Dr. Kiran Shazadi Ph.D. zoology Institute of Zoology, University of the Punjab, Lahore
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of physiological
function as the basis of unity in diverse animals e.g. membrane
excitability, exchange of respiratory gases, removal of nitrogenous
wastes tissue, osmotic and organ physiological mechanisms underlying
animal homeostasis and temperature effects.
2. Grasp the development of performing the function developed at
molecular and cellular level in the complexity of the animals such as
chemical & nervous integration, respiratory and excretory functions.
3. Know the strategy acquired to perform the functions in diverse
environment such as in dry & aquatic and cold and hot at molecular and
cellular level and regulations to achieve strategy by chemical and
nervous regulation at organ levels.
4. Comprehend the concepts in homeostasis and integration in sustaining
the life in constantly changing conditions.
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Perform experiments designed either primarily for the study of
physiological phenomena or for assessment of function.
2. Analyze and interpret experimental/investigative data critically in
performance of functions in changed conditions.
3. Distinguish between normal and failure of the function in abnormal
conditions even through results of experiments/data collections also by
the students in laboratory and fields.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Following the completion of this course, each student should have:
1. An understanding of critical concepts, processes, and factual
information in the performance of functions and changing conditions.
2. A knowledge of resources for finding the solution for strategies to
sustain diverse forms of animal life kept and in wild in normal and
abnormal conditions.
3. The ability to utilize knowledge of animal physiology and behavior in critical study and
for making intelligent decisions in professional life.
Concept of Physiology
1. Principles of Homeostasis and conformity
2. Principles of regulation and adaptation
Membrane Physiology:
1. Ionic distribution across membrane
2. Resting membrane potentials: Electrogenic ion pump, Donnan
equilibrium, Ion channels.
Nerve and Muscle Physiology:
1. Action potentials in neurons
2. Electrical and chemical synaptic transmission
3. Neurotransmitters in communications
4. Receptors of neurotransmitters in diverse physiological responses
5. Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
6. Neuronal networks and their role in nervous integration
7. Muscles: Structure, types, components, muscle proteins
8. Molecular basis of muscle contraction
9. Sarcoplasmic reticulum and role of calcium
10. Neuromuscular interaction at cell and molecular level muscle
11. Types of muscle contractions and muscle fatigue.
Endocrine Physiology:
1. Hormones of invertebrates and specifically of arthropods for the
functions in their modes of life.
2. Hormones of various vertebrates’ endocrine organs and comparison of
their roles in adaptability of mode of life.
3. Mechanisms of hormone actions, hormone receptors, signal
transduction and hormonal coordination.
Cardiovascular Physiology:
1. Electrical activity of heart; self-excitability and auto-rhythmicity of
myogenic heart.
2. Neurogenic heart and their expression.
3. Electrocardiography and Kymography.
4. Hemodynamics, Relationship between blood flow, pressure and
resistance. Their role in performance of the function in variety of
5. Control of cardiac activity, cardiac output and peripheral circulation.
Respiratory Physiology:
1. Mechanism of respiratory gases exchange in aquatic and terrestrial
respiratory structures.
2. Control of respiration and stimulus factors in various animals.
3. Respiration adaptations in hypoxia and percapnia etc.
4. Air breathing and respiratory adaptations diver animals.
Excretory Physiology:
1. Strategy of mammalian large glomerular filtration and reabsorption in
nitrogenous excretion.
2. Patterns of nitrogenous excretion in various animals and their
phylogenetic significance.
Physiology of Nutrition:
1. Adaptation of nutritive canal for digestion and absorption of nutrients in
different animals specifically the vertebrates.
2. Regulation of digestive secretions.
3. Mechanisms of of water, ions and nutrients absorptions and their
significances in diverse groups.
4. Potential and Movements in gastrointestinal tract and control of motility.
Nerve and Muscle
1. Study of salient features of electromyography
2. Study of excitable and contractile properties of a nerve-muscle
Nervous System:
1. Study of brains in different animals in relation to complexity of functions.
2. Study of human brain model and different areas eliciting behaviors.
3. Videos study on 1 and 2 studies.
Hormones System:
1. Video studies on the effects of hormones in breeding season behaviors
of various behaviors.
2. Study through clinics data on the insulin and glycemia in type1 and type
2 diabetic subjects.
Animal Behavior:
1. Genes & Environment in Behavior Development
2. Habituation and Imprinting
3. Spatial Learning and Cognitive Maps
4. Associative Learning
5. Cognition and Problem Solving
6. Foraging Behavior
7. Mating Behaviors and Systems
8. Parental Care
9. Sexual Selection and Mate Choice
10. Social Behaviors
11. Social Behavior (Living in Groups)
12. Agonistic Behaviors
13. Altruism
14. Kin Selection and Inclusive Fitness
15. Reciprocal Altruism
16. Social Learning
17. Evolution and Human Culture