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ENG503 : Introduction to English Language Teaching

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Course Info

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Dr. Muhammad Islam
PhD Applied Linguistics
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Course Contents

1)Introduction to ELT 2) Nature and Functions of Language 3) History of English Language 4) English as an International Language (EIL) 5) English in Pakistan 6) Psychology of Language 7) Second Language Acquisition - I 8) Second Language Acquisition - II 9) Methods and Approaches of Language Teaching - I 10) Methods and Approaches of Language Teaching - II 11) Teaching of Listening Skills 12) Teaching of Speaking Skills 13) Teaching of Reading Skills 14) Teaching of Writing Skills/ Integrated Skills 15) Assessment of Language Skills - I 16) Assessment of Language Skills - II 17) Teaching the Sounds of Language 18) Teaching the Words of English Language 19) Teaching the Sentence Patterns of English Language 20) Studying and Teaching the Meaning of English Language 21) Understanding and Teaching the English Language in Use 22) Language and Society 23) Teaching Discourse Analysis 24) Teaching World Englishes 25) Teaching of Vocabulary 26) Teaching of Grammar 27) Teaching of Pronunciation 28) Teaching of Creative Writing 29) Corpora and Language Teaching 30) Curriculum Development in Language Teaching - I 31) Curriculum Development in Language Teaching - II 32) Use of Literary Texts for Teaching English Language 33) Lesson Planning 34) Classroom Issues and Management in ELT 35) Skills and Roles of English Language Teachers 36) Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) 37) Learner Motivation and Interest 38) Culture, Identity and ELT 39) Research Methodology and Trends in ELT 40) ELT in Pakistan