MCM311 : Reporting and Sub-Editing

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Course Info

Course Category

Mass Communication

Course Level


Credit Hours





Sarwar Munir Rao
M.A. Journalism, M.A. Political Science
Punjab University, Lahore.

Course Contents

Introduction to News Reporting, Introduction to News,What is News, News Cycle, Elements of News, Sources of News I, Sources of News II, Sources of News III, Reporter I (Definition of Reporter), Reporter II (Classification of Reporters), General Reporting I, General Reporting II, General Reporting III, Beats Reporting I, Beats Reporting II, Beats Reporting III, Beats Reporting IV (DIPLOMATIC REPORTING), Beats Reporting V, Beats Reporting VI (SPORTS REPORTING), Beats Reporting VII (REPORTING BEATS), Conflict Reporting I, Conflict Reporting II, Conflict Reporting III, Investigative Reporting I, Investigative Reporting II, Investigative Reporting III, Parliament Reporting I, Parliament Reporting II, Parliament Reporting I (PARLIAMENTARY TERMINOLOGIES), Parliament Reporting II (PARLIAMENTARY TERMINOLOGIES), Television Reporting, Interview I, Interview II, Interview III, Interview IV, Press Conference, Code of Ethics I, Cod of Ethics II, Editing I, Editing II, Editing III, Editing IV, Editing V, Editing VI, Editing VII