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BIO202 : Biochemistry-I

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course of biochemistry is a very fundamental course and essential for all life sciences discipline. General biochemistry is a introductory course of molecules of life, e.g carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, DNA, bio-processes, bio catalysts, cellular respiration: oxidative phosphorylation and energy metabolism in general.

Course Learning Outcomes

General Biochemistry

  • Learn about the structure, functions and properties of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids.
  • Demonstrate a comparative study of plant animal and microbial biochemistry
  • Understand about the enzyme kinetics and enzyme mechanisms
  • Develop problem solving skills and analytical thinking skills

Course Calendar

1 Introduction to Carbohydrates
2 Carbohydrates-Disaccharides
3 Carbohydrates-Polysaccharides
4 Carbohydrates-Isomerism
5 Carbohydrates-Chiral centers,double bonds
6 Carbohydrates-D and L isomerism
7 Carbohydrates-Enantiomers, Optical activity
8 Carbohydrates-Optical activity (Conti....)
9 Carbohydrates-Cyclic (ring) structures
10 Carbohydrates-Cyclic (ring) structres (Conti...), anomers
11 Carbohydrates-ring structure of monosaccharides
12 Carbohydrates: Epimers, Trioses, Tetroses, Pentoses
13 Carbohydrates: D-Galactose, D-Fructose, Properties of monosaccharides
14 Carbohydrates: Properties of monosaccharides
15 Carbohydrates: Properties of monosaccharides (Conti....)
16 Carbohydrates: Properties of monosaccharides 1 (Conti....)

17 Carbohydrates: Properties of monosaccharides 2 (Conti....)
18 Carbohydrates: Properties of monosaccharides 3 (Conti....)
19 Carbohydrates: Properties of monosaccharides 4 (Conti....)
20 Carbohydrates: Properties of monosaccharides 5 (Conti....)
21 Carbohydrates: Properties of monosaccharides 6
22 Disaccharides
23 Disacharrides (Conti....)
24 Disaccharides 1 (Conti....)
25 Oligosaccharides
26 Polysaccharides
27 Proteins
28 Properties of Proteins
29 Composition of Proteins
30 Composition of Proteins (Conti....)
31 Composition of Proteins 1 (Continued)
32 Composition of Proteins 2 (Conti....)
33 Composition of Proteins 3 (Conti....)
34 Conventions used to identify the carbons in amino acids

35 Acidic and basic properties of amino acids
36 Acidic and Basic properties of amino acids (Conti...)
37 Acidic and Basic properties of amino acids 1 (Conti….)
38 Acidic and Basic properties of amino acids 2 (Conti….)
39 Acidic and Basic properties of amino acids 3 (Conti….)
40 Acidic and Basic properties of amino acids 4 (Conti….)
41 Acidic and Basic properties of amino acids 5 (Conti….)
42 Acidic and Basic properties of amino acids 6 (Conti….)
43 Abbreviations and symbols of amino acids
44 Classification of amino acids: A. Aliphatic R groups
45 Classification of amino acids: A. Aliphatic R groups (Conti...)
46 Classification of amino acids: Aromatic amino acids
47 Classification of amino acids: Aliphatic, Polar Uncharged R groups
48 Classification of amino acids: Positively charged (Basic R groups)
49 Classification of amino acids: Negatively charged (Acidic) R groups
50 Classification of amino acids: Glucogenic or ketogenic
51 Classification of proteins

52 Functional classification of proteins
53 Peptide bond
54 Structural Hierarchy of Proteins
55 The Primary Structure
56 The Secondary structure
57 The Secondary structure (Conti...)
58 The Secondary structure 1 (Conti...)
59 The Secondary structure 2 (conti...)
60 The Secondary Structure 3 (conti...)
61 The Secondary Structure 4 (conti...)
62 The Tertiary Structure
63 The Tertiary structure (conti....)
64 The Quaternary Structure

65 The Quaternary Structure (Conti...)
66 Protein folding
67 Protein folding (Conti...)
68 Protein folding 1 (conti...)
69 Protein folding 2 (conti...)
70 Protein folding 3 (conti...)
71 Protein folding 4 (conti...)
72 Protein misfolding
73 Protein denaturation
74 Protein denaturation (conti...)
75 Reversible binding of a protein
76 Reversible binding of a protein (conti...)
77 Reversible binding of a protein 1 (conti...)
78 Reversible binding of a protein 2 (conti...)
79 Reversible binding of a protein 3 (conti...)
80 Reversible binding of a protein 4 (conti..)

81 Reversible binding of a protein 5 (conti..)
82 Reversible binding of a protein 6 (Conti....)
83 Reversible binding of a protein 7 (Conti....)
84 Reversible binding of a protein 8 (Conti....)
85 Reversible binding of a protein 9 (Conti....)
86 Reversible binding of a protein 10 (Conti....)
87 Reversible binding of a protein 11 (Conti....)
88 Reversible binding of a protein 12 (Conti....)
89 Reversible binding of a protein 13 (Conti....)
90 Reversible binding of a protein 14 (Conti....)
91 Reversible binding of a protein 15 (Conti....)
92 Reversible binding of a protein 16 (Conti....)
93 Reversible binding of a protein 17 (Conti....)
94 Reversible binding of a protein 18 (Conti....)
95 Reversible binding of a protein 19 (Conti....)
96 Reversible binding of a protein 20 (Conti....)

97 Reversible binding of a protein 21 (Conti....)
98 Reversible binding of a protein 22 (Conti....)
99 Reversible binding of a protein 23 (Conti....)
100 Reversible binding of a protein 24
101 Lipid Chemistry
102 Lipid Chemistry: Classification of lipids
103 Lipid Chemistry: Fatty Acids
104 Lipid Chemistry: Classification Of Fatty Acids
105 Lipid Chemistry: Nomenclature of Fatty Acids
106 Lipid Chemistry: Nomenclature of Fatty Acids (Conti....)
107 Lipid Chemistry: Physical and Chemical Properties of Fatty Acids
108 Lipid Chemistry: Physical and Chemical Properties of Fatty Acids (Conti....)
109 Lipid Chemistry: Physical and Chemical Properties of Fatty Acids 1(Conti....)
110 Lipid Chemistry: Physical and Chemical Properties of Fatty Acids 2 (Conti....)
111 Lipid CHemistry: Special Reactions of Unsaturated Fatty Acids
112 Lipid Chemistry: Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Of Biological Importance

113 Lipid Chemistry: Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Of Biological Importance (Conti....)
114 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids of Biological Importance
115 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Of Biological Importance Contd.
116 Unsaturated Fatty Acids of Physiologic and Nutritional Significance
117 Lipid Chemistry-Other Common Fatty Acids
118 Lipid Chemistry-Glycerol and Sphingosine
119 Lipid Chemistry: Sphingosine
120 Lipid Chemistry-Properties of Glycerol
121 Lipid Chemistry-Simple lipids
122 Lipid Chemistry-Triacylglycerols
123 Lipid Chemistry-Triacylglycerols (TAGs) Cont.
124 Lipid Chemistry-Properties of TAGs
125 Lipid Chemistry-Chemical Properties of TAGs
126 Lipid Chemistry-Chemical Properties of TAGs Contd
127 Lipid Chemistry-Chemical Properties of TAGs Contd.
128 Lipid Chemistry-Chemical Properties of TAGs Cont.

129 Lipid Chemistry-Waxes
130 Lipid Chemistry-True Waxes
131 Lipid Chemistry-Lipids and Nutrition
132 Lipid Chemistry-Lipoproteins
133 Lipid Chemistry-Lipoproteins Contd
134 Lipid Chemistry-Lipoproteins Cont.
135 Lipid Chemistry-
136 Lipid Chemistry-Role of Dietary Lipids
137 Lipid Chemistry-Role of Dietary Lipids Contd

138 Lipid Chemistry-Structure of Phospholopids
139 Lipid Chemistry-Glycerophosholopids
140 Lipid Chemistry-Phosphotidylcholines
141 Lipid Chemistry-Phosphotidyl Ehanol Amine
142 Lipid Chemistry-Phosphotidylinositol
143 Lipid Chemistry-Ether Lipids
144 Lipid Chemistry-Sphingolipids
145 Lipid Chemistry-Glycosphingolipids
146 Lipid Chemistry-Glycosphingolipids Contd
147 Lipid Chemistry-ABO Blood Groups and Glycosphingolipids
148 Lipid Chemistry-Glycerophospholipids
149 Lipid Chemistry-Steroids and Cholesterol
150 Lipid Chemistry-Bile Acids & Bile Salts
151 Lipid Chemistry-Eicosanoids
152 Lipid Chemistry- Cyclooxygenase Pathway
153 Lipid Chemistry-Cyclooxgenase Pathway (Contd.)

154 Lipid Chemistry-Lipoxygenase Pathway
155 Lipid Chemistry-Lipoxygenase Pathway (Contd)
156 Lipid Chemistry-Lipoxygenase Pathway (Contd.)
157 Lipid Chemistry-Lipoxygenase Pathway (Cont)
158 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids
159 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Biomedical importance of nucleotides
160 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Biomedical importance of nucleotides (Contd)
161 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-Composition of Nucleotides
162 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Composition of Nucleotides (Contd.)
163 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Composition of Nucleotides (Cont.)
164 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Composition of Nucleotides (Contd)
165 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Properties of Nitrogenous Bases
166 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Properties of Nitrogenous Bases (Contd)
167 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- N-glycosidic bond
168 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-Numbering of Carbon and Nitrogen Atoms
169 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Phosphodiester Bond
170 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-Cyclic Nucleotides

171 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-DNA
172 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-DNA Interactions
173 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-DNA Primary Structure
174 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-DNA Secondary Structure
175 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-DNA Tertiary Structure
176 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-DNA Properties
177 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-DNA Properties Contd
178 Denaturation of DNA
179 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-II
180 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-DNA Renaturation
181 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- RNA
182 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids-Difference between RNA and DNA
183 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- RNA Structural Hierarchy
184 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Secondary Structure of RNA
185 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Messenger RNA
186 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Transfer RNA

187 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- Transfer RNA (continued..)
188 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- TRNA Continued
189 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- ribosomal RNA
190 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids- small Nuclear RNA
191 Enzymes
192 Enzymes- classification
193 Enzymes- IUB classification (continued..)
194 Enzymes- IUB Classification (Continued...)
195 Enzymes- Ligand
196 Enzymes- Mechanism of enzyme action
197 Enzymes- Mechanism of enzyme action (continued..)
198 Enzymes-Mechanism of action (continued...)
199 Enzymes-Mechanism of Action- Activation Energy (continued...)
200 Enzymes- induced fit hypothesis
201 Enzymes- co factors, coenzymes
202 Enzymes-Reaction rates and order

203 Enzyme-Factor affecting enzyme activity
204 Enzymes-Factors (continued..)
205 Enzymes-Enzyme kinetics
206 Enzymes-Enzyme kinetics (continued..)
207 Enzymes-Enzyme kinetics Km (continued...)
208 Enzymes-Michaelis menten equation
209 Enzymes-Michaelis Menten equation (continued..)
210 Enzymes-Michaelis menten equation at low [S]
211 Enzymes-Michaelis Menten equation at high S
212 Enzymes-Order of reaction
213 Enzymes-Line Weaver Burke plot
214 Enzymes-Inhibition of Enzyme Activity
215 Enzymes-Competitive Inhibition
216 Enzymes-Competitive inhibition (continue...)
217 Enzymes-Non competitive inhibition
218 Enzymes-Non competitive inhibition (continued...)
219 Water PH and Buffers
220 Water PH and buffer systems ionization of water
221 Water PH and Buffer systems working examples
222 Water PH and buffer systems weak acids and bases
223 Water PH and buffer systems-working with pKa
224 Water PH and buffer systems HH equation
225 Water PH and buffer systems buffer solutions