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SOC402 : Sociological Perspectives

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course shall introduce the students to major contemporary theoretical perspectives in sociology including: functionalism, conflict, social exchange/rational choice, and interactionism. These divisions may be arbitrary, though the perspectives may blend into each other. Hence they may overlap and thereby pose problems of delineating the boundaries and generating some off-shoots of the main perspectives. To examine these perspectives, contributions of various theoreists will be examined. It is expected to develop critical thinking and capabilities to discuss sociological theories

Course Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

  • Conceptualize meaning and scope of the sociological perspective;
  • Explore a history of sociological ideas and theories;
  • Develop a comparative understanding of functionalism, conflict, rational choice/exchange, and interactionism. Within contexts of these theoretical perspectives, identify the major contributions of various sociologists;
  • Get an overview of the contemporary theory and the future trends in sociological theory; and see the applicability of a particular perspective to the realities in Pakistan.

Course Calendar

1 Introduction: Sociological perspective
2 Major sociological perspectives
3 Functionalism

4 Functionalism (Talcott Parson-I)
5 Functionalism (Talcott Parson-II)
6 Functionalism (Talcott Parson-III)

7 Functionalism (Talcott Parson-IV)
8 Functionalism: Robert K. Merton-I
9 Functionalism: Robert K. Merton-II
Quiz 01

10 Functionalism: Robert K. Merton-III
11 Neo-Functionalism.
12 Conflict Perspective

13 Conflict Perspective: Ralf Dahrendorf-I
14 Conflict Perspective: Ralf Dahrendorf-II
15 Conflict Perspective: C. Wright Mills-I
Quiz 02

16 Conflict Perspective: C. Wright Mills-II
17 Frankfurt school: Critical theory-I
18 Frankfurt school: Critical theory-II
Mid Term Exam

19 Critical theory: Juregen Habermas-I
20 Critical theory: Juregen Habermas-II
21 Critical theory: Juregen Habermas-III

22 Feminism as part of conflict perspective-I
23 Feminism as part of conflict perspective-II
24 Feminism as part of conflict perspective-III

25 Social Exchange
26 Social Exchange: George C. Homans-I
27 Social Exchange: Peter M. Blau-I

28 Social Exchange: Peter M. Blau-II
29 Social Exchange: Peter M. Blau-III
30 Michael Hechter

31 James Coleman-I
32 James Coleman-II
33 Ineractionism-I

34 Ineractionism-II
35 Interactionism – symbolic interactionism-I
36 Interactionism – symbolic interactionism-II

37 Charles H. Cooley
38 George H. Mead-I
39 George H. Mead-II
Quiz 03

40 George H. Mead-III
41 George H. Mead-IV
42 George H. Mead-V

43 Symbolic Interactions: Some basic principles
44 Learning meanings and symbols
45 Making choices
Final Term Exam