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BIO734 : Advances in Cell Biology

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course will help post graduate students to understand the building blocks of life "The cells", how they made up of, cell constituents, cell interaction, cell processes, cell signaling and cells in system biology as a whole. Furthermore, it is best course for understanding molecules and units of life, biocatalysts, cell division/membranes, its origin and genetics in general. In the latter half of the course advanced topics are explained for better understanding of topics which includes cell junctions, Communicating/Gap Junctions, Plasmodesmata: Plant Gap Junctions, Cadherins, Cadherin link to actin, Cadherins & Development, Integrins, Integrin Cytoskeleton Interaction, GAG Organization, Filament Treadmilling, MAPs, IF Cross-linking, Actin Organization, Actin Organization 2, Severing Proteins, Molecular Motors, Force Generation, Kinesins & Dyneins, Intracellular Transport, Muscle Contraction, Anatomy of the Muscle Cell, Muscle Contraction Animation. After taking this course, students will be well familiar to the advances in cell biology but it will not be end of learning because there are many avenues to explore yet in this arena of knowledge.

Course Learning Outcomes

Advances in Cell Biology

  • After taking this course, students will enable themselves to understand the advanced topics of cell biology cum road map for further advanced courses in the same subject or other related arena of cell/molecular biology, genetics and bioinformatics. this advanced course will tune the students to meditate on the latest trends in cell biology, practical aspects that how a student think about the research topics. what is going on in the real world in this subject of great concern in the context of personalized medicine and other areas of great concern in todays world. As far as the different topics are concerns, students will learn Cell Scaffolds, GAG Organization, Cell-Surface Proteoglycans, Controlled Degradation of ECM, The Cytoskeleton Introduction, Cell origin, Cell evolution, Cell interactions, Cell mobility, Cell processes and Cell membranes.

Course Calendar

1 Introduction to Cell Biology
2 Composition of Matter
3 Molecules of Life
4 Polymers of Amino Acids
5 Protein Structure
6 Protein Interaction
7 Carbohydrates: Sugar Polymers
8 Carbohydrates: Glycosidic linkages
9 Lipids: Nonpolar Hydrocarbons
10 Lipids: Saturated & Unsaturated
11 Nucleic Acids: DNA & RNA
12 RNA & DNA
13 Unit of Life

14 Journey into the Cell
15 Size Matters
16 The Nucleus
17 Ribosomes
18 The Endoplasmic Reticulum
19 Golgi & Lysosomes
20 Mitochondria
21 Motor Proteins
22 The Miracle Workers
23 Membranes
24 Membrane Components
25 Recognition and Adhesion
26 Transport across membranes
27 Vesicle formation

28 Cell division
29 Cell Cycle
30 Chromosome
31 Mitosis
32 Chromosomes-Conti...
33 Meiosis-I
34 Meiosis-II
35 Meiosis-Conti..
36 Comparison-(Mitosis-Meiosis)
37 Transcription regulation
38 Transcription regulation in E.Coli
39 Transcription Regulation in E.Coli 2
40 Transcription Regulation in Eukaryotes
41 Eukaryotic Transcription

42 RNA Processing
43 Cell signalling and prehistoric world
44 The Instructions and the Design
45 The Modes and Principles
46 The Modes and Principles II
47 The Modes and Principles III
48 Signalling in E.Coli
49 G protein linked receptor
50 Protein Kinases A
51 G proteins
52 G proteins vision
53 Cell signalling and Us
54 Cell signaling and memory
55 Enzyme linked receptors

56 Enzyme linked receptors 2
57 Enzyme linked receptors 2 (Conti...)
58 RTK signalling gone wrong
59 PI3 Kinase
60 PKB apoptosis inhibition
61 JAK-STAT signaling
62 TGF-Beta receptor Family
63 Proteolysis Signaling Pathways
64 Immune system
65 Immune system 2
66 Immune system 3
67 AIS
68 The B-Cells
69 The B-Cells 2

70 The Antibodies
71 Immunological memory
72 Acquired Immunological Tolerance
73 Antibody diversity
74 Class Switching
75 T-Cells and TCR
76 APCs activate T cells
77 MHC
78 Cytotoxic T cells
79 Helper T Cells
80 TH-1 and TH-2
81 TH-2 B-Cell activation
82 Checks and Balances
83 Complement System

84 Complement System 2
85 The Alternative Pathway
86 Neoplastic Transformation
87 Growth promoting oncogenes
88 Growth promoting oncogenes Cyclins and CDKs
89 Growth promoting oncogenes Cyclins and CDKs (Conti..)
90 DNA Repairing genes
91 Apoptosis Genes
92 Protein Sorting
93 Protein Sorting Mechanism
94 Nuclear Transport
95 Nuclear localization signals [NLSs] and transport
96 Nuclear Receptors
97 The Ran Cycle

98 Control of import and export
99 Protein Transport into Mitochondria
100 The Translocators
101 ER Transport Introduction
102 ER Transport
103 Traslocation
104 Multipass Transmembrane Proteins
105 Vesicle Transport
106 COPI
107 COPI the Retrieval Process
108 Lysosomal Transport
109 Endocytosis
110 Tissue Replacement
111 Organ repair via stem cell

112 Customized stem cells
113 Adult stem cells
114 Cytokines induced stem cell proliferation and differentiation
115 In-vitro organ/tissue fabrication
116 Introduction to the Advance Cell Biology
117 Cell Junctions
118 Communicating/Gap Junctions
119 Plasmodesmata: Plant Gap Junctions
120 Occluding Junctions
121 The Anatomy of Occluding Junctions
122 Anchoring Junctions
123 Adherens Junctions
124 Desmosomes
125 Cadherins

126 Cadherin link to actin
127 Cadherins & Development
128 A Plant’s Story
129 Transient Cell-Cell Adhesions
130 Selectins & cytoskeleton
131 Ca2+-independent Cell-Cell Adhesion
132 Integrins
133 Integrin Diversity
134 Integrin Cytoskeleton Interaction
135 Anchor Proteins Introduction
136 Anchor Proteins Detailed View
137 Integrin regulation
138 FAK
139 Integrins & Cell Survival

140 Extracellular Matrix(ECM)
141 Glycosaminoglycan (GAG)
142 Hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid or hyaluronate)
143 Proteoglycans & Glycoproteins
144 More Than Scaffolds
145 GAG Organization
146 Cell-Surface Proteoglycans
147 ECM: Collagens
148 Non-Fibril Collagens
149 Collagen Secretion
150 Collagen Continued
151 Fibril Associated Collagen (FAC)
152 Cell Organize Collagen Fibrils
153 Elastin

154 Fibronectin
155 Fibronectin Forms
156 Basal Lamina (Basement Membrane)
157 Basal Lamina Additional Functions
158 ECM: Cell Shape, Survival & Proliferation
159 Controlled Degradation of ECM
160 The Cytoskeleton Introduction 1
161 The Cytoskeleton Introduction 2
162 The Cytoskeleton Introduction 3
163 Thermal Stability
164 Cytoskeletal Polymer Nucleation
165 Polar Filaments 1
166 Polar Filaments 2
167 Growth Rates

168 Filament Treadmilling
169 Treadmilling Animation
170 Dynamic Instability
171 Dynamic Instability Animation
172 Tubulin & Actin Isoforms
173 Intermediate Filament
174 IF Diversity
175 IF Genes Mutations
176 Cytoskeletal Drugs
177 Tubulin
178 Centrosome
179 Actin Filament Nucleation
180 Actin Filament Elongation
181 Tropomyosin & Cofilin

182 animation
183 Stathmin
184 MAPs
185 IF cross-linking
186 actin organization
187 actin organization 2
188 severing proteins
189 molecular motors
190 force generation
191 Kinesins and dyneins
192 Intracellular transport
193 Muscle Contraction
194 Anatomy of the muscle cell
195 Muscle Contraction animation