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Computer Science/Information Technology

Available Courses

Sr. #CodeTitle
1 CS101 Introduction to Computing
2 CS201 Introduction to Programming
3 CS202 Fundamentals of Front End Development
4 CS205 Information Security
5 CS206 Introduction to Network Design & Analysis
6 CS301 Data Structures
7 CS302 Digital Logic Design
8 CS304 Object Oriented Programming
9 CS311 Introduction to Web Services Development
10 CS312 Database Modeling and Design
11 CS315 Network Security
12 CS401 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
13 CS402 Theory of Automata
14 CS403 Database Management Systems
15 CS405 Database Programming using Oracle 11g
16 CS407 Routing and Switching
17 CS408 Human Computer Interaction
18 CS410 Visual Programming
19 CS411 Visual Programming
20 CS432 Network Modeling and Simulation
21 CS435 Cloud Computing
22 CS501 Advance Computer Architecture
23 CS502 Fundamentals of Algorithms
24 CS504 Software Engineering - I
25 CS506 Web Design and Development
26 CS507 Information Systems
27 CS508 Modern Programming Languages
28 CS601 Data Communication
29 CS602 Computer Graphics
30 CS603 Software Architecture and Design
31 CS604 Operating Systems
32 CS605 Software EngineeringII
33 CS606 Compiler Construction
34 CS607 Artificial Intelligence
35 CS609 System Programming
36 CS610 Computer Networks
37 CS611 Software Quality Engineering
38 CS614 Data Warehousing
39 CS615 Software Project Management
40 CS701 Theory of Computation
41 CS702 Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design
42 CS703 Advanced Operating Systems
43 CS704 Advanced Computer Architecture-II
44 CS706 Software Quality Assurance
45 CS707 Network Security
46 CS708 Software Requirement Engineering
47 CS709 Formal Methods for Software Engineering
48 CS710 Mobile and Pervasive Computing
49 CS711 Software Design
50 CS712 Distributed DBMS
51 CS713 Object Oriented DBMS
52 CS716 Advanced Computer Networks
53 CS718 Wireless Networks
54 CS721 Network Performance Evaluation
55 CS723 Probability and Stochastic Processes
56 CS724 Software Process Improvement
57 CS725 Data Mining
58 CS726 Information Retrieval Techniques
59 IT430 E-Commerce