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BIF501 : Bioinformatics II

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course covers advanced topics in connection to Bioinformatics domain such as various bioinformatics databases various techniques to predict gene protein RNA structure. estimate local and global alignments and an introduction to drug discovery. This course further sheds light on state of the art applications of bioinformatics phylogenetic analysis homology modeling and detail discussion on Chou Fasman Algorithm.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course the students would be able to

  • Understand genes and proteins at structural level using computational tools.
  • Analyze and interpret structures and functions of genes RNA and proteins
  • Understand genomic variants and enable them to analyzing impact of SNP on protein structure and function.

Course Calendar

1 Applications of Bioinformatics-I
2 Applications of Bioinformatics-II
3 Nucleotide Sequence databases
4 Protein databases
5 Genome and organism specific databases
6 Gene expression databases
7 Medical databases
8 Sequence submission
9 DNA Sequence Retrieval
10 Protein Sequence Retrieval
11 Sequence Formats
12 Data Retrieval

13 Genome Informatics
14 Prokaryotic Genome
15 Eukaryotic Genomes
16 Epichromosomal elements (EEs)
17 Genome repeats
18 Transposable Elements (TEs)
19 Eukaryotic Gene Structure
20 Comparative Genomics
21 Comparative Proteomics
22 Between proteome comparison
23 Horizontal Gene Transfer
24 Gene Order (Synteny)

25 Genome annotations
26 Genome Sequencing
27 Structure of RNA
28 DNA Transcription
29 Protein Translation
30 Dynamic Programming I
31 Dynamic Programming II
32 Algorithm for Dynamic Programming
33 Restriction Mapping I
34 Restriction Mapping II
35 Partial Digest Problem
36 Practical Restriction Mapping Algorithm

37 Partial Digest Algorithm I
38 Partial Digest Algorithm II
39 Regulatory Motifs in DNA Sequences
40 Profiles I
41 Profiles II
42 Profiles III
43 Motif Finding Problem I
44 Motif Finding Problem II
45 Search Trees – Introduction
46 Search Trees – Best Alternative
47 Algorithm for Search Trees I
48 Algorithm for Search Trees II

49 Next Vertex Algorithm
50 What is an algorithm
51 Bypass Algorithm
52 Finding Motifs
53 Simple Motif Search Algorithm
54 Branch and bound Algorithm
55 Brute Force Median Search
56 Genome Rearrangements
57 A greedy approach to motif finding
58 The Power of DNA Sequence Comparison
59 Brute Force vs Greedy Algorithm
60 Sequence Similarity

61 Edit Distance
62 Alignment
63 Edit Graph I
64 Edit Graph II
65 Longest Common Sequences I
66 Recurrence for LCS problem
67 Algorithm for LCS
68 Scoring Alignments I
69 Scoring Alignments II
70 PAM matrix
71 Local Sequence Alignment I
72 Local Sequence Alignment II

73 Local Alignment Problem
74 Progressive Multiple Alignment
75 Gene Prediction I
76 Gene Prediction II
77 one Approach for Gene Prediction
78 Second Approach for Gene Prediction
79 Statistical Approach to Gene Prediction I
80 Statistical Approach to Gene Prediction II
81 Statistical Approach to Gene Prediction III
82 Similarity based Approached to Gene Prediction I
83 Similarity based Approached to Gene Prediction II
84 ORF Prediction

85 ORF Finders
86 TSS Prediction
87 Prediction of Splice Junctions
88 Prediction of Exons
89 Annotation of assembled Genome
90 Pattern Finding in a Genome
91 Pattern Finding Algorithms
92 Brute Force Approach
93 Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm
94 KMP: Prefix function
95 KMP:Matcher
96 Scoring Schemes

97 Subsitution Matrices
98 Optimal Alignment Methods
99 Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm
100 Smith-Waterman Algorithm
101 DNA Sequencing 1
102 DNA Sequencing 11
103 DNA Arrays
104 sequencing by hybridization
105 Fragment Assemly in DNA sequencing
106 Strategy for Sequencing
107 protein sequence and identification
108 computational protein sequencing

109 Mass spectrophotometry
110 The peptide sequencing problem 1
111 The peptide sequencing problem 11
112 protein identification via database search
113 Modified Protein Identification Problem
114 Protein Structure Prediction
115 Predicting Secondary Structures
116 Introduction to Chou Fasman Algorithm
117 2’ Structures in Chou Fasman Algorithm
118 Chou Fasman Algorithm - I
119 Chou Fasman Algorithm - II
120 Chou Fasman Algorithm - III

121 Chou Fasman Algorithm - IV
122 Chou Fasman Algorithm – Flowchart
123 Chou Fasman Algorithm – Flowchart II
124 Chou Fasman Algorithm – Flowchart III
125 Chou Fasman Algorithm – Improvements
126 Summary of Visualization, Classification and Prediction
127 Introduction to Homology modelling
128 Homology, Paralogy and Orthology
129 Workflow for Structural Modelling
130 Seven Steps to Homology Modelling - I
131 Seven Steps to Homology Modelling - II
132 Seven Steps to Homology Modelling - III

133 Seven Steps to Homology Modelling - IV
134 Seven Steps to Homology Modelling - V
135 Seven Steps to Homology Modelling - VI
136 Modeller for Homology Modelling
137 Fold Recognition/Threading I
138 Fold Recognition/Threading II
139 Fold Recognition/Threading III
140 Online Tools for Threading - iTasser
141 Advantages and Disadvantages of Threading
142 3D-1D Bowie Algorithm
143 Introduction to Ab-Initio Modelling
144 Rationale of Ab Initio Modelling

145 Strategies for Ab Initio Modelling
146 Energy States of Folded Proteins
147 Local versus Global Minima
148 Pros and Cons of Ab Initio Modelling
149 Summary of Structural Modelling - I
150 Summary of Structural Modelling - II
151 Summary of Structural Modelling - III
152 Review of Sequence Analysis
153 Review of Phylogenetics
154 Review of Protein Sequencing
155 Review of RNA Structure Prediction
156 Review of Protein Structures

157 Review of Homology Modelling
158 Conclusions from this Course
159 Advanced Follow-up Courses
160 Careers in Bioinformatics
161 RNA Structure
162 RNA Secondary Structure
163 RNA Secondary Structure Prediction
164 RNASeq
165 RNASeq Normalization
166 Neural Networks
167 Associate Rules
168 Clustering

169 Machine Learning
170 ML Concepts
171 ML Applications
172 Forensic Science
173 Advantages of Bioinformatics in forensic
174 Methods used in DNA profiling
175 DNA profile
176 DNA profile generation
177 Introduction to Drug Discovery
178 Drug Discovery Applications
179 Pharmacogenetics
180 Pharmacogenetics applications

181 Drug Discovery Pipeline
182 Drug Discovery Methods
183 Drug Discovery
184 Biomedical annotated
185 Steps for Creation of Biomedical Corpora
186 Target discovery strategy
187 Strategies To Identify Possible Drug Targets
188 Target validation
189 Lead identification
190 Lead optimization
191 test