Dr. Aneeq Ahmad PhD University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
1. Overview of Growth and Development
2. Factors Affecting Development: Biology and Environment
3. Twin and Adoption Studies
4. Continuity of Development
5. National Surveys & Epidemiological Studies
6. Self-Reports and Observation
7. Correlation and Experimentation
8. Case Studies and Studies Using Combined Methodologies
9. Structural-Organismic perspectives & Psychodynamic Theory
10. Piagetian Theory & Vygotsky’s Sociocultural View
11. Behaviorism and Cognitive, Social Learning Theories
12. Socio-cultural Theory and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory
13. Ethological and Evolutionary Approach
14. Prenatal Development and Birth: Stages of Prenatal Development
15. Prenatal Development and Birth: Birth and the Beginnings of Life
16. Newborn: Socio-Cultural Perspective
17. Physical Development of the Newborn
18. Infancy: Sensation, Perception and Learning
19. Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Nervous System and Brain Development in Infancy
20. Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Nutrition, Physical Growth, Sexual Maturation & Sleep Patterns
21. Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Being Over or Underweight and Obesity
22. Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Need for exercise Play for growth and Security
23. Emotional Development and Attachment: Emotions and Emotional Regulation
24. Emotional Development and Attachment: Development, Nature and Quality of Attachment
25. Emotional Development and Attachment: Theories of Adolescent Emotional Maturation
26. Emotional Development and Attachment: Resilience and Coping with Traumatic Experiences
27. Language and Communication: Theories of Language Development
28. Language and Communication: Social and Creative Uses of Language
29. Language and Communication: Nature of Language and Thought in Infancy
30. Language and Communication: Multilingualism, Education and Mother Tongue
31. Intelligence and Achievement: Individual Differences in General Abilities and Intelligence
32. Intelligence and Achievement: Achievement Motivation and Intellectual Performance
33. Intelligence and Achievement: Learning Theories and Classroom Teaching
34. Socialization: The Family, Peers and Friends: The Family System
35. Socialization: The Family, Peers and Friends: Determinants of Parenting, Childrearing Practices and Styles
36. Socialization: The Family, Peers and Friends: Sibling and Peer Relations
37. Gender Roles and Gender Differences: Sex and Gender Roles
38. Gender Roles and Gender Differences: Theories of Gender Identity
39. Morality, Altruism and Pro-social Development: Theories of Moral Development
40. Morality, Altruism and Pro-social Development: Altruism and Pro-social Development
41. Developmental Psychopathology: Risk and Protective Factors
42. Developmental Psychopathology: Genetic Abnormalities and Genetic Counseling
43. Developmental Psychopathology: ADHD and Autism
44. Developmental Psychopathology: Aggression, Behavioral Problems and Conduct Disorders
45. Developmental Psychopathology: Special Children and Children with Learning Disabilities