term Exams