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ENG201 : Business and Technical English Writing

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Saima Asghar
University of Warwick

Course Contents

Introduction Oral Communication Reader-Centered Writing Audience Analysis Defining Objectives Defining Objectives II +Appropriateness Accuracy, Clarity,Conciseness and Coherence The Seven C’s of Effective Communication I The Seven C’s of Effective Communication II The Seven C’s of Effective Communication III The Seven C’s of Effective Communication Planning Business Messages Composing Business Messages Revising Business Messages Memorandums, Meeting Documents and Proposals Letters I Letters II Writing Direct Requests Writing Routine, Good-News and Goodwill Messages Writing Bad-News Messages Writing Persuasive Messages Writing Short Reports Planning Long Reports Writing Long Reports General Reports Empirical Research Report Feasibility Reports Progress Reports Proposals Instructions Using Visual Aids Creating Twelve Types of Visual Aids Writing Specifications and Analysis Reports How to Avoid Common Writing Problems Language Review: The Paragraph Language Review: Sentences Language Review: Sentences II Language Review:Words and Punctuation I Language Review: Punctuation II Language Review: Mechanics Listening and Interviewing Planning Interviews and Conducting Meetings Giving Speeches and Oral Presentations I Giving Speeches and Oral Presentations II Review