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Humanities Distribution
> GSC201
Teaching of General Science
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Course Info
Course Category
Humanities Distribution
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Credit Hours
Dr Rafia Ali
Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Mathematics and Science Education, 2002
Course Contents
1. Introduction to Science 2. Nature of Scientific Practice 3. Process Skills 4. Pedagogical Content Knowledge 5. Approaches to Teaching Science 6. Properties of Objects 7. Common properties of materials 8. Exploring the Property of "Weight" 9. Types of Solids 10. Exploring solids, liquids, gasses 11. Exploring Liquids 12. Assessment 13. Observing jelly crystal and sharing children prior ideas 14. Observing and recording different stages of jelly 15. Observing jelly-- final stage 16. Conducting a fair test template 17. Concept of Dissolving 18. Summative Assessment 19. Review of Pedagogical Content Knowledge 20. Research Project 21. Case study of Bicycle 22. Developing a tool kit for measuring the temperature 23. Types of Graphs 24. Developing a tool kit for measuring the time intervals 25. Observing changes of state by heating ice I 26. Investigating the changes of state 27. Investigating changes of state by heating ice II 28. Changes of state "Background Information" 29. Exploring Evaporation and Conducting Fair Test 30. Concept of Evaporation 31. Presentations of children on Evaporation 32. Research Project Guidelines 33. Concepts and Skills to be assessed 34. Structure of matter strand for Grade 6 to 8 35. Assessing Children Prior Knowledge 36. Developing Communication and Literacy Skills of the Students 37. Developing a background learning of "Measuring the Length" 38. Developing a background learning to measure the "Mass" 39. Developing a background learning to measure "Density" 40. Density measurement activities 41. Measuring the Density of Irregular Objects 42. Density of Liquids 43. Building the Density Column 44. Assessment of the Activities of Mass, Volume and Density 45. Review of the Course of Teaching of General Science