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ZOO502 : Animal Physiology and Behavior

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of animal physiology and their behavior. It provide information about the physiological mechanisms including neuro-endocrine, cardiac, pulmonary, renal, digestive systems etc. It also impart knowledge about animal responses to external stimuli along with neurophysiological basis of behavior.

Course Learning Outcomes

Homeostatic regulations, Body functions, Behavioral responses.

  • The students will become familiar with the basic facts and principles of Animal Physiology.
  • The students will be able to describe and explain, in physiological terms, the functional anatomy of the major organ-systems found in animal bodies.
  • Students will also gain basic information about the laboratory techniques and equipment used in physiological experiments and research
  • The study of animal behavior will enable the students to understand the neurologic basis and evolution of advanced animal behavior.

Course Calendar

1 The Spectrum of Study of Physiology
2 Central Themes in Physiology
3 Structure-Function Relationships
4 Adaptation, Acclimatization And Acclimation
5 Principle of Homeostasis
6 Feedback Control Systems
7 Conformity and Regulation
8 Membrane Permeability
9 Diffusion and Membrane Flux
10 The Facilitated Diffusion
11 Donnan Equilibrium
12 Ion Distribution Across The Plasma Membrane
13 Active Transport and Na K Pump
14 Membrane Potential and Membrane Excitation
15 Role of Ion Channels
16 Resting Membrane Potential
17 Action Potentials
18 General Properties of Action Potentials I
19 General Properties of Action Potentials II
20 Ionic Basis of Action Potential
21 Ion channels—Localization and Characterization
22 Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels
23 Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels
24 Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels
25 Structural Features of Neuron
26 Transmission of Signals in the Nervous System
27 Transmission of Signals in a Single Neuron
28 Propagation of Action Potentials
29 Speed of Propagation
30 Axon Myelination and Saltatory Conduction
31 Synapses and Their Types (Electrical Synapses)
32 Synapses and Their Types (Chemical Synapses)
33 Mechanism of Release of Neurotransmitters
34 Excitatory and Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials
35 Neurotransmitters (Diversity and Classification)
36 Fast, Direct Neurotransmitters
37 Slow, Indirect Neurotransmitters
38 Neuropeptides (Endorphins and Enkephalins)
39 Receptors in Fast, Direct Neurotransmission
40 Receptors in Slow, Indirect Neurotransmission
41 Neuromodulation
42 Neural Integration
43 Sensory Stimuli, Sensory Organs and Receptor Cells
44 Sensations and Quality of Stimulus
45 Sensory Modalities and Receptor Types
Assignment 1

46 Properties of Receptor Cells
47 Sensory Transduction
48 Range Fractionation
49 Sensory Adaptation
50 Chemoreceptors (Taste and Smell Receptors)
51 Mechanism of Taste Reception
52 Mechanism of Olfactory Reception
53 Mechanoreception
54 Hair Cells
55 Organs of Equilibrium
56 The Mammalian Ear
57 Cochlea
58 Sound Transduction by Cochlear Hair Cells
59 Frequency Analysis by Cochlea
60 Electroreception
61 Thermoreception
62 Photoreception (Basics)
63 The Vertebrate Eye (Structural Physiology)
64 Visual Receptor Cells of Vertebrates
65 Visual Pigments and Their Photochemistry-I
66 Visual Pigments and Their Photochemistry-II
67 The Color Vision
68 Glands, Secretions and Secretory Mechanisms
69 Types of Glands
70 Vertebrate Endocrine System (An Overview)
71 Hormones and Their Properties
72 Chemical Types and Functions of Hormones
73 Synthesis of Hormones
74 Neuro-Endocrine Role of Hypothalamus
75 Pituitary Gland and Its Hormones
76 Adenohypophysis (Tropic Hormones)
77 Adenohypophysis (Non-Tropic Hormones)
78 Hormones of Neurohypophysis
79 Thyroid Gland and Its Hormones
80 Parathyroid Gland and Its Hormones
81 Adrenal Glands
82 Catecholamines (Synthesis and Release)
83 Catecholamines (Effects and Mode of Action)
84 Adrenal Cortex (Corticosteroids)
85 Pancreas (Insulin and Glucagon Hormones)
86 Role of Testes as Endocrine Tissue
87 Role of Ovaries as Endocrine Tissue
88 pineal gland
89 Placental Hormones
90 Metabolic and Developmental Hormones
Quiz 1

91 Hormones for Water Regulation and Ion Balance
92 Reproductive Hormones
93 Prostaglandins
94 Feedback Mechanisms
95 Mechanisms of Hormone Action
96 Lipid Soluble Hormones (Mechanism of Action)
97 Lipid Insoluble Hormones (Intracellular Signaling)
98 Cyclic Nucleotide Signaling Systems
99 Inositol Phospholipid and Ca+2 Signaling Systems
100 The Structure of Muscle
101 Myofilament Substructure
102 Contraction of Muscle (Sliding Filament Theory)
103 Role of ATP in Cross Bridge Working
104 Production of Force for Sliding of Filaments
105 Role of Calcium in Contraction
106 Excitation Contraction Coupling
107 T-Tubules (Propagation of AP into the Myofibril)
108 Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
109 Membrane Receptors in Triads
110 Summary of Muscle Contraction Mechanism
111 Isometric and Isotonic Contractions
112 Muscle Twitch and Tetanus
113 Neural Control of Muscle Contraction
114 Muscle Fatigue
115 Lever System of the Body
116 Cardiac Muscles
117 Smooth Muscles
118 Excitatory and Conductive System of Heart
119 Pacemakers
120 Autorhythmicity of Pacemaker
121 Role of Ion Channels in Self Excitation
122 Transmission of Excitation Over the Heart
123 Effect of ACh and Catecholamines on Excitation
124 Cardiac Output and Stroke Volume
125 Changes in Pressure and Flow During One Beat
126 Work Done by the Heart
127 Electrocardiogram (ECG)
128 Kymography
129 Introduction to Hemodynamics
130 Laminar and Turbulent Flow
131 Relationship Between Pressure and Flow
132 Vascular Resistance to Flow
133 Viscosity of Blood
134 Compliance in Circulatory System
135 Peripheral Circulation
Mid Term

136 Blood Pressure
137 Effect of Gravity on Pressure and Flow
138 Counter Current Exchangers
139 Capillaries and Microcirculation
140 Capillary Pressure and Flow
141 Regulatory Controls of Circulation
142 Central Control of Cardiovascular System
143 Arterial Baroreceptors
144 Arterial Chemoreceptors
145 Cardiac Receptors
146 Nervous Control of Microcirculation
147 Local Control of Microcirculation
148 Respiration (General Considerations)
149 Respiratory Pigments
150 Transport of Oxygen in Blood
151 Transport of Carbon Dioxide in Blood
152 Vertebrate Lungs
153 Functional Anatomy of Mammalian Lungs
154 Lung Volumes and Capacities
155 Mechanism of Lung Ventilation in Mammals
156 Mechanism of Ventilation in Birds
157 Mechanism of Lung Ventilation in Reptiles
158 Mechanism of Ventilation of Lungs in Frogs
159 Pulmonary Surfactants and Alveolar Collapse
160 Neural Control of Breathing
161 Factors Affecting Breathing
162 Respiratory Responses to Hypoxia
163 Respiratory Responses to Hypercapnia
164 Respiratory Responses to Diving
165 Gas Exchange Across Gills of Fishes
166 Functional Anatomy of Gills of Fishes
167 Osmoregulation and Excretion
168 Osmoregulators and Osmoconformers
169 Osmoregulation in Aquatic Environments
170 Osmoregulation in Fresh Water Animals
171 Osmoregulation in Marine Animals
172 Osmoregulation in Terrestrial Animals
173 Osmoregulation in Desert Living Animals
174 Osmoregulation in Marine Mammals
175 Osmoregulation in Terrestrial Arthropods
176 Mammalian Kidney (Anatomy)
177 Mammalian Kidney (Anatomy of Nephron)
178 Blood Supply to the Nephron
179 Urine Production (Overview)
180 Glomerular Filtration
Assignment 2

181 Tubular Reabsorption
182 Tubular Secretion
183 Glomerular Filtration Rate
184 Regulation of pH by Kidneys
185 Urine Concentrating Mechanisms
186 Renal Regulatory Mechanisms
187 Nitrogenous Wastes in Animals
188 Excretion of Ammonia (Ammonotelic Animals)
189 Excretion of Urea (Ureotelic Animals)
190 Excretion of Uric Acid (Uricotelic Animals)
191 Overview of the Alimentary Systems
192 Generalized Alimentary Canal
193 Headgut
194 Foregut (Esophagus and Crop)
195 Foregut (Stomach)
196 Midgut (Small Intestine)
197 Absorptive Epithelium of Intestine
198 Hindgut (Large Intestine)
199 Motility of the Alimentary Canal
200 Muscular and Ciliary Motility
201 Peristalsis
202 Control of Alimentary Canal Motility
203 Gastrointestinal Secretions
Quiz 2
204 Exocrine Secretions—Water, Mucus and Ions
205 Exocrine Secretions—Bile and Bile Salts
206 Digestive Enzymes (Proteases)
207 Digestive Enzymes (Carbohydrases and Lipases)
208 Proenzymes
209 Control of Digestive Secretions
210 Control of Salivary and Gastric Secretions
211 Control of Intestinal and Pancreatic Secretions
212 Absorption of Food in Intestine
213 Absorption Mechanisms
214 Absorption by Active Transport and Endocytosis
215 Transport of Nutrients
216 Water and Electrolyte Absorption
217 Homeotherms and Poikilotherms
218 Endotherms and Ectotherms
219 Heterotherms
220 Ectotherms in Cold and Freezing Environments
221 Ectotherms in Hot Environments
222 Costs and Benefits of Ectothermy
223 Temperature Relations of Heterotherms
224 TNZ, LCT and UCT for Endotherms
225 Temperature Relations of Endotherms
Quiz 3

226 Thermogenesis in Endotherms
227 Endothermy in Cold Environments
228 Countercurrent Heat Exchange Systems
229 Endothermy in Hot Environments
230 Evaporative Cooling
231 Thermostatic Role of Hypothalamus
232 Thermoregulatory Centers in
233 Fever
234 Thermoregulation During Exercise
235 Dormant States (Sleep and Torpor)
236 Hibernation, Winter Sleep and Estivation
237 Animal Behavior (Basics)
238 Scientific Approaches
239 Neurosensory Basis of Behavior
240 Neuronal Plasticity
241 Inborn, Innate or Instinctive Behaviors
242 Fixed Action Patterns
243 Animal Orientation, Kinesis and Taxis
244 Animal Navigation and Migration
245 Behavioral Rhythms
246 Animal Signals and Communication
247 Pheromones and Chemical Communication
248 Genes & Environment in Behavior Development
249 Habituation and Imprinting
250 Spatial Learning and Cognitive Maps
251 Associative Learning
252 Cognition and Problem Solving
253 Foraging Behavior
254 Foraging Model (Risk and Reward Balance)
255 Mating Behaviors and Systems
256 Parental Care
257 Sexual Selection and Mate Choice
258 Social Behaviors
259 Social Behavior (Living in Groups)
260 Agonistic Behaviors
261 Altruism
262 Kin Selection and Inclusive Fitness
263 Reciprocal Altruism
264 Social Learning
265 Evolution and Human Culture
Final Term