EDU303 : Child Development

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Course Info

Course Category

Humanities Distribution

Course Level


Credit Hours





Dr. Aneeq Ahmad
University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

Course Contents

1. Overview of Growth and Development 2. Factors Affecting Development: Biology and Environment 3. Twin and Adoption Studies 4. Continuity of Development 5. National Surveys & Epidemiological Studies 6. Self-Reports and Observation 7. Correlation and Experimentation 8. Case Studies and Studies Using Combined Methodologies 9. Structural-Organismic perspectives & Psychodynamic Theory 10. Piagetian Theory & Vygotsky’s Sociocultural View 11. Behaviorism and Cognitive, Social Learning Theories 12. Socio-cultural Theory and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory 13. Ethological and Evolutionary Approach 14. Prenatal Development and Birth: Stages of Prenatal Development 15. Prenatal Development and Birth: Birth and the Beginnings of Life 16. Newborn: Socio-Cultural Perspective 17. Physical Development of the Newborn 18. Infancy: Sensation, Perception and Learning 19. Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Nervous System and Brain Development in Infancy 20. Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Nutrition, Physical Growth, Sexual Maturation & Sleep Patterns 21. Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Being Over or Underweight and Obesity 22. Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Need for exercise Play for growth and Security 23. Emotional Development and Attachment: Emotions and Emotional Regulation 24. Emotional Development and Attachment: Development, Nature and Quality of Attachment 25. Emotional Development and Attachment: Theories of Adolescent Emotional Maturation 26. Emotional Development and Attachment: Resilience and Coping with Traumatic Experiences 27. Language and Communication: Theories of Language Development 28. Language and Communication: Social and Creative Uses of Language 29. Language and Communication: Nature of Language and Thought in Infancy 30. Language and Communication: Multilingualism, Education and Mother Tongue 31. Intelligence and Achievement: Individual Differences in General Abilities and Intelligence 32. Intelligence and Achievement: Achievement Motivation and Intellectual Performance 33. Intelligence and Achievement: Learning Theories and Classroom Teaching 34. Socialization: The Family, Peers and Friends: The Family System 35. Socialization: The Family, Peers and Friends: Determinants of Parenting, Childrearing Practices and Styles 36. Socialization: The Family, Peers and Friends: Sibling and Peer Relations 37. Gender Roles and Gender Differences: Sex and Gender Roles 38. Gender Roles and Gender Differences: Theories of Gender Identity 39. Morality, Altruism and Pro-social Development: Theories of Moral Development 40. Morality, Altruism and Pro-social Development: Altruism and Pro-social Development 41. Developmental Psychopathology: Risk and Protective Factors 42. Developmental Psychopathology: Genetic Abnormalities and Genetic Counseling 43. Developmental Psychopathology: ADHD and Autism 44. Developmental Psychopathology: Aggression, Behavioral Problems and Conduct Disorders 45. Developmental Psychopathology: Special Children and Children with Learning Disabilities