EDU303 : Child Development

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Child Development focuses on the principles underlying physical, mental, emotional and social development, and methods of child study and practical implications. This course is a study of the principles of child growth and development from conception to adolescence. The main focus of the course will be on continuity of development, factors affecting development, research methods in child development, different theoretical perspectives with reference to development, different developmental periods.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the foundations and importance of child development
  • Learn about physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development
  • Get familiar with the basic research methodology use in child development
  • Summarize the theoretical frame work of different pioneers that work as the base to explain child development
  • Explain the importance of different developmental periods
  • Discuss sensation, perception, learning brain, body, motor skills to sexual maturation
  • State different theories and importance of language and communication with an emphasis on multilingualism
  • Understand individual differences in general abilities and intelligence along with achievement motivation and intellectual performance
  • Identify the role of socialization agents in development of a child
  • Define the gradual learning of gender roles and gender differences in course of a child’s development
  • Have a grip on understanding of morality, altruism and prosocial development
  • Have a clearer understanding of developmental psychopathologies, risk and protective factors in normal development, genetic and chromosomal abnormalities and genetic counseling

Course Calendar

1 Overview of Growth and Development
2 Factors Affecting Development: Biology and Environment
3 Twin and Adoption Studies

4 Continuity of Development
5 National Surveys & Epidemiological Studies
6 Self-Reports and Observation

7 Correlation and Experimentation
8 Case Studies and Studies Using Combined Methodologies
9 Structural-Organismic perspectives & Psychodynamic Theory

10 Piagetian Theory & Vygotsky’s Sociocultural View
Quiz 1
11 Behaviorism and Cognitive, Social Learning Theories
12 Socio-cultural Theory and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory

13 Ethological and Evolutionary Approach
14 Prenatal Development and Birth : Stages of Prenatal Development
15 Prenatal Development and Birth: Birth and the Beginnings of Life

16 Newborn: Socio-Cultural Perspective
17 Physical Development of the Newborn
18 Infancy: Sensation, Perception and Learning

19 Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Nervous System and Brain Development in Infancy
20 Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Nutrition, Physical Growth, Sexual Maturation & Sleep Patterns
Quiz 2
21 Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Being Over or Underweight and Obesity

22 Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Maturation: Need for exercise Play for growth and Security
Mid Term
23 Emotional Development and Attachment: Emotions and Emotional Regulation
24 Emotional Development and Attachment: Development, Nature and Quality of Attachment

25 Emotional Development and Attachment: Theories of Adolescent Emotional Maturation
26 Emotional Development and Attachment: Resilience and Coping with Traumatic Experiences
27 Language and Communication: Theories of Language Development

28 Language and Communication: Social and Creative Uses of Language
29 Language and Communication: Nature of Language and Thought in Infancy
30 Language and Communication: Multilingualism, Education and Mother Tongue
Quiz 3

31 Intelligence and Achievement: Individual Differences in General Abilities and Intelligence
32 Intelligence and Achievement: Achievement Motivation and Intellectual Performance
33 Intelligence and Achievement: Learning Theories and Classroom Teaching

34 Socialization: The Family, Peers and Friends: The Family System
35 Socialization: The Family, Peers and Friends: Determinants of Parenting, Childrearing Practices and Styles
36 Socialization: The Family, Peers and Friends: Sibling and Peer Relations

37 Gender Roles and Gender Differences: Sex and Gender Roles
38 Gender Roles and Gender Differences: Theories of Gender Identity
39 Morality, Altruism and Pro-social Development: Theories of Moral Development

40 Morality, Altruism and Pro-social Development: Altruism and Pro-social Development
41 Developmental Psychopathology: Risk and Protective Factors
42 Developmental Psychopathology: Genetic Abnormalities and Genetic Counseling

43 Developmental Psychopathology: ADHD and Autism
44 Developmental Psychopathology: Aggression, Behavioral Problems and Conduct Disorders
45 Developmental Psychopathology: Special Children and Children with Learning Disabilities
Final Term